Ghost face x reader (part 5)

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You walked out of your house, full of confidence. You had an idea where the gang might be and you had to show 'em. They're the only ones that have ever been close to a friend. As you walked the street, full of agitation, you had to pass a couple of tall guys. They were talking together so you thought they wouldn't pay much attention to your speedy state. They paid. One of them stretched his foot in front which made you trip over it, straight on your face... They laughed...What was funny about that? Nothing. You turned around, to your back with furrowed eyebrows. "Hey Al. Ain't that the lass loomis was talkin' bout?" One of them, clearly british said, throwing the rest of his cigarette next to you. One guy emerged from the trio of boys and took a long stare at you. "Yeah it's the weirdo. Bill said she always looks behind herself and that she thinks she's stalked or somethin'." Al...AL! That... That's Billy's friend. He was clearly okay back at the restaurant...Why is he being such a dick now? "Uh...hi to you too Al" you tried nicely as you got up, dusting yourself off. One of the guys that had his head shaved stood behind you, blocking the only escape route if needed to. You were much smaller than they were and you looked like a chicken amongst foxes...Not a pleasant feeling. "Do...Do you know where Billy might be?" You nervously asked. "I don't care 'bout loomis. I know where you'll be though..." He said, holding your jaw with a devil's smile. please no not that... "Maybe you could share. You know...Like a good mate." The Brittish guy chuckled with the rest. "! Leave me be!" You said, smacking Al's hand off of your face. "Ooh feisty..." The Brit giggled. Al didn't like it... at all. He harshly grabbed your wrist and bent over to stare right in your face. "Do I need to make you listen..?" He said very darkly "Cuz trust me you fuckin' bitch, I will-

A rather heroic shout could be heard behind Al. You all turned around, the English man imidiately getting a boot to the face. He was kicked by Stu, who landed gracefuly on the ground. Al got punched several times to the head and stomach by Billy. The head shaved guy didn't really do anything and so he ran away. The Brit got up and stomped on Stu's stomach and imidiately recieved a weaker punch from you! Way to go (Y/n)! The guy imidiately started convincing Al to run away with him. When Al just continued to fight with Billy, who was swiftly dodging his punches, Brit just ran away himself.

Billy moved away from one of his punches, going behind him and twisting his arm behind his back. "YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING KILL YOU OR WHAT?!" He yelled. The adrenaline was just pumpimg in his ears. Al pleaded to be let go, and Billy obliged after a while, giving him a last ass kick on the way. "I HOPE YOU GET FUCKING KILLED LIKE THAT CREEPY OLD GARDENER" He screamed on his way out. You helped Stu up in the meantime and dusted him off. "Wow, you guys are like the freaking Spidermen! You came in clutch. Thank you so much..." You exhaled, seeing Billy was such a relief... He seemed to look at you with happiness in his blue orbs too.
"Hey it's good! We had to help our buddy!" Stu grinned. "Hey, not to be nosy or anything but..." Billy snapped out of his love-staring trans "...I think I overheard you asking where I am?" He asked, putting his hands in his jean jacket's pockets. "Oh yeah. Uh...would you mind if we go somewhere...? I have something to show you." You yourself had to snap out of starring at him. "Um, Yeah. The restaurant? We'll go together so they won't come back" he smiled at you. He had the most sincere, cute smile you've ever seen. "Yeah sure." You smiled back.
"Oookayyy so the third wheel is leaving! Byeee!" Stu jokingly waved. "Oh wait" Billy took off the camera he had around his neck and handed it to Stu. You didn't even notice it... Now that you studied it...It was the same model that the guy who was taking pictures of you had. That guy was Billy. Billy took the pictures. "Take some for me, would ya?" He winked at him. Stu just nodded with a grin, gave you two a goodbye and went the other way.

You and Billy began walking in a comfortable silence. You didn't feel stalked whenever you were around him...It was as if he protected you from the eyes of the stalker. It felt nice being around him... It just felt...right. Not gonna lie, here and there you thought of him being a boyfriend. I wonder if he's taken. "Did they hurt you?" His unusualy soft voice broke the silence. "Wha- no I'm just dandy. Al grabbed my wrist tight that's fine" you smiled, still looking at the path. "If he ever even looks bad at you, tell me and I'll give him another lesson." Loomis looked down at you with a smile, studying your features. "You're a treasure Bill" you looked at him back, connecting your (e/c) eyes with his.

You walked and chatted for a bit more, before you arrived at the little restaurant. Bill held the door open for you and walked in. You two took a seat and you imidiately took your phone out. "Okay so. Last night, something real weird happened and I need to show this to someone." You pressed the button and the hooded figure showed up. Billy looked at it studily. "I got attacked by this guy last night. He was in my room around midnight, searching through my drawers. Now look. I'm new here and noone knows my password" you unlocked your phone and showed him the home wallpaper. He was just furrowing his eyebrows and listening to your story. "Look in the gallery. Now this may be a little graphic so...Get ready." You opened the gallery and showed him the bloody pics. "This is a profesional." He said without any emotion. "How can you tell?" You looked at the pictures again "You see the clean and good hits? He knows what he's doing. And I think I might know his killer name." He said, looking at you, pointing at the stab wounds. "It's Ghost face. He killed here not so long ago. The police closed the cases as unsolved and he was never found. The worst part about him? You know when he comes for you. It's a like a deer in the headlights. He calls his victims on the phone and then comes for them." Billy explained, succesfuly sending g shivers down your spine. "Y-you think it might be Al?" You stuttered out, scared. "Noone knows. What else did he tell you?" You continued to explain what he told you, the nicknames and the slices with his knife. You recived a gentle touch of his hand on your bruise when you showed it. His touch felt nice...You wanted a bit more of it...

After a while of talking about murderers, a lady came up to your table and asked if you wanted to order. "I'll have the...spicy noodles why not. Make it small Please." Loomis ordered "I'd like number- never mind...I don't want anything." You said, relizing you had no money with you. "Get her a (f/f) (favorite food)" Billy smiled at you. "Bill I don't have any money with me..." You whispered loudly, compleetly overlooking the fact that he knew your favorite food. "I'm paying" he whispered back with a wink. Well...There was no denying that...

1330 words

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