Creeper x reader (part 3)

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The kidnaper looked at your hanging body, probably having a lot of shits and giggles from your pathetic tries.
"Please help me... I'm about to pass out..." You pleaded the man. He stopped grining. He crouched down, and jumped into the air so high, that he managed to latch onto you. Pretty damn impressive...
The man held onto your side, sniffing again. Mostly your revealed stomach area. Some... growl-like sounds were coming from him too. You really stopped minding it by now. He then proceeded to grab your hair and bring your head up. It hurt and so you grabbed with both your hands on his own.
His skin was very rough...

You were brought up into a U -like posicion. The man's eyes stared at you from under his hat. You weren't sure what to say at this moment... there wasn't much to say.
"Thank you..." You sighed. Even though the posicion was a little painful, at least your head didn't feel likr blowing up. The man growled, as if snaping from a trans, and crawled higher on the rope, still holding you by your hair. Seems that neigher of you were gonna let go of each other.
You heard a brushing noise. He was cutting away the rope on your ankles! He... was cutting away the rope on your ankles...
You held his hand firmly. Your legs were soon free and swung down. The man let go of your hair, seeing as you gripped by your own self. He found your struggles pretty amusing to watch. You were brought up, closer to his face. His eyes studied your struggling expression, and your, still red, cheeks. He brought you even closer to himself, sniffing the crook of your neck. You snorted laughing a little, trying to push him off. It was tickling. He shutted your mouth up with a louder growl. He then sighed and started carefuly lowering you. Once you were about a meter off the ground, he started shaking his hand, signifying for you to let go.

Your feet colided with the ground, and you looked up at your strange kidnaper who was still hanging upside down on the rope. You weren't going to waste any time. As soon as you straightened up, you bucked for the open door. You heard a loud roar-like yell behind you and as soon as you went outside, you got dragged back in. You felt the kidnapers arm around your neck and the other around your stomach. He pushed you into his chest, trying to block any breathing as he pulled you into the shades.
"LEMME GO! LEMME GO!" You shouted as you got pulled in the shades. You smacked your hands around but the only thing you seemed to actualy do was take his cowboy hat off.
The man sat on the ground, still holding you tight to himself, ignoring yout pleas for help.
You struggled againts him for a while untill you slowly stoped, relaxing your body. He wasn't really choking you to death. More like... very uncomfortably holding you close.
"Please... if you let me go I won't tell anyon-" A deep throated growl told you to shut up. And so with a shaky chin you did. You felt the man aproach your neck again, sniffing you and exhaling in pleasure at your scent. You closed your eyes in fear that something very bad may happen. And oh boy something did. The hand that was around your waist was slowly moved to your head and tilted it sideways. You felt something warm and slimy on your neck... most likely his tongue.
You couldn't keep it up and yelped out for help again, kicking around. You heard a tired sigh. Again, the man had such a deep voice.

He got up, along with you. He started dragging you over to another door that was supposed to lead over where the organ was stored. But there was no organ... there was a giant hole into the ground. The kidnaper dragged you down the hole, covering your eyes and as soon as you reached your destination, a deep foul smell entered your nostrils. It was so horrible, it was all the bad smells you could imagine. Your stomach actualy flipped from it, and you just stopped a vomit.
You've been smacked on top of a table that looked pretty dusty and uncared for. You tried to get off and run, but every time you tried, eighter your legs gave up or the man caught up.
You just sorta, sat there.
In depression.
Trying not to throw up.
The man walked over to a diferent old-looking table and picked up a small bottle. He then walked over to you and set the small bottle down. You could see his face a bit now...
It was very confusing what was up with it. Eighter he had some mad tatoos, or piercings but his head did NOT look normal... he slowly didn't look like a human every second you looked at him.
His face had almost spider-like legs around his face as if they were holding the head itself. He was also... shiny. Skin made from scales. You soon relized that you were staring again. His cold blue eyes looked at you, forcing you to step off him and look away. He reached to his head, only to find out he's missing his hat. He grabbed your arm and growled for you to stay on spot before he left. You sighed. All alone now. You looked around the little cave like place you were in now. Kinda cozy actualy. Exept the rotting smell that is. You hopped off the table, ignoring the warnings the creepy kidnaper gave you. It was dark in the cave but you could tell off a bunch of things. There was a shit ton of weapons around. Knifes, axe's, something that looked like a chainsaw, scisors, more knifes, it was all here. Candles lit up the place's floor so you didn't really have to worry about triping. You wounded up near a table that was candle lit as well. There were a few out-the-place special items. Like a human skull, something close to a shuriken and... a gramophone...
You looked to the entrance to see if the man was coming. Not.
You looked through the desks that were stacked up on top of each other. There were many old time songs. "I don't want to set the world on fire, Cry me a river, Why don't you do right" All of theese were here, and they didn't seem much damaged. The one that had the least of dust on it, was "Jeepers creepers". (A very good song. Worth a listen!)
You laid the desk down and continued looking through the stuff. There was your bag of dirty clothes... you sighed, thinking about why would the creeper take dirty clothes.
You grabbed one of the candles and walked around a bit.

It's probably time to find out what rots this place...

1178 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now