Art x reader

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Hoo boy here we go. The damn Terrifier... This one's probably gonna be shorter. And maybe I'll update slower cuz I'm not fully sure what I wanna be doing here yet...

You were out on a halloween night with your "friends". Of course you noticed the quotes. Theese weren't real friends. Those were toxic snakes that only had you around to look a tad better. You didn't like them one bit but you had noone else to hang out with... Yet.

"Yea, that's like- exactly what I'm talking about" Stacey's annoying voice went into Lilly's convo again. Stacey was the manipulated blonde idiot with a very bad boyfriend... Of course the boyfrined, Jay, didn't care for her nor anybody really. He was more about his "bro" Todd. They were all talking with each other, with black haired Lilly, the main one, mostly dragging the conversation. You didn't really carr for it. You just sorta sat there, being bored out of your mind.

You hated all of theese fuckers to the bone. But again, you had noone else. You rested your back on the chair you sat at and looked all around the little pizza shop you were in. You saw the classic Italian decor, along with a halloween pupkin or two. You also saw a window, street lights behind it, and a couple of people in costumes walking by. One of those people stood out to you though. The person had a black and white clown costume that stood out from the others. He had a white face with just a tad of black around his eyes and mouth. He also had a big black garbage bag on his back. For candy perhaps? seemed to be stuffed with hard things... You had plenty of time to inspect him before he walked away, just to appear in front of the glass door and entering the shop. After that you lost interest. Just another guy dressed spookily for october.

He sat to a table further away, in the other row, and you could just feel his eyes piercing you. When the curiosity got better out of you, your eyes finnaly met with his black holes. He was sitting there, leg across leg, fists on his cheeks to support his head weight as he looked at you with a smile. You now compleetly stopped listening to whatever barbles were going between those snakes, and started focusing on him with furred eyebrows. When the clown spotted he was getting the attention, he imidiately perked up and waved at you quickly. You looked to your friends to check if any of them cared about the waving stranger, maybe they know him? Nope. No response from them. They didn't even seem to agnowledge his presence... You turned back to the clown, who was still actively smiling and waving, and waved back at him, in a much calmer fasion. As soon as you did that, his open palms hit his cheeks and his head lifted up, mouth shaped in an O. It got you to smile at him and even let out a small giggle. He turned his head to the side and made a very sad face, with the ends of his mouth going all the way to his pointy chin. He then pointed to you. You looked at your friends and lifted your hand just slightly so that he'd know that you don't want to be here with them.
His response was a face that said "why the fuck don't you just leave them?". Yours was lifting your shoulders. Why didn't you leave them? You didn't like them, and it's not like you can't search for any new friends... I mean you already kind of made one right there.

"Alright flock, it's time to go go! Let's get drunk at my house!" Lilly suddenly yelled out with her annoying voice, spooking you slightly. many hungovers did this woman have in a week? Did she need more or...? Non than less you got up with everyone else, waved to that nice clown dude and began walking behind Todd.
"That's a shitty costume dude..." Todd thew at the clown as he passed by him. "Shut up. Leave him be." You said quietly. "Or whA-"
Todd had succesfuly tripped over the large black shoe that the clown had stuck out, and fell down on his face.

After recieving quiet chuckles from his friends, they started poking at him. "Todd c'mon I wanna drink alreadyyy" Lilly nudged him with her shoe. He didn't move. You crouched down to his body and turned him around, seeing that he has a sharp piece of glass in his throat. The blood was pouring out, yet noone screamed nor panicked. Everyone was just staring at the slowly bleeding man. "C'mon man, quit it. It was funny the first time. Not anymore." Jay suddenly spoke up, still getting zero responses from Todd. To let you in on this "first time" I'm speaking of-
Todd had a costume of a stabbed guy. He put fake blood on his throat and a piece of glass stuck to it. It didn't look all that good and was pretty much just a haha joke. This was legit though. You seemed to be the only one who noticed.

You got up from the corpse's body, kinda unerved. Now to think of it...You thought that seeing a legit dead body would freak you out more. It really didn't. Guess it was just because you had no feels for theese snakes... "Alright man, if you wanna continue doing your dead boy thing then go on. We're going to get drunk and laid." Jay said before he thew his arm around Stacey's shoulder, pushing her out the door. "Um. Helloo? (Y/n)? You coming?" Lilly made one of her awfuly stupid faces on you while spreading her hands at the door.

Your eyes wandered at the clown man who was poking Todd's dead body with his large shoe. He was holding his head with his fist again, but this time with much less interest and deaminess than before when he was looking at you. Sooner he looked up to your face showing a tiny smile on his black colored lips. You breathed in and gave him a nod. "Thank you" you quietly murmured before stepping over the dead body of Todd, and walking over to Lilly who was already out the door.

"You don't wanna help him?" You asked her a while later. "He has legs (Y/n). He can walk his gay ass home." That... Was rude... gay isn't even a good insult???? You looked behind yourself at the restaurant, noticing that the clown was already slowly walking out, looking at you two leaving. This could be an interesting halloween night...

1137 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now