Norman Bates x reader (part 2)

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The dreams. The Wild dreams would not let you go. You dreamt about the hotel. The large dark building, creaking and groaning as if it were to fall apart at any given second. When you decided to walk out, Norman stood there, at the parking lot, under the shining stars he waited for you. You two spoke a lot about the strangest things, as if you were friends from the very begining of your lives. Norman seemed distant though. Like he was keeping something away from you. Esentialy, when you aksed, he inhaled to tell you, but sadly you woke up at that straight moment. Damn it! Such a nice dream...

Norman's pov
I didn't get a lot of sleep when (y/n) arrived. I had to speak to mother all night...I ranted to her how wonderful our new guest looks...I told mother I might be in love with her... Mother instantly denied it and growled at me...saying that there is no real love if it is on the first sight...I tried explaining over and over again how calm and colected they are, but mother had none of it. Mother only started listening when I told her about how impressed they were with me taking care of her. Soon mother herself started asking questions about this new character in our hotel. I told her everything I could but sadly...we've had only a few words with each other. Mother told me to find out more, that she's interested. I hope mother doesn't do anything to (y/n)...

Normal pov
You figured you must've...fell in love...with the stuttery man you've just's stupid crazy but he seemed fine and pretty adorible...You wanted to get to know him more. Well...If you wanna do that, you ought to get up and dressed.

As you lifted your body, everything got heavy, your head started trashing and your nose felt stuffed. Fuck...You must've gotten sick from yesterday's cold rain... You're probably gonna have to stay here a little longer...There is no way you're going to drive in this condition. But hey, take it from a positive look. You can try and befriend Mr. Bates more...You had to smile at that thought. That cute, pencil thin smile of his would make your cheeks go red... Ah stop this teenage fangirling! Be a bit of a adult would you? You teased yourself a bit as you slowly got up, making your way to the bathroom of your little room.

When you got washed up and dressed, you decided to lock your door and try to find the owner of the hotel. You wandered the long hall, looking around at the stuffed animals on the walls. Each of them admired you with their dead eyes, your beauty, as if you were the Belle walking in the beast's halls...
You continued your walk in the hall, sometimes looking behind yourself if you wouldn't see the nervous man walk somewhere there. As you were looking behind yourself, you almost didn't notice the object in front of you. No, not an object...a man...a man you knew far too well. The stuttering Norman Bates. Who, of course, almost got a heart attack when he saw you.
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to startle you" you gave him that weak smile of yours, to comfort him.
"N-no, I got i-in the way! I-I am sorry." He smiled back a she tried to hide the panic. "I was actualy looking for you..." You admited, imidiately noticing how Norman perked up. "For me?" He looked a little happy surprised. "Why yes, I was wondering if I could spend a little longer here...
I got unfortunately sick, from the rain." You asked gently. "Oh, Why didn't you say that sooner? Come, follow me please." Norman said, completly without stuttering and  gestured you to follow by his side, as if he was a proud mother duck, protecting her little baby.

You soon found yourself at the reception desk, writing a couple more days down and having a calm conversation. It felt nice, talking to him...You were in love...shiiit...
"Y-you know what...? Since y-you didn't plan on staying, I-I won't charge you anything for theese new days. W-would you be okay with
t-that?" He stuttered out nervously again. "Mr. Bates, I don't think I can accept that...I may have not planned to stay here but I can't here for nothing" you protested. "B-but you a-aren't here for nothing..." Norman threw softly. "Miss (y/l/n)
y-your presence i-is good enough
f-for me..." He chuckled slightly as he looked back down on the paper, blushing slightly and griping the pen stressed. He was so nervous what were you going to say... He never told anyone this.
"Thank you Mr. Bates...I really do apriciate it..." You gave in, putting your hand on the table, almost stopping yourself from grabbing his. After a little bit of silence, Bates perked up again. "Norman. me Norman..." He looked up at you with his puppy brown eyes, sucsessfuly melting your heart in the process. "Okay then. Thank you Norman..." You smiled at him and just as you were about to turn around to leave and go to your room, he grabbed your wrist firmly. It made you twitch and jerk your head back in shock. He imidiately let go almost as if he had burned himself on your skin.

"A-ah.. I-I-I am so sorry about that little scare..." Norman quickly and politely excused himself. "I-I wanted t-to ask you...w-would...would you like a cup of tea? I-It could help your sickness..." He cheekily suggested. You thought about it for a while...Yeah, maybe you'll even get to stir up a convo. You agreed to his offer sheepishly and got walked over to an older looking, wooden door next to the desk. "I wouldn't normaly take guests here b-but... We have an emergency" he jokingly said with a smile as he led the way. You soon ended up in a little cozy room with some normal living space. In a corner in front was something like a little kitchen. Right next to it was a neatly cleaned bed for one person. And on the other side of the room, to the right of the entrance, was a fireplace with two, high chairs. Another stuffed owl was watching over the two chairs, having her wings spreaded threathingly. Norman motioned for you to sit down at the fireplace that was welcomingly snapping. Now it feels like the time...You two are far from others...Let's try to ask him something. You pushed the knot from your throat and asked.

"So, Norman, have any hobbies?" You certainly got his attention with that question. "W-well...I-it is quite a strange thing t-to do...a-and I belive some people may say that it's disgusting o-or weird...b-but I do taxidermy of animals..." He admited as he rubbed his hands nervously, looking to the ground. "So...theese are from you?" You pointed to the owl.
"Y-yes, that's my work" he looked up at you, a little surprised that you didn't mind it like others. "You're talented..." You looked back at the owl, smiling slightly. Norman himself was a smiling sunshine. He felt so happy around you. You didn't mind the flaws he had. Stuttering, nervousness and he'll, even the taxidermy. He poured the tea into two cups, bringing them foward to you. He sat on the chair next to yours and you both peeped your talk more. The warm liquid always revived your voice whenever it has died due to the sickness. He was right. It made you feel better. But it was probably just because you spent time with him...

You and Norman spoke a lot, learning about each other. You only felt stronger connection to him. Every single thing he said or did, had you intrigued. It was a nice little while for you both, and you genuenly felt like you were becoming friends. You two later on took a break from all the talking and just watched the fire. Or at least you tried... Norman couldn't take his gaze off looked so beautiful in his eyes...The orange flame reflecting off your skin made you look even better... you were a peace of mind for him, a safeplace...But...speaking of mind...His head started hurting...mother wanted to come out and speak to the guest herself...should he allow it? He just quickly excused himself, and walked into another room. You left him to it.

Well...while you're here...might as well look around. You put the Cup down, and wandered around the little room. The kitchen was nice and tidy, and everything smelled clean. There was a picture of an older woman on the counter. She was about 40 and had lighter hair with deep dark eyes. Her eyes looked like Norman's...This must be Norman's mother then. She looked like him a lot. You picked the framed photo up to get a closer look. She had those soft features of his... As you turned the frame around, you saw some...Red files that were stocked behind the picture. You turned around to look if Norman hasn't came back. He was still in the other room, dealing with his headache. You put the picture down and grabbed the files instead. You opened them up and saw...medical documents? You weren't really smart from this, but you could read out something about mind...disfiguration? Dissosiative identity disorder? Yeah, that was it. So poor Norman had DID... You would never tel-
"What are you doing?" A creekier voice sound behind you, making you jump. You quickly turned around, seeing...Norman...?

He was wearing a wig and a cooking apron, it was as if he was trying to look like...the woman from the picture... You quickly put the files down and backed up a little "I-I'm sorry, I was just interested in the picture of your mom...I-I didn't mean to snoop around Norman..." You were the one that was stuttering words out now.

"I belive you may be speaking to the wrong person darling..." Crossed his hands on his chest and gave you an unkind, almost judgemental stare...

1761 words

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