Holiday special!

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The holidays are here and I decided once again to post another special chapter.
This time, the slashers are spending their christmas times with their most beloved person~

Michael Myers
Mike got himself caught at the start of december, and would defenetly stay there for a long time. Way overdue for christmas.
You managed to make a visit for yourself. It was extremly hard to get a permit to visit him, but you somehow magicaly managed.
You walked the long hallway that had doors on both sides, each having some kind of a psychopath behind it.
Michael's door was all the way at the end of the hallway.
"Permit" The officer at the door asked. You gave him the small paper and hoped he wouldn't finger you as a fake.
"It's alright" He closed the paper, and opened up the door for you. You walked in, seeing Mike. He obviously didn't have his mask on, and it had to be so degrading to him...
His hair was a dirty mess, and they were going over his face as much as possible.
He was sitting at a table, his hands cuffed to it.
"Mikey..." You quietly got his attention. He moved his eyes up, to you. His insides twisted when he saw you, were you a hallucination?
"Mike, I brought you something..." You very quietly whispered. You saw his fists tighten.
"You'll have to wait Mikey. We can be together again... you have to get out yourself" You said, reaching into your sleeve. You slid out a knife. A kitchen knife for him.
"Merry christmas Mike" You said, very gently brushing his hand.
A few days on later, you saw a news report about Michael Myers breaking out of his asylum once again. You had to smile.
He was coming home for christmas...

Jason Voorhees
You were shook awake by a familiar touch.
"Wassup JJ?" You rubbed your eyes, asking what was up with him. You got a little spooked when you relized that he had a large saw, resting on his shoulder. He simply helped you up, out of bed and lead you outside, into the woods that were filled with, beautiful white snow.
Jason suddenly stopped walking and looked at you. You still had a puzzled expression on your face. He simply pointed to a small, baby tree that was braverly sticking out of the ground. Everything clicked to you.
"Oooh, we're getting a christmas tree!" You grinned, trotting over to the other side of the tree. You grabbed on the saw and started cutting into the tree.
When the tree has been slayed, Jason was dragging it back to the cabin, you sat on it, and left yourself getting pulled through the snow.

You were brought out of cooking by yet another loud thump.
"Dray, you know where the boys are?" You asked the oldest brother.
"They went upstairs to get christmas lights or somethin'... didn't come back yet" He said, stirring a pot that had some good soup cooking in it.
You heard a thump from upstairs again.
"I'll go check on them..." You said, worry in your tone. Drayton gave you a nod, letting you get off the stove.
"Bubba? Nubbins?" You shouted, walking upstairs. Behind the door, you heard a couple of displeased grunts and swears. At first you thought they were fighting, and so you quickly opened the white door.
The sight before you was very humerous. You started giggling pretty loudly.
Nubbins was on the ground, tied up in a big mess of cristmas lights, while Bub stared at him with worry. He tried helping his brother but whenever he'd get close, Nubbins would start wiggling angrily.
You'd have to help them get out this mess...

Freddy Krueger
You sprinted into your room, and took a leap of faith onto your bed. You quickly snuggled into your sheets, forcing yourself to fall asleep as fast as possible.
You weren't sure if Fred celebrated christmas, but you wanted to spend them with him anyway.
When you woke up in the familiar setting of a boiler room, you had to smile.
Christmas decorations were all over the celing and there was even a christmas tree in the corner. It was on fire unfortunately...
You walked on, eventualy stepping into the small living space that Freddy had for himself. You saw another christmas tree, this one not being on fire fortunately.
You looked around, still eyeing the christmas decor that hung from the celing.
You suddenly got jumped from the back by noone else than Fred.
"Princess!" He shouted happily.
You screamed in shock before calming yourself.
"D'you have to do that every time?" You asked, sighing.
"Yesss" He walked to your side, hissing the words as his snake tongue wiggled out.
"Got something for ya..." He hooked his arm into yours and walked you towards the tree. He picked up a smaller present box with his clawed hand and gave it to you.
"Somethin' I thought you'd look good in..." He said, grinning.
You grabbed the box, opening it up.
"It's empty..?" You looked up at him with a confused expression before you met his shit eating grin.
"Fuck you Krueger..." You murmured.
"That an invitation, or a comand?"

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