Alien x reader (part 7)

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"You have got to be kidding me."
Misha almost dropped all of her Tools when she saw the Alien on the floor.
"Not at all." Adam said calmly, trying to get her to help him. "I-I don't even- I mean- It has acid blood how the hell am I supposed to even start?!"
"I don't know. Maybe like a morphine shot?" Adam suggested as he leaned on the counter, gun to his chest. "I-I...Yes. Yes of course. Find me a soft spot somewhere on it." it was visible that Misha had stopped resisting, and gave up at this point. You carefuly turned the Alien around and managed to find a soft spot on his lower belly. Misha walked over with the morphine. "Remind me why the fuck are we saving the thing that killed my best friend?" She asked coldly as she redied the shot.
"It wasn't him. It was the other Alien. And it seemed to go after my Wolverine here too. That's probably the A reason he's on this ship." You explained to her as you pet your Alien's head. You could tell it was looking at you again, purring just quietly.
"That motherfucker has a name and a gender????" Misha stopped just before injecting the morphine.
"CAN WE PLEASE STOP WORRYING ABOUT THAT?!" You yelled, tugging with all three of them. Misha injected the morphine slowly as Wolverine hissed at her.
"Quit playing drama on me..." Misha murmured to him.

Five minutes later
"It's not that bad. It's just light scratches and a bit of blood lost. In it- his size it shouldn't be such a problem" Misha assured you while she looked at the sleeping creature.
"So...There is two of them here?" She asked later. "Yeah. I think Wolverine ran into the ship because he wanted to hide from his...Uh...evil fucking cousin." You replied.
"But he brought the cousin with him..." Misha sighed. "Look, I've finnaly done some research on this...on the Alien. There were a just a few reports on it, but I think I have what we may need. It's called a Xenomorph, it could be concidered one of the most dangerous creatures in the entire fucking space, they work on a hive like life style. They gave a queen, a hive and everything. Aaaaand the only thing that can hurt it's hard skin is fire." She finnished as she looked at Adam who was opening Wolverine's mouth. Wolv slowly stretched his second jaw out, showing off in front of Adam as he still calmly layed down.

"Capitan? Do we have a flamethrower on the ship?" You turned to Adam.
"Surprisingly enough, yes. In my quarters" he let go of Wolverine's sharp tail and walked over to you.
"That a way to kill that damn thing?"
"Yes. I'll go and retrive the flamethrower" You heroicaly said. You already wanted to turn around and leave but something stopped you. A stick? A pan? There was something on your foot. When you looked down you discovered that it was the Alien's tail resting on your foot. Your eyes wondered up on it's skeletal form and finnaly rested on Wolverine. You smiled and walked over to the now sitting creature.

"Hey bud, ya doin' alright?" You asked and got a quiet growl in response.
"I gotta go for a minute. I need to kill your... Batshit crazy brother." You chuckled to yourself. The Alien crawled up on a counter and pulled you closer with it's tail. "Listen, I know you probably ran away from it. If I kill it, you won't have to run anymore. And maybe...we can let you stay here. You could sleep in my room and shit..."
You continued to suggest random things about future as the creature slowly and sloppily wrapped it's long black arms around you. You had only noticed this strange hug when you heard a click of Adam's gun being readied.
"Am I interupting something here?" He asked. The Alien hissed at him in response. "No no no it's not- it's nothing cap." You asured him.

The capitan gave you a small gun and once again told you the way into the break room. "You know that the gun is useless. Keep it." You pushed it back to him. As soon as you left you could hear a few louder bangs coming from the kitchen. Not gunshots, not pots and pans...vent sounds. The vent sounds slowly continued their way above the door and just above you. "You know... Your race is not so sneaky..." You looked up into a tiny door for the vent, seeing your good 'ole friend. You began walking, still talking to the vent monster. "You should stay back. You're in no shape to get into a fight again" An agrier growl came from the ventilation, as if saying "quit worrying about me".
"Listen, I don't know how long that bitch had chased you but you must've been pretty desperate since you crawled on a human ship. But I'll help you. You won't have to worry anymore." You heroicaly said as you opened the door to capitan's quarters.

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