Predator x reader (part 2)

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(Fellas we're moving friggin fast, we have 40 followers!
Also I wish to apologize for not posting last week. I was busy with my school ending and I ended up hanging out at my buddie's house for the weekend. I'll try to post this week!)

Predator's pov
Should he really go into a house of creatures he didn't even know a thing about? Well... it's eighter that or more cold rolling of snowballs.
The Yautja sighed, as he began walking towards the house.

He aproached a colorful hard wall of the building, staring at it for a bit. Crawling up there would be difficult.
The Yautja looked behind himself seeing a tree with it's branch close enough to the rooftop. He took a few steps back before he started running towards it.
He jumped up and grabbed onto a branch succesfuly, crawling up the tree. He would soon enter the warm ooman (human) house. Certaily there will be someone awake there. So he should be vigilant at all times.

Normal pov
The chicken was soon to be finished and you seated yourself at the table with your brothers.

Your mom set the food down for you guys and sat down herself. You dug in the food and continued to happily converse with your family about stuff that didn't really matter. Sometimes school stuff was put on the table but none of you three kids liked to talk about that.
"So, (Y/n), how about a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?" Your mom suddenly asked, making you almost choke on your chicken piece.
"Moom!" You said. You were a little... well very uncomfortable about that topic.
"What? Jacob will hardly get a girlfriend anytime soon since he lays in bed all day. I want my grandchildren" Your mom said, sounding jokingly offended. It did make you smile.

A louder thud made you all shut up and look at the celing.
"What was that?" Your little brother asked, still looking up.
"Maybe a torn off branch honey" Your mom tried calming your brother down, petting his arm.
"A pretty big branch" Your big brother joked, making you snort a little.
"Well Jacob if it is so big I'll have you go up the roof tomorrow and throw it down. Now eat." Your mom strictly said, shushing your brothers stupid jokes.

On the rooftop
'Okay, I'm up... now how to get in...' The Yautja thought as he carefuly walked around the roof. He saw a see through window. It lead into... some sort of storage area? Noone really went there much. Or so he guessed. There was dust all over the place and a lot of items.
The Yautja fought with the window for a good while until deciding on a different way to open it.
He fucking smashed it with his strong fist. Let's just hope noone heard that...
The Yautja crawled through, imidiately feeling a diference in the temperature. It was still cold though.
He walked around this... dimly lit storage area, until he saw some little beams of light, coming from below.
He walked over to them and crouched down, seeing something like... stairs. Or... well the stairs were folded. He never really saw anything like this. He laid his clawed hand on them, feeling that if enough pressure was laid, maybe... they'd break off.
He stood up straight and stomped on them with one foot. They bent down for a quick second. Like a trap door. They lead to the lit area that the Yautja wanted to see so much. He lift his foot up and stood again. They only moved. This would require more strength. The Yautja stood on them with his full weight, seeing that it really does some pressure. 'Maybe I do need to loose weight...' He jokingly thought to himself before jumping up and making the stairs below unwrap. He quickly grabbed onto the edge of this room and left his legs to dangle down. It was very loud. You think the oomans (humans) heard that?

Normal pov
You all heard it. Every single one of you at the table heard the stairs to the attic open.
"I'm gonna go close them!" Your little brother said happily, hopping off his chair.
"We fixed them last week. You wanna tell me it's broken again?"
Your mom said, eating the rest of her chicken.

The little boy ran upstairs. It took him some time because he was smaller, but he made it. He crawled up into the hall, seeing something very unusual.
It was a... well his little mind couldn't possibly wrap around what it was. It looked like a human. But it was soo big. He never saw anybody this tall before. And the muscles on that man. He probably didn't notice him yet, he was just looking around. He had a very strange mask on, black, kinda scary. He had some long dreads that ended on his shoulders. But his skin... it was... unhuman. It was scaly... like... like a dinosaur or a lizard. The kid took a step foward, making the floorboard squeak under him. The lizard man in front of him stopped moving and very slowly turned his head towards him.

Predator's pov
As soon as he dropped down from the room and looked around a bit, he saw... that. It looked like... well it looked like him but... weaker. It could not stand in a fight for a minute. It was very small and soft. It's skin was squishy and puffed up in some places. It did not have a long head nor any kind of armor, no... it didn't even have more arms. It was just... round. In all places honestly.
If every ooman (human) looks like this, the Yautja has nothing to fear.
The Yautja crouched down, so he could be at the other creature's level.
It seemed to apriciate that because it took a step closer. To him. They were each at the end of the hall so it was still safe distance.
"Hello" The small creature suddenly said. It tugged with the Yautja. The mask imidiately started translating the words that came from the thing.
Hello... hellll-o.... the mask reported to the Yautja.
"Hello." The Yautja spoke back with his own voice, obviously scaring the little thing. His voice was much rougher than the little ooman's (human's).

"Kody? Everything okay up there?" The predator heard another voice. There were more than just this one.
The Yautja set his finger on his mask to signify quietness about his presence.
The little ooman (human) turned around and shouted back. "Yes! I'm closing the stairs" it shouted.
As soon as it turned around, the lizard man was nowhere in sight.

The Yautja quickly hid to the room next to him while the little creature was busy.
Hr had to get familiar with his sutroundings of he was gonns stick around...

1151 words

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