Jason Voorhees x reader (part 2)

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After you helped Sam unpack and exchanged a word or two with Thomas. You went outside and grabed your bags, along with your guitar. Going into the second house your friend and Josh picked you were imidiately stopped as you entered. "Sorry (Y/N) there is only one bed, and the couch is..." Josh said looking over to the couch while leaning on a wall. "...Is in a questionable condicion." Your friend kicked the leg of the couch, which groaned loudly in response. "There is one more cabin near the lake. You could sleep there" Josh started again. You quietly sighed in response, picking your bags up, and leaving again.

You opened up the door to the way down cabin to be greeted with more woody smell, a nice fireplace that was niw filled with just ash. You exhaled, thinking in how nicely alone you'll be here. You didn't need to listen to Misha snoring the entire night, and you could practice some quitar. After all, you're supposed to be here the entire week. You walked into the cabin, shutting the door behind you, and walking upstairs. You opened the door to the bedroom which had a bed in the corner right under a window. 'That's gonna be comfortable to sleep at...' you thought and smiled. Right next to the bed was a very long nightstand and right next to it was a huge closet, that you could defenetly fit your entire bag into. At the other wall againts the bed was another fire place. The room was nicely small. You liked small. It seemed cute.

After what seemed like forever of unpacking and setting all your things in place you heard a call downstairs. "Ay yo (Y/N)? We settin' up a campfire. Better grab the marshes from the kitchen!" The voice continued. By the way it spoke, you knew it was your friend. "Yes yes I'll be there in a sec!" You yelled back, getting a confirming mhm and a door shut. You undressed from the jeans and (F/C) shirt, putting on a big (F/C) hoodie and some working jeans. You knew You would smell like fire, and so you took the clothes that could get dirty. You took your guitar, went downstairs and grabed the marshmallows. You walked out the door and locked them with the old rusty key.

Loud screaming of joy could be heard at the HUGE campfire Thomas set up. He was always about theese dangerous things. His ususaly burned used-to-be-blonde hair said so as well. It was nice seeing everyone having a good time like this. You all started chatting, joking and a few dares came up as well. After that Josh brought booze and the drunken singing began. You don't drink much so you didn't here as well. At least you could play the guitar right.

*Time skip about 30 mins*
"ALriGht hoD on Ah need ta pisS." Thomas said slurring the words already. He had around four or five beers already. You could only let out a quiet chuckle from how everyone was acting. Alex was intently staring into the fire like they were arguing with each other in their minds, Your bestie and Josh were singing very loudly and Sam...You let Sam sleep on your lap...She was still kinda young and fell asleep after the first beer. You wouldn't even allow her to have more. She was far too pure for alcohol. As Thomas drunkenly dissapeared into the dark forrests you got the feeling again. Like...Like when the car stopped. It was like someone was pointing a laser pointer at you before they shoot you down. It made you supper uneasy...

"Y-you know what guys? I'll... I'll help Sam to bed." You said, shaking with the girl to wake her. You helped her up and supported her by letting her arm wrap around your neck. You led her towards the first cabin quite quickly since you felt as if the...The red dot was following you to the cabin. As you got inside you slammed the door shut, your eyes tearing up just from the scary feeling. You hated it. You went upstairs with Sam, put her on the bed and took off the tight jeans she had on. Poor girl was stuffed in them the entire day. You thew a blanket over her and went out. As you aproached the door of the cabin you were afraid that the feeling would come back...You didn't wanna ho outside. Did the alcohol do this? If yes then you'll never drink again.

You bravely opened the door and walked out, like you had no fear. As you walked towards the campfire you saw Alex was panicking and walking in circles, holding her head while saying "Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god..." You furrowed your eyebrows at the blonde haired, beanie wearing female. You looked down to see your best friend holding a coughing Thomas. She was crying. He was absolutely covered in blood. "L-listen babe...you have to t-tell me what ha-happened" your friend said while sobbing through it. Josh was agressively pressing buttons on his phone trying to call the ambulance or something. "Who did it to you Tommy?!" Misha almost yelled out. As you walked closer, you saw the damage Tom had. He had a large gash in his stomach that wouldn't stop bleeding. And a second, smaller one on his chest. Thomas was trying to speak so hard. But he just couldn't as he coughed up more and more blood. "R...an... outs...E..ease..." He coughed up, tears falling from his eyes, before he finnaly stopped moving... You put your hands on your mouth, your eyes filling with tears of pure fear.

"Ya? Hello! I'm at Camp crystal lake! Our friend just got killed by someone in the woods!...Wait here?...Okay we will....go inside...right right....thank you." Josh quickly said. "Ever one we haves to go in cabins!" He was still kinda drunk and his words were slurred as fuck but everyone understood. You grabbed the corpse of Tom, carried it in the second cabin, and you all waited. On the inside, the door locked. And most of you armed.

"How long?" Your friend whispered, still having tears roll down her cheeks like pearls. "20 minutes? I dunno..." Josh whispered, holding a fire place poker, not taking his eyes off the cabin door.

To be continued~
Seems like you're in bit of a trouble ;)

1098 words

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