Wishmaster x reader (part 4)

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(Should I make a halloween special chapter?? :0

You were aproaching your small apartment, still nervous from the idea that you literaly own a damn djin demon.
You got even more nervous when you saw Buck resting his back on a wall, right in front of the stairs. You ramaged in your pocket, not being able to find any dollars as you crossed the road. God damn it...
You decided to look though your wallet.
"What seems to be the issue mistress?" Your djin quietly slithered closer, walking a small half circle around you.
"I... I might be unable to get into my apartment..." You admitted, a little ashamed of your situation.
The djin couldn't normaly care less, but he was already intrigued with you to begin with.
"How come?" He asked, actualy trying to sound helpful for once.
"You um... you see that guy at the stairs?" You inconspicuously pointed to the metal stairs that lead to your apartment. Wishmaster looked at the direction with no interest. Almost imidiately he disliked the character that stood near the building.
"He usualy wants money so people could pass through without getting hurt. But I have nothing on me right now..." You closed your wallet, being frustrated.
"And I am nothing, mistress?" The djin grinned evily, wrapping his arm around your shoulers and pulling you a little closer to himself.

You got his hint, and you even thought about it. But... wasting your wish like that... and having blood on your hands...
"I don't know..." You scratched the back of your neck.
"Oh I am not pushing, my mistress. It's your deal if you want to sleep under a bridge or in your bed..." The killer demon let go of you, setting his hands behind his back.
You stood on place for a little longer. Sure, the death of Buck would be great not only for you, but for everyone who lived at the apartment.
"I... yeah. Yeah..." You quietly murmured as you looked up at Wishmaster who was already smoking another cigarette. Where did he get this one?
"Djin. I want you to get rid of him. Forever." You ordered, feeling a little too bossy for your own liking.
"Ah those are the words I love to hear from a woman. Your wish is my comand" Wishmaster grinned, flicking his cigarette away.
He started walking slowly to the apartment, with you following close behind.

"Hey Buck, how's it going..." You said quietly. As shy as you were being at the moment, you had a back up plan. That of course being Wishmaster.
"Shut up and pay up" Buck spat at you. You heard this little slogan many times. Too many times actualy.
"How much is it today?" The djin suddenly asked, resting his back on the brick wall.
"Fuckin' ten. Haven't been 'ere all day..." Buck growled at him. He wanted to show he's not afraid of a homeless guy you guessed.
You turned to your demon and gave him a nod. He simply grinned in response.
"I wonder... ten what? Slaps to the face?" He asked himself, tapping his sharp nail on his chin.
Just as he finnished that sentence, Buck suddenly slapped himself across the face, making you jump at the fast action. He looked at you, anger in his hair-covered eyes. Before he could say or do anything to you, he smacked himself again.
He repeated this action a few more times. You counted even, it was actualy ten.
"What the fuck?!" Buck yelled out as he rubbed his red cheeks.
"Or maybe... ten hits to the head?" The djin purred, turning his gaze at the human.
"Wh-" Again, before Buck could say anything, he got pushed to a wall by an invisible force of strength. His head bent back, almost unnaturaly, and he slammed it against a wall of another builing.
"Ow..." The djin chuckled, as he mocked the guy's pain.
Buck lift his head from the wall.
"No! Not again no-" Before he could protest, he hit again. Blood squirting out this time. Bright red droplets went down his forehead just as on the brick wall. He continued to do this untill it was ten times again. Buck fell to the floor, his legs shaking brutaly from hitting his head so hard. It defenetly fractured his skull at the very least.
"Or maybe... Just maybe, it's ten stabs to the gut..." Wishmaster stood up, looming over Buck who eyed him with fear in his eyes.
Buck grabbed onto his vest, hood and shirt, pulling them all up to his chest.
He was shaking entirely.
His free hand ramaged in his pocket, taking out a small pocket knife.
Buck switched the knife open, turning it in his palm and hovering it over his stomach.
He sniffed quietly with fear, before...
His hand was brought down with speed and roughness, stabbing himself into his gut. He yelled out, his screams being consumed by the loud rumble of the large town.
He pulled the bloody knife out, squirming at the pain, as blood trickled down and out, staining his stomach. He brought it down again, screaming once more. He repeated this cycle, seemingly speeding up with each stab.

He took it out one last time, before his soul slowly left his destroyed body.
The djin who was enjoying this little parade sniffed the air, taking in the strong metalic smell of blood.
"Ah, how much I missed this..." The djin exhaled with pleasure. He really missed merciless murdering of humans, but this time it felt... better. Wishmaster felt like he was getting a revenge. But... for who? Surely not his small-heighted mistress.
He knew that this... Buck guy, was terorizing them for quite a long while but he couldn't understand why he'd take such pleasure in making their master feel easier on the soul.
Normaly he'd just fulfill the wishes as fast as possible, and then fuck right off but... not this time...
The djin slowly started having light thoughts about his master, untill a quiet "Fuck..." brought him out of thought.
He turned around, seeing his mistress gain a pale shade color with their hands close to their chest.
The djin straightened up, trying to keep his composure up with a grin.

"Well... gotta say... that" You cleared your throat out of nervousness. "That did do the job..." You swallowed, feeling your throat going dry.
"My pleasure mistress..." Wishmaster continued grinning as he bowed down before you. You stared at the bloody body for a while before sighing.
"Alright... I'm going to bed... You go do whatever, you got time off untill morning"
This entire situation still felt very unreal to you, you needed rest to think it through.

Wishmaster felt his insides twist out of nowhere. He didn't even know he had them up untill now. He felt a tugging need as you turned to the metal stairs. He thought it was the need to fulfill another wish, but that would feel different...
"Wait, mistress!" He took one rather quick step to you, getting your attention and making you turn around in question.
"I..." The djin tried to get his composure back up again.
"I'm still a gentleman..." You heard him mutter to you before he took your hand and bent down, setting a small kiss on it's back.
"Good night my mistress..." He looked up at you with his red eyes, before suddenly turning himself into thick red fog, that soon settled on the dirty ground.
There was left only you, a lot of questions and lightly red cheeks.

1267 words

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