Brahms Heelshire x reader (part 6)

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(That picture I-)

"You're... Brahms. Brahms Heelshire." You asked again, recieving a patient nod from the big man sitting on the ground in front of you. You put your fingers on your temples, trying to sort this out in your head. "Why... why were your parents keeping you as a secret. A-as a doll basicaly" You asked him. He sighed and looked around the room before getting up and walking over to the little hole he came from. "No, wait, don't leave me, I'm sorry if I touched a bad subject-" He was already in the wall, picking the painting up and closing behind himself. "Damn it..." You sighed, lowering your shoulders. Bumps were going upstairs, around the room of Brahms' and even more above into the attic. A few ramages and angry throws could be heard before the loud footsteps came back down. Brahms seemed to trip on the way down beacuse you heard a *thump* and a grunt. Non than less he heroicaly got back up and knocked the painting back down. He crawled through the hole, holding a... book of some kind?

He crossed his legs, and fell back down to the floor, handing you the book. You reached for it, feeling that Brahms grabbed your hand as you pulled it closer. You tried to act unphased but you did get a little flame lit up in your chest. You opened the book, seeing that it was a picture book. Like a memory one where you're supposed to put pictures of kids and christmas. There were many pictures of small Brahms and some Blonde girl. She was around his age, if not a little older. They seemed to be in every picture. Exept... later in the book. Just Brahms. Without any emotion on his face, just standing there. Looking.
"Pretty friend..." Brahms' kid-like voice suddenly spoke up and tapped onto the picture of the little blonde girl. "Your girlfriend?" You joked. He didn't seem to get the joke and so he kept silent. "I gave pretty friend a gift. She didn't like it." He slid his finger to the picture where he's all alone. "She ran away... I ran behind her" You noticed a paper of some kind. It was hidden behind the picture of him. You took it from the back and unwraped it, looking at what the writing is saying. It was a news article of some kind.
"()() dead body found in the woods. Little ()() was brutaly murdered by an unknown killer. The little girls head had been destroyed with a heavy stone, found a meter next to her. Her family is in tears..." The name of the girl was scratched away.
The article continued further on, but you didn't dare to read more. You quickly looked up at Brahms who was still looking at you, with shine in his eyes. "She... she didn't like your gift Brahms?" You asked carefuly, remembering the tea and toast that you've found in the kitchen.
"No" He answered blankly.
"So you... you killed her?" You asked, recieving a slow nod from Brahms. "A-and do the Heelshires know about this? Your parents?" You asked one more time, nervously leaning foward to Brahms. He breathed in nervously and opened his mouth to speak, but was interupted by a loud bang, coming from the entrance hall. He quickly got up, probably scared. "Brahms, it's nothing-"
"Go check." The little boy voice cut you off.
"Go check." He repeated, looking at you through the eyes of his mask. You remembered that he's still pretty much a child... a man child I suppose. You sighed, pat Brahms' arm and walked to the hall.

"Malcolm? What are you doing here so late?" You yelled on your way to the door. They were wide open... further outside, in the darkness stood a black van. Before you yelled out to Brahms, your face was grabbed by someone from behind. The person started draging you back, deeper into the house. You struggled back againts his grab, yelling out for Brahms whenever you had the chance. "Jesus fuck come and help me! She's gonna break loose!" The man behind you yelled out. Another man came running to help, tying your hands behind your back, using a duct tape. "Kitchen kitchen" the man holding you instructed. You got dragged by them into the kitchen and got seated into a chair. Your legs soon got duct taped to the chair, along with your chest and mouth.

"Wait... this bitch ain't the 'ol Heelshire"
"Yeah no shit" The first man spoke to his smaller friend.
"What do we do?" He asked.
"We execute the plan like we wanted" The big man walked to you, and bent over to speak. "You, you're gonna tell us where the money is. Aight?" He instructed before grabbing the duct tape at the edge of your mouth.
As soon as your mouth was free, you yelled out for Brahms again. You got shutted up with the mans hand smacking your face. "Brahms is fuckin' dead. Where's the money?" He pointed a gun to your chin. "I don't know." You said firmly. "Bullshit!" The smaller man yelled out, quickly walking out of the kitchen. "I have a lot of time. I will break every bone in your body, until you tell me where the Heelshires keep their cash." He grabbed onto your hair and pulled back quickly, making you look up at him. A slam just above you made you and the burglar look up. "You.. you guys should really leave" You chuckled with a smile on your open mouth. "Oh really? Why is that?" The man asked you.
"You're making Brahms really angry with how you're touching me" You chuckled scanning the celing.
"Hey dude, look at this creepy thing" The smaller burglar came into view, holding the little Brahms doll. Your breathing imidiately fastened. "No! Put him down! Now!" You shouted at the man, struggling in your chair. "Ooo boy! I think we found the money!" The small burglar jumped up and down a few times, most likely meaning to scare you.
"Is it in the doll girl?" The bigger man asked you angrily. Hell, you had no idea where some money was, and you didn't care!
"Don't break him I beg you don't hurt him-"
"I asked something else!" The big guy put his gun to your chin again.
"Can we find out ourselves?" The small burglar stopped jumping and smiled at his comrade, wiggling with the doll a little.
The big man sighed and nodded. The other guy squeaked in happines before climbing on a table and dropping the doll down to the hard, tiled floor. It felt like a slo-mo moment, seeing the doll fall to it's inevetable end, you tried to strughle so you could catch it, but that didn't work.
The doll landed. And not nicely. It shatered into several bigger and smaller pieces, inwoking a sense of sadness upon you.
You wiggled your head and lowered your gaze.
"What?! Where's the money, I thought it'd be in the doll!" The small man jumped down, ramaging in the shattered porcelain.
"What the hell is this? Why were you freaking out so much bout the doll?" The big man asked you again. You just slowly, tiredly lifted your gaze.
"You've made Brahms very angry"
Your voice rang and as if on cue, the painting on the kitchen wall behind you fell down to the floor. Out crawled the man child himself, Brahms Heelshire. Once he saw the mess that was happening around, a deep set of rage swang upon him. He quickly dashed foward to the big man, imidiately punching him and shoving him to the floor. The smaller guy was trying to get his friends gun. He did get it in time but he had to moment to actualy shoot. He'd been grabbed by Brahms around his throat and got choked to death. Brahms dropped the small man and slowly turned to you. You could almost see the smile forming under his mask. Not a manaical one no, a sweet caring smile...
You breathed in, about to ask Brahms if he could untie you. But he didn't get to that... the large man on the ground quickly got up from Brahms' punch and stabbed the young Heelshire to his side abdomen. You saw blood coming through his already dirty clothes.
"BRAHMS NO! LEAVE HIM BE!" You yelled out struggling in the chair. You wanted to help Brahms, you wanted to help him a lot, but you could only watch as Brahms pushed the guy off of himself. His fight was much harder now due to the piece of porcelain in his stomach. He pushed the man foward into the counter, and then grabbed a knife.
You can guess what happened next.
Brahms was standing in front of the lifeless body of the burglar, his stab wounds going through his black shirt and dirtying up the floor.
Brahms just stared. Just stared at the dead body. Memories of little girl's body must've flooded his mind. You had to tug him out of those thoughts. You needed to help him.
"Brahms... Brahms, untie me, I have to help you" You quietly asked for him. He slowly turned his head to the direction of your voice and slowly walked to you.
"Good Brahms. Don't worry, I'll help you" You wanted to assure him as much as possible. He slowly untied your hands, chest, legs and helped you out of the chair. "Okay, can I help you with that?" You carefuly pointed to the wound. Brahms just slowly nodded. You motioned for him to sit on the table.

"Okay, not gonna lie, it will hurt like hell, but you're a brave boy aren't you Brahms?" You said as you grabbed a pair of plies and some classic things from a first aid kit, that was in the kitchen counter. You saw it when you were about to shoot Brahms this evening.
You brought all the stuff to him, motioning for him to take his top clothes off. He did, quite quickly. You were a little stunned at how a man that legit just lives in walls could be such good build. He wasn't crazy jacked up but he had some muscle.
"(Y/n)..?" The soft child voice broke you out of your thoughts, making you blush just a little. You grabbed onto the shattered piece using those pliers and pulled it out quite nicely. Brahms kept his mouth shut as he held onto your arm. Whenever it hurt too much he tightened his grip on it. He was really scared more than anything...
The real issue was disinfection. He always moved away from the soaked napkin, not wanting the painful liquid to come through.
"Brahms! You get stabbed, you kill someone and you're afraid of disinfection?" You asked Brahms, hoping to somehow let him use the liquid. He just quickly nodded. You sighed in defeat. "I'll be careful okay?" You asked already aproaching the napkin. His grip tightened as soon as you touched him. He squeaked quietly through his closed mouth. You did this for a little while, before you gave up on it. It looked better, but it could've gone smoother. You tied Brahms' wound and wiped your forehead. You were more scared of the treatment than he was.
"See? Not that bad" You set your hands on your hips, smiling. You got a quiet sigh from Brahms. "What... now?" He looked at the bodies as he asked you. You quickly prevented that by grabbing onto his cheek and turning him around. "Now, I'm tired, so it's time to sleep" You said, helping the big guy from the table.

He still held onto your arm while you led hin through the halls.
"Why are you holding me like that? I'm not gonna do anything to you anymore" You smiled at the boy. He only looked down to your hand and back up to you. "Oh I get it.." You chuckled and gently slid his hand down, to hold yours. Brahms blinked a couple of times, intertwining your fingers and giving a happy nod. You smiled at him, and led him to your room.
You opened the door and left him to the bed. You uncovered it for him and he layed down in it. You covered him and started to walk away before your wrist got caught by Brahms. "What is it?" You asked as his grip loosened. "Where are you going pretty (Y/n)?" He asked, almost sounding worried. "I'll sleep in the living room, you'll have my room" You smiled at Brahms, petting his hand gently.
"Don't..." He quietly whined.
"You want me to stay here with you?" You asked, tilting your head. You recieved a nod. "Okay then... let me just wash up okay? I've got some Brahms blood on me and I'm not a fan of that" You raised your hands that were covered in disinfection and blood. You got a nod with a chuckle of Brahms'.

When you came back he was laying on his side, staring at the empty spot on the bed. You laid down in that spot, looking at Brahms. "Kiss..." his quiet voice broke the silence. "Yeah, kiss goodnight" You aprooved, leaning foward and gently kissing his porcelain mask. He pulled you closer to his chest and pet your hair gently.

I hope the Heelshire's will be on their trip for a longer time...

2258 words

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