Jack Torrance x reader (part 5)

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You walked with Mrs Torrance, talking about the said woman. "And ..have you seen her?" You asked as you played with your hands.
"No, I'm telling you that Danny was the only one in the room." She was still panicking slightly but it sounded a little better
"That room is off limits though" you said, still looking at the ground. "W-what do you mean? All the rooms are available..." She looked at you confused
"Danny told me himself that the...The man of color that took you guys to see the kitchens? He told Danny not to go in 237" you explained, here and there looking at wendy's bulging eyes.

It was getting rather dark outside when you two had reached your rooms. You deciced to go with her, into their little room. Danny was laying in his bed, shaking a little.
"So, what you're saying is...that there is noone here?" She asked again
"Well I'm not saying that, just...I dunno it's like things are here one second and then they're gone." You said, pretty much unphased by how crazy that sounded
"God... I just want to go home with Danny..." Wendy sat in front of you on their bed. You two continued to talk for a minute or so, and soon you heard recognizable footsteps of Mr Torrance. Wendy imidiately went to open up while you stayed in that bigger white chair.

"Did you see anything?" Wendy asked him
"No. There was nothing" he said again coldly. He walked up into the bedroom and as soon as he saw you he shot a classic, nice smile your way. Wendy and him sat on the bed in front of you.
"Hon listen, I wanna go home. I wanna go home with Danny..." Wendy started begging. Bad idea to start...
"Listen here you little-
You've fucked my shit up so many times before but I won't let you fuck this up" he angrily pointed to her and hissed at her again. Soon he got up and darted for the door. You deciced to follow once again "Mr Torrance... Mr Torrance god damn it!" You moved swiftly to the door and ran through the hall. Jack seemed to be moving much quicker and wasn't even listening to you.

You took a sharp corner, still at the back of Mr Torrance. You knew he wouldn't yell at you, he seemed to care too much to do that. You soon found yourself in the bar foyer again. Jack was standing in front of the bar, looking to his left. It seemed as if he was looking at something that wasn't there again. He seemed amazed by whatever it was. You walked over to him slowly and to get his attention, you very gently touched his hand. It took him out of the trans that he was having, and even made him smile at you. He quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. He was looking at the nothing again.
"Mr Torrance...what are you looking at?" You asked carefuly, as to not get yelled at for being ignorant. "Don't you see it? All of this, I'm looking at all this." He raised his arm and moved it around the room, as if he was showing you something truly magnificent. Yet...You couldn't see it.
"Come on, let's tell Loy to give us some drinks." He pushed away from you and went to the bar. Loy was no longer such a strange thing to think about. As soon as you sat on a stool, your head got dizzy. When it finnaly stopped fuzzying everything out, you saw that the large chandeliers had been lit, people were walking aroud dressed all fancy, drinks and light foods were served and quiet yet lovely music played in the backround.

"Alright Loy, get us something stronger, we're gonna be here for a bit" Mr Torrance smiled at you. You started disagreeing but soon got talked off by Torrance. Loy got you two glasses of unknown liquid. Mr Torrance went off to pay but Loy stopped him "They're on the bar. Due to the party". With no care Torrance hid his wallet and gulped the unknown thing. You just sorta stared at the dancers. They moved around so carelesly and didn't seem to mind you nor Torrance who were very noticible.
"Tell me (Y/n)." He started again. "Why do I feel like fucking killing my wife just as she kills me" you... weren't really sure how to answer. "Well Mr Torrance-"
"Oh shut it with the mister. Just call me Jack damn it, makin' me feel old" he chuckled with amusement
"Okay then.. Jack, it's normal to hate your wife" you chuckled saying his name, and took a swig of whatever Loy poured you. It tasted odd. Like unburning vodka. "But not just like...The murdering kind of hate...y'know?" You finnished and Jack kept quiet, still starring at you as he played with his empty glass. "(Y/n)?" His voice soon perked up. "Yes Mr- Jack?"
"Do you dance?" He asked very carefuly, as if he was afraid to ask
"W-well...Just a tad. I don't know much about it." You were a little nervous from what could go next.

Jack got up from his seat and jokingly extended his hand for you. "Shall we?" You looked over the room laughing quietly. Noone even seemed to care that the caretaker Torrance wanted to dance. "Jack I don- you're-" you couldn't produce any words. Of course you wanted to dance but you were nervous. "Please?" He asked again, looking like a puppy doing it. "I...Fine..." You nervously grabbed onto Jack's hand and went for the dancing grounds. You didn't even wanna look up at him at first. Surprisingly enough, following Jack's lead was quite easy and you got used to it. You deciced to even lay your head down on his chest...
I mean, he didn't seem to mind it. Maybe, just maybe, this could be a good time to tell him how complicated you feel. It seemed to you as if he cared as well. You slowly breathed in and started talking. It even seemed as if the music quieted down for you two

"...Jack..?" You didn't think you'd actualy ever say something to him and so you were a bit spooked still.
"Yes?" His deep voice cut the silence again.
"I uh...I gotta tell you something. I've been babysitting Danny for quite some time and...through that time, we've talked a lot. I guess... I guess I just wanna say that I-" your talk had been interupted by the sound of glass and Jack's sudden movement. When you lifted your head from his chest you could see a man holding a plate full of tipped over drinks. Great. You'll never get to this again. "Oh sir I am so sorry! Please, please follow me" he motioned for Jack to follow him. You both sighed and followed him, still hand in hand. It was kinda cute actualy...

1181 words

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