Leatherface x Reader

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The original idea here, was to write about Freddy Krueger but I couldn't think of anything for the life of me so you're gonna have to give me more time... You'll have to suffer through another silent killer. :(

Driving your good old pick up truck throughtout the empty, dusty desert road of Texas wasn't such a bad idea. It helped you unwind and take a break from your travels. You loved going across the world and see new things. Texas was a fun stop, but a hot one to say. Speaking of hot, it seemed as if the gas from your car was getting eaten by the hot sun. The control beeped at you once more for gas "God damn..." You cursed a bit to yourself. Like where the hell are you supposed to get gas in the middle of nowhere? You got a bit nervous thinking that you'll be stuck, but alas! A gas station! It must've been a thing here, cars dying like this. "Never mind, god bless!" You smiled and pulled over at the station. It looked kinda old, almost abandoned. You parked your car, filled up, thank to everything the gas still ran...You jumped on your seat while trying to find your wallet. After a while of searching you jumped out again and walked in.

The air on the inside was so much cooler and you almost didn't wanna go outside. Looking around the place, gave you strong Texas vibes. The place was practicaly made out of wood, exept for the floor, and smelled like dried meat. There was a bull skull (yay rhymes!) on the wall, along with some yellow pictures. You walked closer to look at them. They seemed to be of...three men? Brothers? Father and sons? Just friends? Who knew. They looked happy together. A strong family-like tie could be felt between them all. Some pictures were quite humorous as one of the men, who wore a tank top and had dark, to-chin hair was moving a lot. He seemed to be laughing his lungs out. After a couple of theese picture laughs left, the man on the right, who seemed oldest was smeared too. Not out of laugher though. He moved to hit the laughing man. The taking of theese pictures must've been quite the adventure. The guy in the middle though, he struck you the most...He was a bit chubby and wore a light apron with a lighter shirt and a black tie. He had dark, messy hair that was all over his head. It looked kinda cute. Like a kid. His face was...Strange...It looked like he had another one...Like two faces on top of each other. Probably just the picture quality...He seemed to be kinda afraid of the oldest man.

"Those are my brothers" you heard a rusty chuckle behind you, coming from the wooden counterspace. You turned around to meet the oldest man from the pictures. "O-oh. Sorry if I annoyed you in some way with staring at your pictures!" You were a bit spooked from him. You didn't even notice he was there. He walked up to you with a rather warm smile and looked at the yellow pics. "Na... I'm happy someone walks in and notices" he seemed quite proud. What happened in this one? You smiled and pointed at the picture where the older brother hit the tank topper. "Oh that? That little shit Nubbins wouldn't stop giggling when we tried takin' a serious photo" You laughed back. And what's the others name? You asked, meaning the dark haired boy with a strange face and walking with this man back to the counter.

"That? That's...that's Bubba. The youngest brother. He's Uh...He's diferent." He said turning a finger in circles around his head. "He's crazy or something?" You asked, taking the money out "We don't know fully yet... Doc said something about him being demented. He's still the best cook in the world though!" He chuckeled quietly while taking the money and giving you a goodbye later. Bubba huh? Kinda sad you won't meet this guys family. They seemed friendly. Well...time to continue your adventure again. As you walked outside, the hot weather hit you again like a fist. God it's awful...You sat in your car, put the keys in, and started the pick up.

Throwing one last look towards the gas station, almost as if it was your home and you were leaving it forever, you smiled a bit and drove off.

Next stop: The masive graveyard of Kingsland (If I got the name wrong Please don't bully me :( )

You heard about multiple reports that stated a grave robber that would loot the graves. They didn't do it for jewerly or clothes. The robber is said to take the whole corpse. Sometimes the corpse would turn up back at the graveyard. In a form of some kind of furniture. The bones were picked clean and held together in a firm chair. Or they were painted some kind of color and carefuly crafted into a lamp. How could someone even do this? It was an interesting thing to you...yet a creepy one. You found it quite fascinating, and if you could, you'd throw some words with the robber that is an unapriciated artist.

Suddenly out of nowhere. You got spooked and slamed on the brakes. A guy jumped in front of your car! What the fuck is up with Texas? You gave him a dirty look as he gave you an open mouth smile, almost as if he was mad. He came over to your window and waited until you gave him your attention. "Minda hitchiker lass?" He gave you a grin. He seemed like a cool guy, but holy shit he scared you to death. You almost rode him over like a pancake! As you looked down at him and questioned yourself if you should take him or not...You recognized him as Nubbins! The guy from the gas station photos! Well, your wish of meeting the brothers is alredy almost fullfilled.

"And Uh...You think that hitchikers are supposed to be hit?" You asked, your voice sarcastic. You got a good laugh out of him. "No! No they're not supposed to!" He said through out the laugher "You're Nubbins aren't you?" You asked with a smirk "Has the lass that almost hit me been following me?" He asks chuckling "Get in the car N" you smiled, unlocking the other door. "Hey thanks lass! To the graveyard ples." He said, throwing his bag into the car, and then himself "Had my way there anyway" you smiled one last time and let the car slide on the road.

1127 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now