Carrie x Male!reader (part 2)

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"Of course I rember how we met. A few days after that we had a sleepover and you wouldn't leave me alone unless I made you float" Carrie said, giggling. "Yeah, but you never did it. And I'm sad to this day" you said, sounding hurt. "Yeah all I can do is this" she said, and as soon as she finished her sentence, your arm went into the air and then gravity pulled it down again. "Carrie! Don't do that!" You said as she giggled at your reaction. "Noone's gonna recognize it (Y/n), calm down"

After a while of silence, you decided to ask that one question that has been biting down on you since last night. "What'd your mom say when you weren't home yesterday?" You looked at her, still continuing to move foward, to the school. "Well... obviously I got yelled at as soon as I got home...I think I would also get beaten or locked in the closet again. Thank god I had to go to school so she didn't have time for that" Carrie explained, looking down at the ground
"Your moms a bitch." You stated after a moment. "Don't take it personal but she's just a fucking bitch. How even dare she touch you? She knows what's going on at school, does nothing about it, and only ads to your problems! You should defend yourself!" You said, blood boiling in you, thinking just about how horrible Carrie's mom was.

You strongly disliked that woman. From a young age, she'd tell Carrie about how her special powers are a disability and should never be spoken of. Every time Carrie would use them, her mother would scream and beat her. Or in better case scenario, would lock her in a closet full of religious things. Carrie hated that place more than anything...It was dark with only one mirror and a shit ton of crosses. Yet she somehow still loved her mother. As if she always just...forgave her. Her mom did bad things, that's why her husband left her after all. She wasn't a bad mother, no. She was just very...religious. And strict. You'd always tell Carrie that if she ever needs a place to escape, it's your house. She'd thow small rocks at your window and you let down a rope made out of bedsheets to help her get up. After that you two would just chat about what happened, or if she wasn't feeling like it, you'd just hug and nap. Mostly it ended with her sleeping over but...It was not like your mom cared. She was pretty chill with you and Carrie both.

You sometimes you wanted nights like this to come. Carrie was a great girl and you wished you could just hug her forever sometimes. Hell, you even hugged when you had separated classes. You wanted to spend as much time with her as possible but sadly, school and life had you guys pinned. She also looked as if she enjoyed your company. You were good friends. But you had always hoped that she felt something more... Were you crushing hard? Perhaps...But Carrie never said anything about it...Maybe she didn't mind? You hoped she didn't...

You guys walked in the school, got dressed for P.E. and waited for other classmates. You hated P.E. Mainly because you couldn't be with Carrie. This wasn't about obsession or something, this was about worry. You see, during the P.E. clasess you were separated on boys and girls. Each group even had their own "classrooms". But the bad part was, Carrie was left all alone. With the other girls. Now those girls don't start fights or something, no. They hurt much worse. It's the same girls that always hurt her years before. Preschool, first grade, fifth grade and on and on. You hated them so much. But you just couldn't do anything about it. The least thing you could do, was ask the coach to let you run off to the girls class once yours was finished, so you could at least walk Carrie safely back to school. The teachers knew what was up with the bullies, and so the coach let you go out of sympathy.

Your classes soon arived, you gave that good rememberable hug to Carrie, and followed your class out.

Carrie's pov
"Hey! Skeleton Carrie!"
'Oh boy here we go again...' I thought to myself as we walked the hall into the voleyball training room. I hated voleyball. Girls would yell at me whenever I did something wrong. And it was quite often... I didn't mean to, obviously.
"You've been walking around with that guy for years now and I still bet'cha didn't even lick his dick!" The main, curly haired bitch laughed along with her flock. There was clearly nothing funny about it but I guess they thought there was. I don't know why such a whore who had every penis in class in her already laughed but okay...
"Leave me alone Sis..." I told her, already tired. I didn't wanna deal with this. And yes the dark haired girl's name was Sis. Short for Sissy. She had it changed a couple of days ago, just to look cool I guess. I just woke up and I'm going into another nightmare...
"What? That a TOUCHY, subject to you?" She walked in front of me, pushing my boob a little. Was she implying that they're... Sure, they weren't the plumpiest of all. But did she really had to pull everything up?
"Sissy, leave me be would you?"
"No." She said with that annoying fucking smile of hers. I hated that smile... I wanted to break it.
"It's not a touchy subject to me but it will be for you when the doctors have to re-rouch your face!" I said agrily, hoping that the tears of shame and sadness weren't seen in my eyes. The girls behind me let out an audible "ooOoo" of respect. Sis clearly got nervous from that but refused to move. So I had to use the powers. I don't really like using them in case someone noticed it but...what am I supposed to do in this situation. I looked at the rusty heating in the hall. That was the cue. I made it shake violently, some rust falling off of it. Soon it fell down to the tiles with a loud bang and steam coming out from the broken pipes. I tried acting surprised, as if it wasn't me. Everyone looked the way of the heating and so I could easily push into Sissy and move foward.

The game was pretty much normal, I didn't fuck anything up and so I was spared of screams. The bathrooms though...we had 25 minutes to wash the sweats off and get dressed.
That, was the time of my nightmare.

1155 words. Omgggg Carrie is such a babyyyy

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