Carrie x Male!reader (part 6)

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When you finnaly arrived to the place you hesitated for a moment. Even Carrie did. "I'm nervous..." She murmured with an awkward chuckle. "Hey, kids, it's gonna be just fine. It's a prom, not a murder integoration okay? It's gonna be just fine." She held your guys' hands and smiled at you. You gave her a nod and turned to Carrie. "We're in it together" you smiled and got out of the car, Carrie following soon after. She held onto your arm quite firmly. The nervousness radiated from her. Poor girl...

You opened the big door to the gym to be greeted with music, shining lights and chatter. It was exactly like in the movies you saw. But it was of course real and not just an act. Carrie and you first just stood on place antched. But you've decided that that's not what you came here to do. No, don't go looking like two pretty idiots. You took her to the dancing place and had a little dance with her. True, it wasn't the most glamorous thing, your feet would many times intewine with hers resulting in a bit of a stuck situation. But it was alright otherwise! The main point was to have fun. Hell, you even got some drinks. Not even Sissy that was screaming poison out of her eyes couldn't ruin the moment. Soon after you've stopped dancing and chatting in blushes, a red haired girl in black, gothic dress came up to the podium, grasping everyones attention. "May I ask for your attention please? Thaank you! I feel like we've had our fair share of fun tonight. We had a couple of drinks, a couple of dances and laughs, but now my friends, classmates and teachers! Is the time to nominate the prom queen for tonight!" She finished her sentence, waving with the letter in her hand as she recieved cheerful claps. She opened the letter as you got a sharp, quick pain in your stomach. You hoped so much that it would be Carrie. She deserved nothing more than just that.

"And the prom queen iiiiis..." The girl in black dress teased as she read the name. She furrowed her eyebrows...
"Carrie White!" She yelled out with a big smile. Everyone clapled, along with you. Carrie quite obviously couldn't belive it. Not one bit. She walked on the podium, with tears in her eyes. The red haired girl gave her a princess tiara, along with some white flowers. Carrie just looked at the clapping crowd that cheered for her, through tears she smiled and thanked everyone so many times...It was beautiful...

Untill that one moment. Suddenly, through the mass cheer of people, a loud "NOW!!" Could be heard. A male voice, one of the jocks you thought. But as soon. As soon as he finished that scream, a massive, dark spit of blood was poured down on the prom queen from a white bucket that hanged right above her head. Carrie was looking disgusted, shocked, scared and betrayed all in once. Her eyes looked like they were about to fall out of their sockets. Everyone laughed. Everyone. Exept you. This was a disgusting betrayal that reached the biggest idiocy.
It was just disgusting.

The table with alcohol and food soon tipped over, spilling it all on the floor. A loud creak could be heard above you. The foundation for the lights was falling down, trapping and killing a few students straight away. And if that wasn't enough, the broken lights snapped, creating a fire on the gym floor through the alcohol. You knew Carrie was doing this. All of this was her. She was mad. When students that had been laughing earlier, tried to get out via front door, she locked them. She wanted them to cook. More foundation and lights fell down, killing the remaining students who ran around like scared piglets. Almost everyone laid dead on the floor, the ones that weren't bleeding out, got their necks snapped badly. Exept for you. Carrie left you. She aproached, the blood dripping off of her still. "We're you in on this?" She asked, very quetly, her voice cracking.
"No Carrie I wouldn't even-" she stopped your sentence by hugging you firmly. She wasn't crying. Nor had any emotion at the moment. "Why would they be so mean..." Her voice cracked. You hugged her back, petting her blood covered hair. "I...I wish I could tell you Carrie..." You put your lips on her head, not kissing, just laying them down so she knows you're still around

"Let's go to my house for once..." She murmured. "I need to wash up something else." She said, grabbing your hand and walking out, like nothing ever happened. You decided to follow. I mean...She just went through something very hard...The least you can do is help her.

You walked the empty streets to her house. You didn't utter a single word. Carrie just sort of...hummed here and there. She hummed some unknown songs as she held onto your arm, the blood slowly drying off on her. "Look Carrie. I...I never knew that they had plotted this... I-I'm sorry..." You said, petting her hand gently. Carrie stopped her humming and inhaled "It's okay now. They won't bother no more." Her voice was so...dead.
She, was dead.

You finnaly made it to her house, and entered. You stayed in the kitchen while Carrie wadled over to her bathroom. She was a little woozy from using so much of her power so she had to hold on the walls and chairs, leaving just tiny blood marks that were hardly visible. She turned on the water, testing the temperature. Not soon after, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
Carrie's mother.
'Ah shit...' you thought to yourself. Miss White was the last thing the sweet delicate Carrie needed...
"CARRIE?" A shout came from her mouth, almost riping at your ears. Her voice was always annoying to you...
"And what the heck are you doing here?" The mother said as she put her fisted hands on her hips, her face turning into an angry grimase. "I walked Carrie home" you responded coldly.
"Weren't you supposed to be at the prom?" She threw angrily
"It ended sooner due to some...technical dificulties." You continued your cold. The water in the bathroom had stopped running.
"Well...I don't want you in my house. Get out!" The mother angrily stomped towards you and began getting you up, just to kick you out of her house.

"I don't want you here! I don't want you around my daughter and I don't want you t-" her words were cut off, just like her movement. The only things that came out of her, were tears in her eyes and blood from her mouth. Soon she dropped to the ground. Dead. You looked up from her lifeless body to see Carrie standing in the bathroom doorway, looking as pissed as ever. "Leave him be. Hag." She pushed her mother's corpse sideways quickly, making her hit the wooden wall. Carrie then proceeded to walk over to you, slowly. She didn't wake any fear in you. She never did. She stopped right in front of you, looking up into your eyes.

"Why did you take me to the prom?" She asked, a slight feeling of softness showing in her voice finnaly.
"Because..." This was the moment. The moment we spoke about. Taking her sideways and telling her how you feel. You breathed in and grabbed her soft bloody hands.
"Because, Carrie, I think that you're a queen. Not just a prom queen. A queen of my heart. Of my feelings. I... I just invited you because I... I love you Carrie..." You gave her the honest answer, looking in her eyes and squeezing her hands.
"I love you too, (Y/n)" she whispered with just a tiny smirk. She raised herself on her toes and closed her eyes. You lowered your neck and closed them too. You shared a kiss, a kiss that felt like it lasted forever. It was sweet and loving. When you finnaly parted, Carrie just looked down, her cheeks flaming red.
"I'm gonna go wash up...You can sleep with me if you want..." She peeped quietly, smiling. You agreed to do so.

When Carrie came in the room and curled next to you in bed, it felt...right.
"...I love you."
"I love you too."
You both just cuddled through the night after that...

1431 words

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