Halloween special!

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(Imma write about the slashers spending time with their beloved on this spooky month! Happy Halloween!)

It was his time of the year, and you obviously expected him to go on and get out there, murdering all those people.
You decided to watch a movie instead. You were about halfway through when you suddenly got picked up. You screamed for a very short time, before you relized that it was just Mike. "Myers! What the hell?" You shouted with a smile, demanding to be let go. Mike backed up from the sofa, taking you with him. He stood you on the ground and simply stared at you.
"So what now? Wanna tell me how many people you slaughtered?" You asked with a smile.
Michael reached inside his pocket, taking out a little plastic bag. On the inside was... candy! Halloween candy!
"How'd you-" You were about to ask questions, but xour mouth was covered by Michael's big hand. You just nodded in an agreement.
That night was filled with candy and Michael being a big spoon to sit before.

Jason liked the fall. You noticed that he enjoyed standing outside, mostly in the forest. He watched with shiny eyes as the orange leaves fell around him. He felt happy.
It was that one time that you awoke, not having him by your side. You panicked just a little. You got up, looking from the cracked window. He was sitting in the leaves, seemingly searching for something. You took off, wanting to go outside.
You slid on the yellow ground, meeting Jay.
"What'cha doin?" You leaned on him a little. Jason simply let out a quiet grunt. He then finaly picked up a leaf. It was rather large, and tatered on one side. It was half colored, with one side being brown and the other yellow.
"That's a pretty one" You smiled, looking at the leaf.
Jason pointed to the brown tattered side and then to himself.
He then pointed to the yellow healthy one, and pointed to you.
"Yeah... kinda like us..." You smiled, scooting over to Jay, watching the leaves fall down with him.

The murderous house was suprisingly decorated. And they grew pumpkins behind their house! Bub and Nub were supposed to pick them up so you could carve. Drayton would later on cook a little soup from the insides. You three sat outside in the sunset, carving like crazy. Suddenly Nubbins turned around his pumpkin, showing that he carved a pig face on it. It looked as if a child carved it.
"Hey! That's you Bubba!" Nubbins cackled, falling on his back. Bubba squealed at him with grumpiness. His own pumpkin didn't really look great. It was mostly just random stabs and scratches. You decided on a classic halloween pumkin face. The pumpkin soup soon filled the air.
"Alright, let's go light theese and eat!" You smiled getting up and giving helping hands to the boys.

You were awake a few days at the start of October. You didn't know why Fred would just throw you out and wouldn't say anything but you went along. On that spooky halloween day, you fell asleep, surprisingly waking up in a forest. It was dark, foggy and quiet. You could promise you even saw eyes watching you from the dark. You started walking. You had the need to go fast, as if something was following. After a while of walking, you finnaly had the balls to turn around. You saw a... pumpkin...
Just a small pumpkin.
Out of nowhere, the pumpkin started shaking and... getting up???
It was a body! A dude with a pumpkin head! Thick orange smoke was coming out of his carved eyes and mouth. You froze on the ground. The creature stomped all the way to you, standing right above you. It growled, more smoke rolling out.
It suddenly grabbed it's head very quickly, and slowly lifted it into the air.
A very familiar face was under the pumkin. Obviouly it was Freddy.
"Did I get'cha? Tell me I got'cha!" He grinned, his body turning back to the shorter man with a striped sweater.
"Jesus fucking christ..." You covered your face with your hands, sighing in relief.
You and Fred later on moved to his little boiler room crib, watching stupid scary movies on a square blocky TV, while Freddy couldn't keep his hands to himself.

You sighed as you finnaly arrived at the hotel. You were tired shitless from your job and needed rest. Surely, your crazy, scary clown demon would be awaiting you already. You opened up the door to your room and were welcomed by a bright red balloon. Theese things stoped scaring you a long time ago.
"Pennyyyyy..." You tiredly groaned. "I'm tired..." You said very quietly afterwards. The baloon popped and suddenly, your closet door would bust open, with the stupid clown trotting out as well.
"Tired?! You?!" He half-shouted, his voice cracking. "Yeah..." You admitted.
"Sleep! Now!" Pennywise grabbed you like a very small child, and carried you to your bed. You were thrown onto it, with the clown laying on top of you like a dog. He started quietly growling, pushing you to sleep.
You awoke in a pumpkin field. You looked around, seeing Pennywise sit right next to you. "Since (Y/n) and Penny can't hang out in realsies, they're gonna hang in dreamsies!!" He happily squeaked, lifting his hands into the air.
You spent the dream time with Penny. You allowed him to give you a similar make up to his. And you on the other hand were allowed to draw small pumpkins on his puffy cheeks. An enjoyable dream I'd say.

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