Brahms Heelshire x reader

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(Just a quick thing before we start, I WOULD FIGHT WITH MY BARE HANDS FOR BRAHMS)

Another damn babysitting job. But you need the money. Bad. The parents of the child were an erderly couple about 68 years old you'd guess. The description of the job said that you're gonna watch the child for a week or so. The mansion they lived in, was massive from what you've seen on pictures, and the pay is gonna be talked about. The deeper into the description you got, the stranger it felt. It said that the little Heelshire boy was supposedly special. So you'd guess that he's like...autistic or demented. (There is nothing wrong with that at all, I wanna make that totaly clear. My page is a love zone :* The papers said that the parents will explain everything inside. The drive was long and even though you were a little sick, just a normal cold, you took the job. Again, for the money. Plus, you'll have a big 'ole mansion at your disposal.

You continued to follow the navigation and rode down from the road. You drove a rocky path, all the way to the house of Heelshire family. You stared in awe. It was dark, wooden, creepy as fuck and could've been haunted. Hell yes! You got out of the car, making sure that you got on the right place. "Hey, what do you want here?" A raspy voice came from the bottom of the large house. You looked down to see an elderly man, raking up some orange leaves. "Oh uh, hello, are you Mr Heelshire?" You asked as you began walking to the man who was now leaning on his rake. "Nah...'Ole Heelshire's inside. What do you want him for?" The man motioned to the door of the house before scepticaly asking a question again. "Oh excuse me. My name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n) and I'm the new babysitter for little...B...Brahms" You answered, shaking your hand with him as you tried to remember the boy's name. "Ohoh, excuse my scepticism. There had been too much hustle for the last babysitter, and the last thing we need is another mess like that" He laughed quietly, still pilling up the leaves. "Hm? What happened with that?" You asked just before going for the door. "Well...perhaps I shouldn't have said that..." The man mumbled.
"You see, the last babysitter... disapeared" The man's voice searched for the right words. "Some people blamed Heelshires for that. And they still do, but Heelshires weren't home all night and had solid proof of that. Their security system recorded everything. The girl went behind a corner behind the house, and just...poof, gone." The mans eyes widened and his expression got more serious as he lifted his shoulders, explaining the story. "That... is truly strange..." you murmured, getting a little un-easy.
"Ay..." The man nodded. "Let me help you with the few bags!" He suddenly perked up, resting the rake on a nearby wall and walking for the car. You said a kind "thank you" before going into the big house.

Once inside, it looked even better than on the outside. It was wooden, rich and calm. It really had an up class english family vibe to it. There were many hallways and corners. The place almost looked like a maze at first glance. The celing was high, sometimes having a chandelier hanging above... it was like out of a cute storybook for little girls. You smiled, you'd warm up to this place quickly. You looked to the stairs and took a couple of nervous steps foward, playing with your hands.
"Sir Heelshire?" You yelled out, your voice echoing just a little through the giant house. You had to smile at that fact again. But you got no answer... they said that they'll be here. Maybe they just didn't hear you, they're an old couple after all. You started walking up the stairs, each of them squeaking quietly under your foot.
You got all the way to the upper floor and scouted around. Same red carpet, woody walls and wall lights. Nothing too out of the ordidnary. Exept... exept maybe the strange feeling you were suddenly having. It could've been just that you're in a different house that's not yours. Or maybe it's something else... you had the feeling of being watched. As if the paintings of the family had true eyes that watched your every little step, as if the walls had ears to listen to your every breath. It gave you the chills... the walls also creaked. They creaked like crazy, bumps and scratches could be heard every now and then.
You grabbed your arms in a hugging type of thing and continued walking. You arrived at a room that had open doors. Looked like a small kid's room.

You creeked the big wooden door open a bit more. Exept for the wood, the room had nice light blue wallpaper, with some very expensive looking toys. They we're like, antique type of expensive. Possibly passed on for genarations. The bed was horribly small... a kid sized but even smaller somehow. Brahms had to be a real pinky of a kid. "Cute..." You whispered with a smile, your voice cracking just a little bit. You walked towards to a little dresser, checking out all the toys. You wouldn't even dare to touch them. Brahms didn't seem to play with them neighter. They were covered in dust, no fingerprints on the dresser what so ever. As you focused more, the feeling of eyes grove stronger around you, making you feel much more tensed and nervous.

"Brahms is a bit more of a uh..."
"ARGH! JEsus..." You yelled out scared, letting a sigh of relief escape your lips after you relized it was just Mr Heelshire. "I am truly sorry if I startled you Miss (Y/l/n)" He chuckled at your reaction quietly. You squeezed the bridge of your nose and smiled. "Yeah, I'm-I'm sorry I'm a little tensed up" You chuckled with him, hugging yourself again.

Very tiny time skip to you and Mr Heelshire walking down a hallway
"Well yes, you see, Brahms spends most of his time in the library rather than his own room and toys" Mr Heelshire explained quietly, his Brittish accent nicely shining in his voice.
"He's a smart kid is he?" You asked with a smile. "Well yes, he's always been a bit different than the other children you know... he grew homeschooled and had only one friend really" Mr Heelshire went into thouht as he spoke, one hand behind his back, the other gently brushing his white beard.
"And, where's little Brahms and the lady?" You looked around the hall as you played with your hands again. "Ah yes, excuse my rambling... I talk so much I would forget why I even have you here... please, right this way" he chuckled quietly before motioning for the door further in front.

You entered a nice room, which could be considered something between a living room and a library. An eldery woman in baby pink colored dress stood near a chair, blocking the person that was sitting in it.
"Good day (Y/n)" She threw a strict smile your way, extending her hand for a handshake. Must be the wife and the mother of the little boy. "Hello, nice to meet you Mrs Heelshire" You smiled and shook her old hand before standing back again, your hands conected on crotch height.
"Brahms, this is (Y/n), she's the one..." the eldery woman stepped aside, to reveal...

1277 words

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