Harry Warden x reader (part 2)

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You yawned as you put up your last paper ball. "Mrs Mabel? We're out of balls" You shouted to the end of the room, snickering like a kid at the double meaning. "Yes yes dear! I'll go get some more, I left the box in the changing room" Mabel shouted back. You crawled down from the washing mashines and went to sit on a little wooden bench you had there. Suddenly you heard a louder bang come from the other side of the washing mashines. "Mabel? Everything okay?" She was still in the changing room...
You quietly walked over to where the sound originated from. It sounded as if someone hit the washing mashine with a metal object. Like a knife... or more like a hammer. When you rounded the corner... nothing was there. No hammer, no knife. Just a small empty alley made from clothes washing mashines. Odd...
You turned back to go to the bench like you originaly wanted. Only, there was something on top of it. A small, heart-shaped pink box with a note on top of it.

Now, eighter this was a gift for or from Mrs Mabel. But as far as I know... Mabel does not have any secret admirers. And why would she give it to you? Along with how quick could she be like that? She's an elderly lady. You looked from side to side, checking if maybe Mabel is around. You walked to the note, picked it up and opened it up, smiling at the adorible vibe it had.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
One is dead
And so are you<3"
What the hell is this supposed to be..?
Some stupid joke to an elderly lady? Before you could think any further you got roughly turned around and slammed on the bench. With a grunt you looked up at who it was. In horror you stared into empty, voidless eyes of a miner gas mask. The void stared back at you. A sharp metal object was held above the creep's head, ready to gash down at you. A miner pickaxe.
It was Harry Warden.
You were expecting the painful blow to come in, but it just wasn't...
The only thing you were focusing on were the two, square like voids looking down at you. The miner was also breathing heavily. But it defenetly wasn't because of his mask. It was of something else.
Maybe the thirst for blood.
Maybe agitation.
Maybe, something else troubled the killer's mind. The murderer couldn't help himself but to stare down at you. As if the time stopped. As if poison hit him.

"Alright here we are dear!" The voice of the elderly lady broke both you and the killer out of your stares. You both turned your heads to where the lady would come from. The miner man quickly turned your head to face his mask. He put his gummy gloved finger of the respirator, then on your own lips before pushing himself off of you and running to the back door.
"Dear..? What are you doing?" You heard Mabel ask, concerned.
"Oh Mabel! I-I was just uh... I was stretching my back!" You lied to her. She nodded, probably not wanting to hear more about it. "Alright then, let's hang theese up so we're done" Mabel smiled, bringing up the red origami ball.

20 minutes later
You could not shake off the feeling of being followed. You felt eyes on your back stab like daggers. Ever since you walked Mabel off home, and had to go alone, the feeling was there. You could promise it was the masked man from the laudry house, just stalking you down. He eighter wanted to talk, or brutaly murder you.
He'd hang your insides on the walls like party paper.
You were pretty afraid and so you started trotting home. Then running. You promised that in the bush-y path to your right, you saw a very dark siluette running with you, even faster than you. You didn't want to look at it. You could sure as hell hear the muffled heavy breathing. Until... you couldn't. It just disapeared. Gone.

You soon recognized that you were at your house. Must've ran real quick...
You trotted over the main door and went in.
"Dad?" You shouted into the dark house. You recieved no aswer. Your father must've still been at work, checking all the things for Valentine's day. You took off your vest, hanging it on a nail. You nervously brushed your top arms, sighing. You still felt a little uneasy. Breathing in, you started walking upstairs, to your room. You opened the door and sat on your bed. Tiredly massaging your face, you laid back on the covers.
You should call the police.
But maybe this was just a cruel prank of some kind. Probably Sarah's boyfriend fucking with you just to get points on her side. If that even makes sense...
You turned to the side, back to the window. You kept thinking about the man who pushed you down. He didn't attack. But he could've... he defenetly could've.
You were slowly dragged out of your thoughts by a sound.
A familiar one... you turned around to face your window and the sight scared you. The metal sound was the same man you thought about. He was half-way through your window, one of his gloved hands was on your (f/c) carpet while the other griped onto the windows side.
You squeaked, making him twitch a little. Instead of continuously crawling in, he started getting out. The plan he thought about failed and so it was time to abort the mission. Time to act (Y/n).
You quickly ran over and closed the window on his fingers. You didn't do it mad painful but it still got a louder grunt out of him. His voice seemed pretty... normal... for a spooky dead guy.
"What the hell do you want from me?!" You yelled out, your breathing fast. You recieved a grunt of pain from the miner. He was struggling to keep on the wall, having his fingers shut in your window. You gulped nervously and opened the slider. The miner sighed and gripped on the window more comfortably. "Is this some sort of stupid cruel joke?" You asked, still holding onto the slide if you would want to close it on his fingers again.
He gave a quick wiggle with his head.
"Can you even speak?" You asked again, opening the window fully. The miner rested his arms on the window more comfortably. He sort of wiggled with his head once more. He probably didn't want to speak.
"Your note... it said that one is dead. Did you kill somebody?" You asked the miner carefuly. You recieved a simple, slow nod.
You had to ask more questions...

1153 words

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