Hannibal extra chapter

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You ended up getting taken to a police station. But after an almost four hour investigation, they didn't get a straight word out of you.
You were sent home, with the police's word that they'll be back in a few days.

That's when the letters started coming.
Wonderfuly scented letters, filled with the gentlest words you've seen in a bit. They're probably what got you out of your silent transe that you've had since the day of Moira's breakout.

One of theese letters once had an adress included.
As if you imidiately knew what was gonna go down, you dressed up nicely and drove over to the adress.
An old, nice house sat near a road. You parked your car and walked up the small set of stairs, as if nothing was wrong.
You rang the bell and the door was opened by noone other than...

Hannibal Lecter.
He had his classic, gentle and tired smile on, but he was dressed much better this time. Much better than asylum uniforms.
His eyes glid from the bottom of your body all the way to the top, stopping at your eyes. They imidiately reminded him of the day of his escape...

You ended up having dinner at his place. You were a little hesistant about the whole thing... taken as he was shut because of... cannibalism...
But Lecter wouldn't ever force you into something like that.
He assured you on multiple ocasions that there is not a single human on your plate.

You ended up visiting a lot more often, at least once a month.
Sometimes the adress of the house would change, but it always moved somewhere close to your neighbourhood.

Your only form of comunication were theese visits and letters.
You always spoke about how you're exited, that in a few years you'll be able to at least take a walk with him outside...

Doctor still occasionaly murdered. And kept it no secret from you.
Once or twice you were actualy very politely asked if you could drive a body away.
And you obliged.

The relationship surprisingly worked, and neighter of you were ever caught.

357 words

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