Chucky x reader (part 3)

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I tend to forget how huge Good guy dolls are...

You heard the quiet footsteps on the stairs and now you hear them in the hallway. I'm telling you that that bitch just wadled his way all the way up here. Stupid to think, but it speaks all by itself. So nothing is out the question at this point. You sighed and quietly gotten out of bed. You grabbed an old box made from cardboard that was keeping your door shut and walked out into the hallway. You saw nothing yet and so you walked out, some floorboards gently creaking under your weight. You continued your way towards the second kitchen and looked around. There was... nothing really. You relaxed your arms, lowering the box.
"You're gonna be the first one bitch!" A loud cracky yell came from behind you. As you quickly turned around  raising the box, you could see the doll flying at you. You quickly bucked him into the box and pushed it againts the floor. "YOU FUCKIN'. SONNOVA BITCH. LEMME OUT!!" The little arm came from the little holding hole of the box. It was holding a kitchen knife, too dull to do any proper damage, but oh boy was he slashin'. Once he slowed down you quickly grabbed the knife's blade and threw the weapon away. "BITCH! GIVE THAT BACK" The doll yelled again.
"Shut up! You're gonna wake up Tessie!" You half yelled back, pulling the box with you towards the kitchen island. "I don't fucking care!!" The doll whisper yelled at you. You grabbed a couple of cook books and thew them on top of the box, weighting it down. You rested your back on the drawers of the counter. "Fucking shit motherfucker ass bitch..." The doll murmured from inside the box, trying to get out in any way. "Shut up. Stop." You said, getting the dolls attention. "You've got Grandma's Cookbook (TM) on you. You're not getting out." You crossed your arms looking at the box.
"Fuck you..." The doll quieted down, obviously getting tired of fighting the allmighty box and laying his back on the "wall" of it's.

A few minutes of silence later
"Why the hell did you try to kill me?" You asked the box, shifting closer a bit. The doll didn't answer at first, but as soon as you opened your mouth to repeat the question, he spoke up. "Thought you was someone else..."
The doll murmured angrily. "Who the hell did you want to murder from my family doll?!" You half shouted at the box, furrowing your eyebrows.
"Your fucking rich ass big tiddy annoying aunt you moron-" The doll cut off. "N' I'm Chuck. Chucky. Not doll..." He murmured, still angry.
"Why are you here to kill my aunt?"
You asked, pulling your legs closer to your chest, hugging them.
"DO I REALLY HAVE TO GO INTO THE DETAILS FOR YOU?!" Chucky screamed out of nowhere kicking the box from the inside. He then gave up and sighed.
"Listen. I'm in the wrong damn house. I'm trying to get to a house of a kid- well, not really a kid anymore... but I'm trying to fuckin' kill him."
"Why so?" You scooted closer to the box, listening. You we're pretty interested in talking to Chucky. "We have some history aight? That's all you need to know..." The doll murmured. "And why did you go for my aunt? Out of all the people" You asked, tilting your head sideways. Chucky sighed. "Cuz why not kill the bitch that annoys the only person that talked nicely to the doll?" Chuck said, slight smugness in his voice. You giggled at that idea. "Yeah... sometimes I wish that could happen" You said, smiling to yourself. "Well why not make it happen? You've got a killer doll at your disposal!" He said happily, extending his arm through the hole. "Y'know..." You got up, walking away from the box. "They're family and..." You quietly picked up Chucky's knife from the ground. "Family is supposed to be protected..." You said, crouching to the box.
"But I fucking hate my family"
You finnished with a smile on your lips, smacking the knife into the doll's hand.

You shoved the books off of the box and took it off the Good guy doll. Chucks hair was slighty roughed up, looking similar to a birds nest. You sorted some of it out before you got shooe'd away with his knife. "I'm not a damn kid, y'know moron..." He said annoyed. You set the box down and slowly walked to the stairs before you were sounded by Chuck. You turned around to see him with crossed arms and a pissed expression. You imidiately smiled when you relized the situation he was in. "Don't." He replied when you walked back to him. "How long did it take you to climb the stairs?" You said, crouching down to him. "...thirty minutes..." He very quietly replied. You giggled and lifted him up to carry him downstairs. You walked into the dowstairs hall, where the kitchen was. "Were you trying to get a knife this entire time?" You looked at the knifes that held onto the wall using a magnet knife holder. "Yeah, the og plan was to kill you all. But you were nice so I'm keeping you... purely to help me of course." He said, looking around to dodge your view. "Oh how blessed I am." You  sarcasticaly smiled as you began walking deep into the darker part of the house.

You quietly opened the door to aunties and uncles room. It creaked but it didn't wake eighter of them up. You quietly walked over to them, nervously hugging Chuck. You've never killed anyone in your entire life... and now you're about to kill your family members. "What is it Wednesday Adams? You lost your black?" Chucky's quiet whisper woke you up. "I've never killed anybody..." You whispered back, letting go of the child doll. "Uh... don't worry. I'm here" Chucky badly assured you as you set him on the bed. You walked a little away, taking a pillow from a chair that was further away. You held it in front of your uncles face, hesitating. "C'mon, I'm fanning over here!" Chucky smiled, encouraging you to do the deed. You pushed the pillow onto your uncles face, waking him up a while after. He struggled for a while, reaching for his gold digger wife to save him. As soon as you noticed that, you gave Chuck a signifying nod. He imidiately twitched foward, slicing your aunt's neck. She didn't live for long. The blood was splattered on the doll and some was even on you. Uncle stopped moving.
"Y'know Wednesday Adams... you remind me of Tiffany" Chuck sat down crosslegged, supporting his head with his fist. "Who's... Tiffany?" You asked, still a bit shocked about the whole killing thing. "Tiffany... hhhhhh... how do we explain the perfect..." Chuck fell on his back, thinking about said woman.
"So you're saying I'm perfect?" You jokingly asked, walking around the bed, towards the doll.
"N-no! I mean... yeah. But... no." Chucky panicked when that question was laid down. You smiled and picked the doll up. You walked with the alive item into the bathroom, sitting him on the sink. "The fuck are we doing here? Your other lovely family members are upstairs!" Chuck pointed with his knife to the celing. "Yeah but you and I smell like death, and I don't mean it in any good way" You said, putting a towel piece under a small waterfall of water and cleaning the blood off your face. "Jeez Adams... you're a nitpick..." Chucky crossed his legs again and patiently supported his head. "Oh shut. My name's not Adams by the way" You smirked at Chuck poking his nose gently with the wet towel. A bit of the blood on his nose smugged off and it looked even worse than before. "Oh god... I'm sorry" You giggled quietly, sinking the towel again. You grabbed Chucky. "Ouch ouch moron! Don't grab me like that!" Chuck refused before you sat him down into your crossed legs. You wiped his face a bit more, managing to take most of the blood away... but what's this?
"Chuck... your paint is coming off..." You quietly murmured to the doll.
"Oh yeah that..." Chuck moved your hand away, tugging at his own face, ripping some of the rubber parts off. You watched horrified as he threw the pieces off, as if it were no problem. "You good??" You aksed, horrified. "It's fake." Chuck looked up at you. His face was different. He no longer had the baby face that the Good guy dolls always sport. His face had a lot of red scars, looking like somebody stapled and stitched his face together. "I needed to look like a normal doll so I could get into a house" Chucky murmured, grabbing your hand and setting the towel back.
"Now continue."
"Chuck you're already clean-"
"Continue I said." Chucky pointed his knife towards you, still carelessly looking foward. You sighed and continued to gently rub his scarred face with the towel. You could even promise that this man- doll would fall asleep right on your hands. "Chuckyy~ We've got a damn family to kiiill~" You shook with the doll, finnaly getting him to move. "YEAH RIGHT WHY ARE YOU STILL CLEANING THEN JEEZ" He quickly scurried off of you, tripping a bit on the floor in the process.

You picked him up, and set your walk towards dad's room...

1600 words

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