Leatherface x reader (part 4)

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Bubba stormed over to the table and shoved you off of it, making you drop to the ground. You could see him poke the body a couple of times, waiting for some kind of movement and then looking down at you. You just made a a face that said "I'm...sorry?..." And pulled your legs closer to your chest. He huffed at you, and went for his chainsaw. You panicked a bit, thinking that he's going for you but...no, you could soon see the head of the girl rolling on the ground. He pointed towards the crate the girl sat at. He did it out of nowhere so it spooked you a bit. You looked at the crate area and saw a bucket. Is...That what he wants? "You...want the bucket?" You asked, very quietly and carefuly, being cautious not to get chainsawed as an angry response. Thankfuly you got just a foot stomp closer to you, acompanied with a squeal. It of course made you get up very quickly and scurry for the bucket. You came back to Bubba, who was now tearing the body open, and handed it over. He pointed at the cut off limbs on the ground, not even bothering to look away from his work. Also...He wanted to you to do what now? Well...can't make him angry... You crouched down, and started picking the parts up, and throwing them in the bucket. Who puts an orange nail polish on their feet..? Ew... You walked around the table so you could get the hands. One was right next to Bubba, of course you had to get it but that required getting right next to him. You didn't wanna... Come on he's focused on de-boning the body, he won't care.

You walked over slowly, but your chain has gotten in the way, and you triped over it, letting go of the bucket in the process of falling. You expected to meet the hard ground but no... You've been caught! Bubba managed to grab you by your arm mid-fall. You looked up at him with a tiny smile and mouthed a "thank you" after he lifted you up on your feet. You crouched down again to pick up the bucket and the parts. But...You could still feel his eyes on you. You remembered something that Drayton said. "...doc said something about demention..." So Bubba may not even know what he's doing...He's most likely doing what his family taught him...killing and eating...poor guy...

You put the bucket next to the corpses head, and went to sit back. You decided to pass time by watching Bubba brutaly tear out the bones of the girl and throwing them on the ground. Is he gonna make you pick those up again...? He took out the organs and threw them in the bucket, with an audible thud. So... He's keeping the bones? Why...Oh right...Nubbins said that they're the ones that steal from the graves. Is Bubba the one that makes the freaky furniture? Better not ask...He continued his work by taking the skin off, which was visibly the hardest part. Bubba often took short breaks in a form of an annoyed grunt and a look up, sometimes stabbing the knife into the body. His neck must've hurt so much...How about you...help? "Hey...Bubs?" You said softly. It imidiately got his attention, making him look at you. "Why don't you... Hang her?" You suggested. You got a head turn from him. He didn't understand what you meant by it. You got up once again and moved around with your chain, pointed at the celing and at the girl, all while explaining it again. Bubba took some time to process the idea but after he got it, he let out a happy pig squeal. He stabbed the knife into the table and went to prepare some rope. After he was finished, he walked over for the unamed girl and picked her up, stumbling back towards the ropes. He called you over for help. You jumped towards him, grabbing a box on the way there. You jumped on the box and started tying her up by what was left of her wrists.

While you were focused on the tying up, you could feel Bubba's eyes on you again. Was he annoyed with you? No..He would have showed you already...
Does he have something on his mind that he just can't say? Probably..You finished your ties "Okay, let go" you comanded and the killer slowly let go of the body. The girl stayed up, and he could continue his work. He gave a happy squeal as a thanks to you. He continued to take the skin off and you earned a close place by helping out, so you could watch from a close up how he gets rid of all the uneeded things. It was kinda interesting, seeing how skillfully he does this. You tried asking some little questions here and there, getting squeaks in response. A conversation with him wasn't much...But at least something. You wondered if the girl before you had some kind of comunication with him, or if you're just a lucky one.

About an hour later, when the "food" was all ready to be taken out of the basement, you decided to ask the big question. "Why did you take her instead of me?" You asked, putting the now filled bucket, to the stairs. Bubba was looking at you again and you caught him this time. He looked to the ground and lifted his shoulders while he played with his fingers. He did that a lot, especialy when it came to a hard question. You waited if he would answer and crossed your arms, lifting a brow. After a while of this awkwardness, he just took what was to eat and walked upstairs quickly.

You were left all alone in the locked basement...again...You decided to listen what Drayton would say about Bubba's good work. He did so much, he should get at least some praize. He didn't...more rudeness, more swearing..."Well finnaly! I had to
re-warm the damn stew!" You heard some quiet squeals in response, that could be a "sorry". Bubba didn't deserve this... "Well...You're lucky it looks good. I would have to beat you again. NUBBINS! GO HELP BUBBA WITH GRANDPA!" Drayton screamed again. Jesus this dude wouldn't shut up..."And Bubba- get dressed." He said a bit quieter. Well...The brothers are eating the food you two prepared, and you can...What? Look around and eat a rat maybe...

1114 words

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