Slurpy Alien bonus :³

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The Xenomorph truly enjoyed the new place he got on the ship. He became a true crew member, and although here and there he wanted to eat the cat that roamed the ship, he was pretty cool with everything. Hell, he even sort of became the mascot of the ship. Adam paid to get the Alien skull logo get sprayed on the side of your ship.

Through all this apriciation he was getting, he never forgave his
hive-brother about Axel. Every time he was walking with you to your rooms, he'd stare at Axel's door. As if saying a prayer or a sorry to him.

Speaking of the room sharing... The Xenomorph was a messy thing to even try to share a bed with. Not in a sexual way mind you-
Wolverine still maintained his instincts and would tear every pillow and matress to create a perfect nest for his queen. Which, of course, was now you. You learned about the Xenomorphs all you could and you found out that the queens are giant motherfuckers who give out orders to the little guys such as yours truly. Made you feel a tad special.

You tried to keep the news of you two liking each other for a long time but it had to slip out once...
"Misha god damn teach your kid how to leave a cat alone." Adam half shouted at Misha
"It's not my damn kid! It's (y/n)'s kid!" She shouted back, pointing to you who was just petting the Alien's head as usual.
"It's not my kid, it's my boyfr-" you stopped yourself from speaking but it was already too late, Misha started screaming agressively, scaring the cat out of his nap spot.

You had to get a new blue chip that would show your status on a ship almost every second week because Wolverine hated them with passion. And you never truly knew why...

So yes...basicaly you became a Xenomorph's queen. And no, I shall never speak of if you two did something together...that's for your own imagination...

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