Pennywise x reader(part 2)

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Now listen here. I hate to change the 27 year sleep time for Penny but he just couldn't get any sleep since you came back. He's happy, maybe you won't float...

"And that's how I think the fear of the dark began..." You finished your tale about a man in a sewer to your psychiatrist. "But you've heard that story over and over again..." You added, sounding annoyed. It really bugged you. Keep telling the same thing again. "(Y/N) you've been doing a lot of progress lately..." Your psychiatrist said as she wrote something down. "I feel like it's time to move for another, rather big step. You don't fear the dark as much as you used to, and your fear of strangers has passed compleetly." She said, getting up and opening the blinds, letting a lot of sunlight in.
"What are you suggesting?" You asked as you sat up on the sofa, squinting your eyes at the sudden light.
"I think you should get back to Derry. Take a vacation and go back." She ordered, sitting next to you, looking deep in your (E/C) eyes with her blue ones.

"Y-you mean like..." You didn't even know what you meant yourself...sure, It's been a while but...are you actualy ready to face the scary sewer entrance in Derry?
"I mean like. Go there, find the sewer, mabye even look though it if you're feeling brave enough." She finished, folding her glasses and getting up to her table. "Do you think I'm actualy ready?" You asked, your eyes still glued on her. "I think you're more then ready (Y/N)" She said as she gently smiled. "Our sesion is over now... You may go. Safe travels home dear" she gave you one last smile, folding her papers before she shoved them in the drawer of her dark wooden desk. 'Well... Derry it is I guess' you thought to yourself as you walked the long halls of the hospital. How long could it be since you and your parents moved out? You clearly remember that it's because of children disapearances. Your parents didn't want you involved in that. I mean, what kind of parent would? And now look at you. You're going back with open arms, almost as if ready to get shot.

You took your normal bus drive home, still thinking about Derry, sewers and mainly...The man from the sewers...What was his name? Parker...Pooch...Putin? a strange name like that. Maybe...maybe the guy wasn't even real. Maybe you just thought him out. You were a kid, a scared one. Your mind could think of anything at that exact moment, just to give the situation a bit more reason. Well...There is only one way to find out. You got off the creaky old bus, weak droplets of rain fell from the grey sky, to your hair and on the cold cement. You walked a couple of stairs and opened the door to your house to be greeted with the warm air. You smiled a bit, took your boots off and so your bag, throwing all on the ground. You walked to your room and flopped onto your bed. Neighter of your parents were home and so you had some time alone. You took your phone out and texted your mom.


"The psycho said I should go back 2 Derry."

"Really? Well...How are you feeling about it?"

"Nervous, but I think I'll make it."

"Are you sure?"

"Psycho said I'm making progres"

"Well...If she says so. Pack your bag then. You want me to be there with you?"

"Nah mom. I'm old enough to handle myself ^^"

"Okay. I'll finnish work and we can ship you tomorrow."

"Thanks mom...<3"
You smiled slightly at your phone, your mom was the bloody best... She let you do practicaly anything. Well...time to pack!

Timeskip to tomorrow~
"Phone, headphones, charger?"
"All the clothes?"
"Anything we missed?" Your mom asked as he continued the list, rubbing her chin. "I think we're clear to go." You said with a smile, putting one last bag into the trunk, shutting it close for now. "Okay okay...Well...Let's head out." Your mom was quite obviously nervous for you. The ride itself was mostly silent, with you looking out the window, at the houses, cars, passing by and having your headphones plugged in. Only on the highway you remembered the most important thing. "Ah shit..." You grunted
"What did you forget?" Your mom asked, looking at you, already knowing you forgot
"Snuff..." You said annoyed. Snuff was a little, white stuffed mouse that helped you when you couldn't sleep, or had too much stress on your shoulders. You weren't a little kid but...come on. He's like an emotional suport animal.
"I'm sorry sweetheart we can't go back for him..." Your mom said, sounding genuenly sorry. She knew that he was important to you.
"No it's okay. I'm not a little kid anymore. I can go without him" you smiled a bit, not being so sure of that. The drive took long. As you finnaly passed the Derry sighn, an uneasy feeling passed your stomach. You breathed in and out, still nervous. Your mom stopped the car next to a little motel and helped you carry your bags out. You checked a room, throwing some nice words with the man who owned the little establishment and went to say bye to mom. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here and even for driving me over" you smiled as your mom grabbed your hands. She was an amaizing mom but horrible when it came to goodbyes. She always took forever. "Okay baby, just don't get lost and don't talk to druggers would you?" She smiled before she gave you a little kiss on the cheek. "No mom. Don't worry" You smiled and waved her a goodbye. Don't worry, you'll see her soon again. You're not staying here forever, remember? You took your bags with a slight sigh and walked up the stairs to your room. A little later you finnaly found it, unlocked it and opened up, to be greeted with a nice, clean room. You moved in, and walked into the bedroom.

"Holy shit..." Not only was the bed absolutely massive but on the bed was sitting... Snuff! How did he get here? On his little paw was a string that went into the air, having a blood red baloon at the end. You dropped your bags, compleetly mesmerized by the little floating object. You grabbed it, turning it around in your hands. Is this some kind of Derry welcome tradition that you don't remember? You stood there for a moment before you relized you probably should be unpacking...whoops. You did so and layed down in the bed after you were done, cudling with snuff. No idea how he got here but you're never letting go...You soon fell asleep into a dreamless state. Who would think that a car ride can tire you so much?

1190 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now