Predator hunted you some extras!

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*very epic space ship building montage*

You were told several times that you were a delight to work with. You carried sticks and branches out of the ship and carried metal scraps into it. Here and there you needed to bring some metal plates from home and it was a bit of difficulty. Lucky for you, you have your strong alien partner who helped you a lot! One day you had to babysit little Kody so it was a day off for both of you. Turned out that the Yautja is pretty great with human kids and is very interested in legos.

As soon as the Yautja and his ship were ready to go, you relized that you forgot one more thing. You packed him some waffles.
When you gave them to him he just stared without a single word. Not even a click.
"Is everything oka-" You didn't even manage to finnish your sentence.
You were attacked with an agressively tight hug and so much clicky rambling. All you could do is hug him back. You understood even if you didn't.
"Just be careful with the flight okay?
And if you ever come around I can make you more waffles..."

You ran off, further away and the Yautja started his ship. It looked like it was going to fall apart for a while before it actualy slowly lifted off the ground. It hovered in the air for a second before flying off, never to be seen on earth again...

You couldn't sleep much during that night. You always felt a sad after the alien left. You thought a lot about the awkward and happy moments you two shared together. He was here for a while but he managed to make you feel complete somehow.
One of theese nights, as you laid in your bed, you heard a terrible bang in the woods. You just assumed it was a firework or maybe another snow storm.
You ignored all other sounds untill, you heard your room's door open.
"Kody it's just a storm... go to bed" You imidiately protested. But it wasn't Kody.
A hand was laid on your shoulder, you could imidiately feel that it was bigger than a small childs. You turned on your back seeing a tall black silulette loom over you. You reached for your light and turned it on, seeing none other, than...
Your Yautja.
You squeaked with your mouth closed, launching foward, hugging him and taking him down in the process. You ended up on your bed, thankfully.

You pulled the information out of him. He ended up changing his mind in the middle of his way. He relized that the only good happening to him was on Earth. And that he belongs here, with you.

Sooner or later your big brother found out about him. He went to your room, to call you for food and ended up seeing the alien sit on your bed as you sketched him out in your book. As soon as the Yautja saw him he disapeared. Well... cloaked but you know what I mean. He shut the door behind your brother and pushed him more into the room. He would maybe hurt him if you didn't tell him off. You explained that it's your older brother.
To Jacob, you had to explain that the strange scaly man is... your... well partner. Your brother didn't want to belive you at first and wanted to snitch. You quickly explained that that won't be necessary as the Yautja hissed behind your back.

Eventualy those two got along quite well, acting like two long time bros.
Your brother even taught the Yautja how to "hit-me-up". Although Jacob would not stop calling him Predator... said it's because of the way he just disapears. So all three of you slowly started calling him Predator.

Even your mom found the Yautja one day. You had to take him into the bathroom because the idiot fell on a stick outside and ripped his shoulder open. After a while of freaking out behind locked doors, your mom came to her senses when you told her that you need bandages and that he's hurt. She was always a little caring to everyone and so she ended up helping out.
For a few days on she still felt uneasy with the Yautja around but she had no other choice than get used to him and you.
Plus he loved her cooking!

The Predator would take you out of your drawing chair and cary you like a toddler to bed, laying down with you. He loved when you laid on top of him. He always played with your hair while clicking in content...
It was a good life with an alien.

806 words

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