Jack Torrance x reader (part 6)

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When the man has led you into the bathrooms, you sat on the large Stone table they had around their faucets. The man started carefuly cleaning off Jack's dark red jacket. "Hey wait... you're that old caretaker..." Jack told him after a while
"You know...You uh...You chopped your wife 'n daughters into little bits" Jack explained to him
"Sir... I'm just a drink carry. You've always been the caretaker." Okay, this is getting weird. You shifted in your place uncomfortably. "You know, I wanted to stay here. But my daughters were doing mistakes. And so I corected them. When my wife tried to stop me, I corected her too." The man spoke, really hitting the R's and enjoying the memomy of that moment. It seemed as if something had crawled it's way into Jack's head and gave him a nasty, nasty idea. "(Y/n)?"
"...Yes?" You asked, kinda nervous
"Follow me once we're done here. I've got an idea" he cheekily smiled at you

A few minutes later you were following him through the cold hotel, into the radio room. He stopped I'm front of the complicated object and stared at it for a few seconds. He then pulled out a few cables and a little stud out, renting the radio compleetly useless. "Correcting." He smiled at you as he passed. What the hell was Jack on...what was he gonna do?
You continued to follow him through the hotel, all the way to the main foyer where, out of all people that were here, Wendy was standing and reading Jack's work. She sounded like she was mumbling the words that were written there. She was also holding a fucking baseball bat. "OH Wendy! My lovely lovely wife!" Jack screamed through the building, his voice echoing slightly. It tugged with you just as it did with Wendy. "Jack
I-I" she started afraidly mumbling while backing up to the stairs. Oh no Wendy, it's always you you. What about little Danny? I think you have some very definite ideas of what should be done with Danny and I would love to hear 'em!" Jack's voice was full of lies as he slowly aproached Wendy. "He needs to go to the doctor!!" His wife panicked as she started to go up the stairs.
"Oh does he now? I don't think so."
"Jack...I don't wanna hurt you Jack. Don't do that to me Jack" she sounded genuenly in shock as she waved her bat at him several times (fun fact: that scene was actualy shot 127 times to stress out Shelly ((actor of Wendy)) as much as possible. Poor girl...).

"Oh don't worry Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just gonna bash your brains in." Jack hissed at her before he leapt foward and recieved a thick shot to the skull. Jack took a few stumbles down the stairs where you came to aid him a little. "Y-YOU're in on this?" Wendy yelled. "It kinda seems to me that he's not the mad one. What the hell Wends!?" You asked sudden anger taking over you. "Stay away from us!" Wendy yelled back and ran up the stairs, probably to get Danny. You turned to Jack, the anger slowly stoping it's flow in your veins. "You okay?" You asked, grabbing onto his hand, trying to see his covered face. "I'm gonna kill that bitch."
Jack took a quick leave, telling you that he'll get something useful and that you should find where she went to. You agreed on this madness of a plan and began running the way Wendy did. It felt like you were a hound dog, just knowing her location perfectly, being able to see her footsteps in the carpet and hearing her every breath. She was in the kitchens. You quietly snuk up around the shadows, watching what she was doing. She got armed. Instead of the baseball bat she held oh so uselessly before, she decided to go for a knife.
She left as soon as she picked it up. She ran off to the rooms. Now she's defenetly gone for Danny. You followed her slowly and managed to re-meet with Jack. "Jack what the hell is that..." When he turned to you, you recognized the man from your deep dark hallway nightmare. He was holding an ax, had the red carpet under his feet and and was angrily huffing. He aproached you quickly and you got scared that he'll slash on you. "Where's she?" He asked, voice deep. "I-In your room." You stuttered a bit, still scared.
"Thank you hon" he quickly said just before he bent foward and gave you a tiny kiss on the top of your head. Just the most sweetest thing you would ever see on an angry guy with an ax. He soon stormed off to the rooms. His gesture got you to blush a little, even in this messy situation.

Soon enough you could hear sounds of wood being broken and female screames of fear. Jack defenetly wasn't killing her...yet. All through those mad sounds that were happening on the inside of the room, you could hear, hell, even feel the main door to the hotel opening. Like you were conected to the large building and you could feel it. You started quickly walking away, towards the main door and left Jack do what he wanted to do.
You walked the long halls quickly.
You ran down the stairs quickly.
And you saw the person standing in the foyer...
No cop, no detective, just the dark skinned man. Danny's buddy. The little boy eighter called him over somehow or he knew that Jack was gonna go batshit crazy. You thought about what you should do. You could distract him long enough for Jack to do the oh so dirty deed. Yes, that could work. You slowly aproached him. "Hello? Excuse me sir, the hotel is on winter break. You shouldn't be here" you tried to sound threathening, and it somehow worked to a part. "Hi yes, I know...but um. I'm looking for Jack Torrance? Pretty sure he's the caretaker here."
"Well...You see Jacks-"
You were then cut off by an angry male scream. You were pushed to the side a little by Jack himself. His ax ended up in the other male's gut. He fell to the ground and Jack took his ax out. Only to slash at him more and more and more.
TOUCH THEM" After each yell came a sharp stuck of the ax, now simply hitting just the dead meat on the ground.

After Jack was done with his corpse hitting, he turned to you. "Did you get 'em?" You asked quietly. He simply just aproached you. "Mr Torrance?" You asked again, simply looking up to him. He sighed one last time and very unexpectedly pushed himself onto you, locking your lips with his. Torrance tasted like Whiskey, Bourbon and another unknown alcohol. You continued this little kissing session untill Jack parted it and gently put his forehead on yours. "They're outside. His cab. Here. I have to get them away from it." He whispered agressively. You nodded and let him go. Jack stormed off to find his, oh so loved wife and murder her brutaly.

This...was probably gonna be a start of an interesting relationship.

1234 words

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