Jason Voorhees x reader (part 7)

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You put the pan on the little blue flame and fliped the pages of your memory, thinking about how your family used to make theese. All along this you vere very focused! Having a very deep thinking expression (Just like the writer when she's writing) and overall being very careful. You could use a second hand though. Speaking of that...The killer appeared out of nowhere, giving you a little spook while you cut the bread. "Jesus! Voorhees! Don't sneak up on me like this..." You said, continuing to cut it and sometimes looking up at him. He just turned his head to the side, questioning you this way. "Well... I've seen that you brought all of this here and I thought...Listen if you don't want me to cook this, you can tell me. I can leave it." You said sounding just a little sad. You got exited for the cooking.

He just stepped closer to you and put his hands on the counter, moving his eyes from you to the pan. "Well...You wanna...help me?" You asked carefuly. He eased up and gave you a bunch of quick nods. "Great!" You said with a smile. "You think you could crack the eggs for me? Pretty Please" you asked him and took out a bowl for him to put the egg in. As you focused on your bread you heard a...Not nice crack. You turned your head to see that the guy literaly broke the egg. He crushed it in his hand. "Oh boy..." You could feel that he knew that he did wrong with that. The dissapointment from him radiated. "...try it with a knife maybe? But gentle." You warned, throwing the egg out the window, for the wood animals to eat.

You handed him a knife and watched him trying to figure out what you wanted. "Okay big guy...let me help you" you said giggling a bit. You got in between his arms and gently grabbed his hands. "You gotta turn the egg around...And then grab the knife..." You were moving his hands around gently. Suprisingly enough he let you. He did twitch here and there, but that's just because of the contact. Long time since he had one as gentle as this. "And then It's like...If you want to slash somebody in their head!" You tried saying it in a way that he would understand and smacked the egg with the blade, making a nice crack. "Then you just pull it apart like a skull..." You pulled the egg apart with his hands and the inside fell into the bowl. "And it's as easy as that!" You turned to him, smiling. He was looking kinda frozen before he gave you a couple of nods.

He actualy did good even when it came to cutting tomatoes. You told him that it's like getting rid of a body and so he understood straight away. Sure, they weren't round circles but who cares. You figured that he's kind of like a kid in a man's body. Everything he did, he looked at you for your aprooval, just like a kid would. Every time you said that he did good, his eyes shined bright. It was kind of adorible... As you were fliping the bread in the egg on the pan, you decided to break the ice. "So what's your name anyway?" You asked, giving a glance to your side and looking at Voorhees. He moved his head around, as if he was trying to find something. His search ended with a knife, he took it and started carving his name in the cutting board. "J...jas..." He got stuck there. He just stopped writing and it could be seen that he was thinking hard about how does he spell his own name. He tried to continue after a while "J...jas...on" The letters spelled Jason. You repeated it a couple of times and giving a compliment on it. He closed his eyes and gave you a nod.

After a while of silence he gently nudged you with his elbow and raised his head as if he was asking something. "Want my name?" He gave you a nod. "I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" you smiled. He turned his head foward and looked up as if he was thinking about it. Jason gave yet another confirming nod and continued to watch you cook. It was pretty mezmerizing to him, looking as you moved your hands, full of skill. He would never be able to do something like this. Mom used to cook for him...before everything went dark...Jason felt better around you since you reminded him so much of her. You were the first person he left to get to close to his private space, and honestly? He didn't regret listening to his mom for once.

The last piece of bread was done, put on a plate and carried towards the little island that was at the other side from the cooking area. About a meter away. Jason followed quite quickly behind, his eyes not loosing the warm meal. The food smelled great as it usualy did. It reminded you of home...would your big friend ever let you leave and visit it again? Would he follow you there? Don't know...better not ask. You put the cut tomatoes next to the bread and marveled at your culinary masterpiece that was so easy to make. Jason was standing on the other side of the island with hungry eyes, almost drooling. "Go on, dig in. You must be starving. I made you wait for it." You laughed at how hungry he was looking. "I'll go and wash my hands. You can start." You turned to the bathroom and as soon as you were in you could hear shifting of the glass plate. Poor guy must've been starving. You washed your hands and went out.

Jason was leaning foward on the table resting on his elbow, the plate in front of him and no worry in his life. His mask though...it was on the left side of his face. Looking at you. That meant that his mask was off his face. Was it still looking as unusual as it did when he was a kid? Was he ashamed of it? Probably the reason why he didn't want to eat yet. You walked over, looking at the ground as to not disturb him. You might make him angry, who knows? You grabbed your own bread, still looking at the ground. You were talking with him, asking normal questions, and getting some classic grunts and hm's from him. He wasn't angry or anything. This was just his way of comunication. After he was aparently done with his food, you could hear him put on his mask once again. He walked around the island and behind you.

You got a bit spooked when you felt something on top of your head. It grunted in calmness. Voorhees decided to put his chin on top of your head. "What's up big guy? Getting soft from my cooking?" You asked jokingly and finnishing your bread. You felt him turn you around forcefully. You decided to look down on the ground still. His arms wrapped around you, under your shoulders. A bit of a strange, yet warm hug. "J? You okay?" You asked, looking to the side now since you were on his chest. You recived a tap on your forehead. You looked up at him to see half of his face showing. He still had the deformity...His eyes weren't as shallow. The interaction he got from you must've been doing good for him. Speaking of his eyes...All around them, he had dark circles and bags. He looked like he didn't sleep for days. Weeks maybe..

"How about...You go to sleep big guy?" You suggested, compleetly ignoring his diferent face. He straightened his mask and gave you a deep 'mhm'. You got yanked up like a rag doll and carried towards the bedroom. "Yo J! I meant you! I don't need-" you were shushed by an annoyed grunt. No is not the word. You are not allowed to disagree in this house. He laid you on the big bed, and threw his jacket on the ground with a loud duss. He later laid on you, as if he just sudenly died. "Dude... I'm not your pillow..." You said giggling slightly. Can't lie, it was a bit uncomfortable but he was too sweet of a bear to say no to...let him just for once. His head laid on your chest that was slowly rising and lowering as you were breathing calmly. His hands were behind your shoulders, holding you softly, almost as if he was afraid you'd run away. Your right hand was on his back, embracing him and making sure he knows you're still here. The other was around his neck, sometimes sliding little circles on his back.

Here and there he would whine or grunt from his sleep... must've been some wild dreams. "You're such a baby..." You whispered with your now raspy voice. You gave him a tiny kiss on the top of his mask. "My baby..." You scoffed with a smile, closing your eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep...

Babyyyy *sniff sniff* we're finished here. I wanna go home and cry now.
1572 words

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