Norman Bates x reader (part 4)

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You had been in the hotel for another few days and you relationship with Norman had only been growing. He was so kind and caring to you. Your daily routine was to wake up, get dressed, and imidiately search the hotel for him. He'd love having you around when he was writing some work down or when he was simply enjoying a cup of tea by himself. He was still very nervous around you, but you guessed that it was just because of the chemistry that was clearly happening between you two. Hell, you've even dreamt about him

Last night you didn't get to dream of him nor the hotel... The fucking sounds...The entire night was absolutely unsleepable. The neighbors were doing something weird in their room...It started with a quiet and polite knock on the door, then the weird sound of...rustling? Who knows what it was. It sounded strange though. The woman was crying after a while, and the man... didn't speak much. Only at the start. Then he was compleetly silenced. It was too out of the ordinary. You should check out if everything is okay with both of them.

You tiredly crawled out of your bed, still in pijamas and opened the door of your room. You left it open as you walked the soft carpet of the hotel floor. You stood in front of the door for a while, listening for something diferent again. Only the womans cries...But like...quieter...And then they stopped fully. You lifted your fist in front of the door and hesitated for a moment. "Hello? everything okay in there?" You knocked gently, asking your question, concerned. An audible thud could be heard as soon as your voice reached the door. There was no answer...normaly theese two were very talkative. You grabbed the doorknob and opened the door...Why wasn't it locked..? You pushed the door open very hardly, as if it was made out of metal and concrete... When you sliped in through the little gap that was created, the door shut instantly. And you could see why...

The bleeding corpse of the male was bending on the door, reaching for the handle, as if he wanted to leave the room. He was stabbed multiple times in the back, being left to bleed out. He also worked as a door holder. You slowly shifted your gaze from the horrid look over to the bed area and saw...another body...This time it was the black haired girl. She was wrapped in a towel, her body still had some droplets of water on it and her eyes were wide, with red color in them. It was a sight to gag upon. Her wet hair mixed with the dark blood from her stab wounds on the chest. You have to tell Norman. He has to know there is a murderer in his hotel

You turned around to grab the knob but straight after that you heard a soft voice speak from where the girl lied. "(Y/n) wait!" You imidiately turned around at the familiar voice and you saw none other than Bates Norman, standing behind the bed, hands covered in blood along with his dark sweater. This was like...getting hit in the face with the beam of a flashlight. Norman...killed somebody.
Murdered his guests in cold blood.
Is that, why he was so friendly with you? Just to throw you off and then kill you like them?
"Norman what the hell..." You sighed in dibelief as you furrowed your eyebrows and put your hands on your chest. Why would he do this? He's such a soft, sweet guy. It didn't fit to him at all. "I-I-I can explain! I-I promise!" He spreadied his arms in panic, walking over to you swiftly. "Nonono. Norm. Stay back." You said like a pissed off cat. Norman was quite obviously struck with that, staying on the place patiently. "I need the explanation first." You said, crossing your arms since the chills were sent down your spine. "I-I, I did, Okay..." Norman sighed a little as to prepare himself for his answers "I-I didn't think...I-I know you are sick,
a-and you're trying to sleep. A-and theese wouldn't stop bothering you. S-so...I-I-I..." Norman started rubbing his hands again as he looked to the ground. He lost his words and his eyes began glistening, as if they were filled with tiny pearls. It was a sad look indeed...yet so sweet at the same time... "M-mother suggested I-I help you with this problem..."
"So you killed them..." You finnaly said, your tired voice breaking a little.
"I didn't think you'd come in!" He looked up, defending himself as tears shined still in his eyes and hands clenched in fists.

You could only look from the body of the man to the girl and back. You just stood and thought about this. Norman literaly killed for you. This must've been the secret that mother spoke of...
Well...Noone has to find out that Norm killed someone...You can keep this under the pot...

"Norman." You sighed and looked at his shaking form. He looked up at you once more. "How do I help you clean this mess up?" You asked gently, as to calm him down. "W-w-what?" He asked, genuenly confused at your sugestion. "I want to help you. Tell me what to do." You reasured him calmly. He just looked at you, still a little surprised. You were it.
You were the woman he needed.
"O-okay...j-just come with me to the storage closet. We'll g-get bleach
a-and trash bags..."

You two spent your night cleaning the remnants of Norman's work. He admited that this has been going on for a while as he cleaned the carpet furiously. Around two years at least. He said that noone ever finds anything. You even asked him if you were gonna have the same fate. He began explaining..."The first time I-I walked out the door a-and saw you standing there, looking s-so perfect even from the rain, I-I knew I wouldn't be able t-to do the deed..." His cheeks filled with red as he tried to focus back on the carpet. You held your sponge on the ground, looking like you were choking it to death. Soon you thew it in the water bucket and shifted to Norman who looked to the ground even more.
"Norm...Look at me." You demanded gently. He lifted his gaze up, piercing those dark eyes into you.

"God fuckin' damnit..." You charted through your teeth just before you moved foward a little, giving Norman a pretty long kiss. His lips were just as soft as they looked and his shocked mood remained. Soon he melted into it...He closed his eyes and leaned in more, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. When you finnaly parted it, he imidiately got redder in that soft face. He looked away and covered his bottom face by his hand. You just had to laugh at his cute reaction. "Norman...Do you think I could live here with you..?" You asked, grabbing his hand and petting it slightly with your thumb. "Y-you'd wanna?" "That's why I'm asking you dummy..." You smiled "OF COURSE!" He hugged you very tightly and pet your head from behind.

The rest of the cleaning went by fast, as you two peeped like two happy lovebirds. When you were done, he suggested you go to sleep. And so you did. But he was gonna sleep with you...This sucessful murder and new relationship must be celebrated with sleep cuddles. You fell asleep with Norman lying on your chest and his hands in your hair...

1317 words

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