Predator x reader

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I am a HUGE fan of predator and so you can imagine how disapointed I was when corona virus stoped the let out of hunting grounds... I was so madly exited for that game. Enjoy the chapter tho!

It was a snowy, dark evening in your little town and you were helping your mom make some good chicken for dinner. Sometimes your older brother would run around, getting chased by your younger brother. Your house was near a foresty area and so you were a little cut off from other sighns humanity. Not like you and your family really minded, it was quite nice actualy, just you three living it out there... absolutely no stress and hell coming through.

Predator's pov
'I took a longer trip than expected... this is what I get...' I thought to myself. I was supposed to deliver some cargo on the smaller planet that made a long orbit around our native home but... mistakes were made.
I may or may have not taken a wrong turn while... very tacticaly resting on my control desk and now I'm off course. The only nearby planet is E-51. Or as the inhabitants call it, Earth. Only the elite hunters are allowed to enter E-51 fot hunts, and if an s'yuit-de (idiot) like me would want to waltz in, I would need to speak with the elder... and I... am not really about that. Not in the posicion to even breathe their air...
I always wanted to see the oomans (humans). They interest me to the best. But again, us weaker Yautjas are not allowed to comunicate with them, they are dangerous and agressive.
They don't use the same guns we do. Theirs are... clunky. Automatic.
I sighed as I took control over my flight. I heard that the landing on E-51 is hard and will most likely break my ship. No matter... I really don't even wanna get the cjit (shit) from my upper...
I turned the handling and imidiately turned it on the blue planet next to me....

Normal pov
"Uuh, I'm gonna quickly jump upstairs to check something" You said to your mum, smiling at her. She let you go off the chicken cooking. "Oh please (Y/n) honey, bring the veggies from the freezer when you'll be coming back" She stoped you on the way, getting a nod from you.
You happily trotted upstairs to your room.

You opened the door to the room, imidiately feeling uneasy.
Something was off...
Someone was in your room.
You slowly aproached your bed, just knowing that something was hiding under it...
"Dude! Get out from under my bed!" You shouted at your smaller brother as you lifted the covers of it's. He quickly scooted from under it and began running past you. As he did, you quickly hit him over the head.
It was a thing he did often.
He loved to hide all around the place and one of his favorite hiding spots was under your bed. What can you tell him though, he's like eight... let him have fun.
You grabbed your phone, quickly checking your notifications.
Wattpad updated your book that is good!

"(Y/n)? I need the veggies honey!" You heard your mom yell from the kitchen. "Yes mum!" You shouted back, throwing your phone on your bed and running down, not even bothering to close the door behind you.

At the ship
The Yautja soon relized that landing on E-51 maybe wasn't such a great idea. The planet's atmosphere was strong, and pulled the ship down fast. And even though the Yautja may have been a good pilot, even he couldn't see through the thick snow. As soon as he recognized trees he turned on the ships shield and prayed to the all-maker that he would get out alive.
The ship crashed into the woods with a loud boom, gliding on the frozen snowy floor for a little, before getting stuck on a stronger tree. The Yautja sighed, resting a little in his seat. He touched his chest to see if he was still alive.
Yes. Yes he was.
He looked around the ship to see the damage. The cargo in the back was thrown all over and the front window was cracked, letting in the air of E-51.

The Yautja bent closer to the window, smelling the air a little. Unbreathable.
He sighed, getting up from his chair. He walked to a wall of his ship. There was a small emergency box that held a Yautja hunter mask. The alien took out his race's mask. He never used it. Never needed to.
After all he was just a pilot. Just a crossing bridge that lead across water.
Of course there was a slight nervousnes ocupying his mind.
'I wonder what do the oomans (humans) look like...' He wondered.
Maybe they have long heads just like the r'ka (xenomorph). Or maybe they have several thin arms which can weild curved swords. Maybe the unbreathable air is getting into the Yautja's head and he should put the damn mask on.
He put the mask on his face, not seeing anything at first, but as soon as he conected it to the body armor, everything lit up, letting him see around.
It felt a little clunky because it was an older model, but it was the best at the moment. He was not stupid. Surely he could search around this planet for tools to help repair his ship and better up the mask a little.

The Yautja opened the door of his ship, stepping out into the cold outside world.
Let's just hope we don't find any oomans (humans)...

Normal pov
You, your brother, your smaller brother and your mom all turned to the strange sound you heard outside. "What was that?" You asked.
"I don't know. Eighter they're doing something in the town or a tree fell in the forrest" Your mom responded to your question.
"A pretty big tree..." Your brother said as he started cutting the pepper.
"Maybe it was a dinosaur!" Your little brother shouted exitedly, making your mom smile.
"Yeah and he'll come to our house and eat you while you sleep!" Your big brother turned quickly to your smaller one, spooking him.
"Jacob!" Your mom hit your brother over the head with a spoon.

At the woods
This planet is... fucking cold.
Even though the Yautja didn't like the weather so far, this white snow on the floor was partly fun.
He kicked it in front of himself, soon acidentaly making a little ball. As he rolled it more and more, the snow packed upnon it. This could be greatly used as a weapon in a dire situation.

After walking for long, the Yautja found something other than woods and trees.
An ooman (human) house.

1145 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now