Michael Myers x reader (part 3)

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Warning! Chapter contains a lot of dead animals :(

What is up with this man and dead animals? He handed you the now, fresh crow. His sudden movement spooked you a bit. What did he think? Did...did he want you to take it? You thought that if you don't take it, it will probably make him mad. And so you moved your hands slowly infront of yourself in a bowl shape. The cold, dead bird was laid in your palms carefuly. Whatever it is that you did, you did it good, and didn't anger your kidnaper. You took the crow closer and inspected it. As usual it had a stab in it's stomach and a bunch of broken bones. You felt bad for the poor thing but there is nothing you can do for it now. You two just stared at the animal in a rather awkward silence. You decided to break it for once. Looking up, you cleared your throat and said something you wouldn't expect "Thank you. Michael." You said it very slowly and carefuly, as to not touch him in some sort of bad way or something. He's an escaped lunatic from an asylum, don't forget it!

Mike's pov
'It. She likes it? She likes it. This is good. Did. Did I make a friend? Is this what friend is? Do I need a friend?'

Mike's pov
Mike was kinda happy at this moment that you couldn't see his face. His mouth has curved into a...smile...a thing he didn't do for a long time. It felt nice having some interaction with another person. He obviously didn't answer to your 'thank you' but just continued his unpolite staring. It still made your spine crawl, not knowing what he was thinking or how he was looking at you. You bowed your head down, thinking you messed up. Soon you were torn out of your thoughts by a stomach grunt. You remember that the last time you ate was at work. And who knows how long you've been here.

Mike shot one last look on the dead crow and swiftly left the room. Should you follow? You decided to do so. Laying the crow down, you darted out of the room, after him. He was really quick and already at the bottom of the stairs, taking a turn to the old
used-to-be kitchen area. You quickly went down the creaky stairs, almost to bumb into him once more. He had the now clean knife in his hand.
"H-heh, we should stop bumping into each other so much" you let out a guiet, nervous giggle, earning a very small smile from him. You couldn't see it though..He didn't even want you to. What would you think of him? He's a murderer and a stalker. He's supposed to give people nightmares...and yet...He didn't want you to have those. No. He wanted you to not feel the fear others do when they see him...

He pushed by you, looking up again. "Wait..w-where... are you going with that?" You asked, sounding kinda brave now. You could feel yourself getting a little bit comfortable around him now. After you got no other answer that just loudly shut doors, you sighed. "Of course you won't tell me..."
*Time skip*
You were exploring the house you were in to pass time. Escaping wasn't an option. Not that you didn't want to or couldn't, but if he'd find you again he'd most likely not wait and stab you to death, like the crows. Mike was gone for about half an hour, giving you enough time to look through the house. Thanks to that you recognized that you were in the murder house...The house that had no decorations...no light...no hope...

There was still some red-ish liquid on the white carpet in one of the rooms. Must've been from the first murder that took place in Myers' life. As your thought were going deep into this backstory of the house you heard the downstairs door open. Is he...back? You walked out of the room swiftly, to be met with the black eyes of his mask again. He was holding something...He moved to the kitchen once more, putting that large thing on the counter and throwing the knife in the kitchen sink. You walked downstairs to check what did he bring, as your stomach growled again. Did he bring you food?

As you entered the kitchen the smell of blood hit again, like a damn fist. He pointed to you, and at the sink. You walked over to it and saw what he brang...(WARNING HERE)

It almost made you throw up. It was a dead german shepherd. Probably from the other neighborhood. The poor dog was met with Michael's knife straight to the throat...You hoped that the little pooch didn't suffer too much... It was compleetly numb. Not even a little bit of light in it's eyes.

(Warning over you're good to go)
You were still frozen from the thing. Not even noticing that Mike was staring the entire time. He soon poked you with his finger, wanting to get your attention. You turned to face him with a disgusted face. He pointed to you and the sink again. Damn this man was hard headed. He wanted you to wash his knife up. What are you? His maid to be cleaning for him? You thought. But...rather did it, as to not die in pain. After washing you caught Mike staring at you again while opening the body up...But in a more secretive way. Or in as much secret a six foot five man can be. He didn't want you to know and so you decided to not coment.

After it was open enough from his eyes, he grabed your arm and moved you to the corpse. You looked up in confusion in your eyes. He stared back for a while before pointing to the mouth of his mask, and then letting his hand fall to his side again. He wanted you to do what. Did this man literaly bring you a dead animal, say bon apetit and wanted to watch you eat it? Like hell you were gonna eat that. But how to tell him...

"I..." You started softly not wanting to die by what you were gonna say "You want me to eat...him?" You turned your head at Mike who was waiting for you to have a bite of the creature he killed just for you. He gave you a confirming nod, and a heavy breathe as usual. "You...You know that's bad to eat right..?" You tried telling him off in another way. You got a head twist as a response. Did this murderer not understand that not only eating raw pets is unhleathy, but also freakin' illegal? You took your time to explain a bit to him and after you were done, you hoped he understood at least a word. His head twist stayed for a minute or two and his heavy breathing continued. Until...He finnaly looked up and slowly turned to his house door. You looked too, not knowing what he wants at first...after a couple seconds of awkward door starring you got an idea. "I...have something" you said quite exited. Mike turned to you again. "What if...What if you take me back to my house...And I can call us some food? I'm sure you're hungry too." You said with a little smile forming on your lips. At this exact moment Michael was pretty glad he wore the mask. He didn't ever want anybody to see his face. And it would be even more embarasing now, since he's blushing a tiny bit from your smile. Heck, the reason he took you was because he wanted you here. Like a little personal... friend? Maybe more? He stalked you from the time you bumped into him on your way home, and even if he tried his bloody hardest, he couldn't forget about you, your face, expression and hair and eyes and...jesus was this boy in love... He stood there for a moment thinking if letting you outside is a good idea. You know, you could run away from him. Then he'd have to kill you. Neighter of you want that now do you? (*Points a glock to your head* you don't want that do you) He nodded once more. Very carefuly and slowly this time. You gave him a smile and went for the door.

As you were opening it, you heard a metal like sound from the kitchen. He took his knife and walked to you, patiently waiting for you to open the door. "You're...You're not thinking of going outside with that do you?" You asked with a lift eyebrow. He just starred, creeping you out a bit. "Dude, they're after you. If they see a six foot man with a knife, they'll take you." You said once again. Insisting this time. He didn't move a muscle. "Not my fault if they take you..." You opened the door and walked down the stairs into the moonlight of the neighborhood.

To be continued in the last chapter~

Inviting a guy in your house eh? ;)
1555 words

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