Ghost face x reader (part 3)

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"Stu you've even lamed all the cents from Al. Can't you quit?" The blonde asked.
"I CAN'T LEAVE GERARD! WE NEVER QUIT REMEMBER?!!" Stu hugged the claw machine agressively. You decided to stop smiling like a sunshine at that scenery and go help him. You got up from your seat and trotted to them. "Hey dude, I got some cents" you poked his tall shoulder and peeped the words. He imidialy turned around, as if you were an angels calling. "You. Do?" He asked, as if to assure himself. You handed him the couple cents you had, and watched him go again. This time, the claw managed to grab onto the head of the Tiger. You all cheered exept for Al who thought that this was all stupid and looser stuff. The claw went up and...
"Your foo is-"
"SHHH!" Everyone made the owner of the restaurant shush.
The claw went up...And Gerard with it! The pink tiger is coming home! You all cheered happily. Stu got his pink tiger out and jumped happily with it.
"AL AL AL LOOK I DID IT!!!" He jumped in front of Al, showing him the toy like a little kid.
"You stuff it in my face one more damn time 'n I'm gonna tear it's stomach open." Wow...What a dickhead.
"Dude chill out. It's just a toy." The blonde boy in a jean jacket perked up. You finnaly got a good look at him since you were so close. He had a short haircut, the brightest blue eyes and a pretty face. Not a bad looker at all...
"Yeah. It is. So why does he stuff it in my fac" (Accidental pun. Whoops!)  Al stopped leaning off the machine and starred at jean boy angrily.
"Okay okay guys not another fight. Not here at least." The black haired girl went in between them, stopping any fights. Stu walked around the blonde guy and bent down to look at you "Hey thanks. I'll repay it, what's your name?"
"Her name is (Y/n)" the blonde boy perked up once again, stopping you from saying your name and making you slightly nervous.
"I-I...Yeah...It is...How do you know? If I may ask? We haven't met." You crossed your arms nervously.
"Oh uh... You're one of the new students...I was in your classroom and I...overheard it" he lifted his shoulders, looking down shyly. But...Noone talked to your classmates talk about you?
"Oh. Yeah makes sense."
"Well, (Y/n), I'm Stu, that ass is Al, that little dust bunny is Sidney and that sweetheart is (Josh xD) Billy!" Stu introduced his friends and shook your hand jokingly. You wanted to stay and chat around, maybe even make more  friends with them but your food was going cold. You gave them a goodbye and left the restaurant

Of course the good old feeling returned. But you just kind used to it. It's nothing bad now. In fact, if someone's looking, why don't they have fun doing it? You'd happily skip around, doing zig zags around the pavement, doing a little spin here and there. You didn't care anymore. Hell, at least you're finnaly getting attention. That brought you back to the kids at the restaurant. The guy who always protected Stu...Billy... He seemed like a really good guy. His eyes though...those eyes could kill.

As you neared your home, you saw...lights...Red and blue to be exact. When you turned around the corner you saw two police cars and one ambulance. You imidiately darted to the place. You had to know what happened. Was it mom? Did she get hurt? You had to be let in. As soon as you got close, an officer with a mustache and a young face stopped you from going any further. "My mom is in that house. I need to know what's going on, I live here." You tried convincing him.
"Your mother called us, she's over there with my boss" he pointed to another police car where your mother spoke to another officer. You swiftly made your way towards her and began asking questions.

"You know the gardener I hired?" She started explaining slowly, her voice shaking
"Yeah, a real slimy one." You said a little pissy
"I thought he forgot to return the key and so I went to check in the shed and..." Your mother covered her mouth and closed her eyes in disgust
"She found him on the ground, with a sliced throath and several stabs wounds in the back." The chief that was talking to your mom finished the story for her. But you...You didn't hear him even yell...He probbaly didn't even have the time to.
"We're currently searching the house for any clues or intruders." he finished.
"He could still be in here?!" You freaked out a little.
"Well there is a slight chance but...Not so much. After we leave, we advise you to lock your door an-"
"Chief! Chief! You gotta see this. It''s pretty bad in here..." You heard a yell come from the house. The window on your room more specificaly. "The residents should probably see it too." She said before she crawled back in. You and your mom exchanged confused looks before deciding to get in with the officer.

When you entered your room, everything seemed normal at the begining. Then you noticed the blood. Blood on the wall...letters. Sentence.
"...Did it... for you..." Your mom repeated quietly, her voice creaky. You imidiately got shivers on your spine and an uneasy knot in your stomach. "And this room is not much better" the officer said as he opened the door to your bathroom that was build right next to you. You all shifted closer and more blood joined the scene. The metalic smell could be felt through the entire room. On the mirror was a big heart drawn in blood. If you'd step in front of it, your face would be in the middle.
"You know anything about this, kid?" The chief asked you. "Wh-wha- am I being acused?" You asked, obviously panicking a bit. "Well, we found a dead body on your property and your room is pretty much the main place right now." He continued calmly
"Officer you have to belive me. My child would never, ever hurt a thing." Your mom convinced the chief.

Timeskip of few hours when officers questioned your mom
"Alright bring the kid over." The chief said as he shifted in the chair. The others brought you to your kitchen and sat you down on the other side of the table.
"So tell me when you moved in"
You patiently answered all his questions like a normal person would do. The questions were usualy the type of "when did you move" or "you have a good relationship with mom" and more. But then, that one question hit you right in the stomach "Did you ever have the feeling of being...watched. Or perhaps you have some enemies?" You imidiately looked him in the eyes and told him the entire fucking story on how you're being stalked in the streets. After every question has been asked and answered, they packed the body and left.

"You're sleeping with me tonight." Your mom said firmly.
"Mom yes."

1239 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now