Krueger bonus' ^^

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Many times you'd "wake up" on a bed that was in the boiler room, went to grab your phone, only to grab onto Freddy's glove, which squeezed yours imidiately, instead. That bastard was always the big spoon. It ensured him that you wouldn't go anywhere, or at least until he decides to get up

When the year was coming to an end, Fred was like on needles. You'd catch him staring at you intently and he'd often zone out. If the rare cuddle sessions came up, he'd hold you very tight, almost as if he was scared you'd disolve into dust. He didn't want you to leave him...

When you did wake up, your family welcomed you with big smiles and cheer. But of course...You still couldn't stop thinking about your demon...When you fell asleep you hoped you'd wake up in the boiler room. And voilá! You quickly ran to the little storage area Fred lived in, only to see him cutting his hand out of pure, visible boredom. He didn't have anything to do...

As you cleared your throat as a sighn of "bitch I'm not leaving you here" his head moved to the side, his eyes shining brightly. "Kitten!" He squeaked with his raspy voice, getting up, grabbing you and making a little spin. "I thought you left the little 'ole me forever!" He happily said as he pushed your face into his chest, cuddling you slightly and almost suffocating you.

Fred sometimes did bring some bitches into the dream world, but purely for killing. He would even let you try it. You never did too damn good but hey...It made him happy.

If you wore Freds sweater the boner chart would be broken. I don't need to say more. Sometimes the ass would cover you in blood just to say "oops...~" And give you his sweater. He loved it...

Sometimes when he'd get mushy he prepared a dream for you. It usualy went by you waking up in your garden dream and ended up with you two together...burnt marshmellow boy...

God forbid you talk to another guy though...Fred was posessive as hell and he couldn't stand another guy even breathing the same air as you were. And of course if you'd ever point it out he'd imidiately start hissing that he's not jelaous and that he's totaly not posessive

Sometimes Fred would have theese big mood swings where he wouldn't even utter a word. In that scenario, only little cheek kisses would help. He hated to admit it but he was a whore for little things like this...

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