Carrie x Male!reader (part 3)

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(Hey, warning: there is a bit of a touchy subject for women here in this chapter. Just warning ya!)

Carrie's pov
I dressed off in the showers, the last thing I needed was those girls making fun out of my body. It's so hard being perfect in this damn time. Once, you're called a skeleton because you're too skinny. And then you're called a fat arse because you're a little chunky. They cannot be grateful...
I turned one of the further showers on and took the soap, washing the icky sweat off. I got to the legs Not now! Anytime but not now! Blood. I was on my damn period. And just on cue, one of Sissie's branches came over to the showers, seeing the blood going down the drain. No...Please no...
Oh god.. I had hoped she had at least some honor and understanding, but I was wrong... I hugged my shoulders and closed my eyes. As if I was trying to get up from a nightmare...All of the tears I held back before, came out as most of the girls started to laugh at me. I wish (Y/n) would be here...He would protect me...

I turned all the showers on with my mind, so the tears wouldn't be so visible. I could hear the audible footsteps of Sissy. No. I had to stop her. By any way, if she gets to see what's going on, I'll be a crying mess for a week. I thought about the lockers that we have here. I saw Sissy walking right around one. I started to shake with it violently. I knocked it over...sadly it didn't hit her...

No, I would never want to hurt anybody...Okay maybe exept her but... I'm harmless otherwise! I wouldn't even think of things such as murder.

Finnaly the coach arrived, shufling all the girls away. She came in the showers, so I tuned them down. She hugged me firmly, like a mother, and yelled at all the girls for laughing. She told them that next week they'll do twenty five rounds around the entire court. Serves them right...
I got dressed and we could all walk out. God I hate the P.E...

Normal pov
You waited for the female group, leaned on the wall of the building. It was taking longer than usual... I hope everythings okay...
The gals walked out and the beautiful Carrie walked like the hanged man, last. You trotted over to her with a smile that disapeared fast when you noticed her sad face. "Whoa... everything okay Carrie?" You asked, lifting her head up. She just wiggled her head and made her lips pencil thin. "Hey, tell me. If you're okay with it that is..." You stood by her side and walked next to her. She explained the bloody story by quietly peeping. It would be cute if it wouldn't be linked to such a sad story...

Timeskip of 7 minutes
You two walked into your classroom, with you still thinking about the poor girl next to you. As soon as you entered, all eyes were on her. You both noticed, and Carrie wanted to leave. You caught her though. You put your arm around her shoulders and shot dangerous looks out your eyes. "Ya'll got a problem or something?" You said, quite loudly. Nobody didn't want to start anything and so they turned back to studying, talking or whatever they were doing. You sat Carrie down right next to your seat. Just in time for the ring to Bell and mute her quiet "thank you" as well.

Your energetic teacher walked in a little late but she hit you with the "I have great news kids!" Oh god...That can never be good. "So the prom that we originaly sceduled for two weeks... Is coming this week! Isn't that great?" NO MISS ZAJICKOV IT'S NOT. Some sounds could be heard from your class. There were annoyed grunts and growls, acompanied by cheers and squeaks of happiness. Neighter you or Carrie were too exited...You two just sort of expected to stay at your house and watch some movies or whatever but since it's a week earlier, that won't do.
"You think your mom will make you go?" Carrie leaned closer, asking
"I dunno... I guess so. She's into this stuff." You responded, lifting your shoulders
"I... I'd kinda wanna be the prom queen..." Carrie softly peeped. She wanted what? She wanted to be the prom queen? It's...You wanted it too. For her. You wanted to make her happy. You wanted to see her smile again...
It was a huuuge long shot though. She was a pretty girl but hated... She could never be chosen as the prom queen. But...perhaps there was a bit of hope...

"You really wanna be the prom queen?"
"Well, you know... It's kinda foolish now that you whisper it out loud but... It's a little dream I kinda wish to come true you know" she lifted her shoulders with a smile, putting some of her hair behind her ears.
"I...You wanna go to prom with me?" You quickly spat out. You never expected to actualy ask her...You were a pretty shy guy around her. A you usualy just made friends. Not lovers...
Her eyes darted from her hands to you. "A-are you serious? You? With me?" Oooh god you've made a mistake. She doesn't like you that way we're gonna die-
"Y-yeah! I'd really like that!" She giggled quietly, that adorible smile showing on her lips along with a blush on her cheeks. You quickly turned your head to her and smiled. You really didn't expect her to agree. You two continued your day, kinda not being able to look at each other...You would just talk a little, and even if you made some eye contact your cheeks would turn red. You guys talked about how would the prom look like. You've seen some in the movies you watched together at your place, but never anything real. There would certainly be a lot of wouldn't be a bad place to tell her how you feel. You know... take her off to the side after she's named the queen. Breathe in, and tell her what you're feeling... This was all set up just for you. You could do it on that day! And you're going with each other for gods sake! It was just like a story from a princess and a knight book...

1110 words

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