Sweetheart baby boy Brahms bonus

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You soon learned that the Heelshires will never come back, and that the house is pretty much at yours and Brahms' disposal. A dream come true if you ask me...

You had to get a "second" job though. The payment through Malcolm stopped coming, signifying that the Heelshires didn't want nothing to do with this anymore. It's kind of understandable. Brahms didn't like it when you left for work. You had to wake up at six, to get to a seven job. Simply because you struggled to get Brahms off of you. He'd wait right in front of the window, watching the road patiently. When he recognized your car he started waving agressively and as soon as you waved back, he ran into a wall and quickly scooted down to welcome you back home.

Brahms didn't like Malcolm one bit. He hated the thought of the flirty delivery guy even being with you. As soon as Malcolm left, you were attacked with a tight hug that would last pretty long.

Brahms also learned that if he's doing the right moves, like hugging you at the right time, or simply cuddling up to you, he'll get a lot of kisses. And not just the good night ones...

You helped Brahms repair his doll, which he was very happy about. You guys put him on top of a bookshelf, serving as a reminder of how it all started.

"Brahms? You know you can speak normaly in front of me, right?" You said, as you put you book down, looking at Brahms. He lifted his shoulders quietly, still messing with the toy he took from his room. "Brahms... come on, I wanna hear the voice!" You smiled, poking him with your foot. He grunted quietly, trying to dismiss you. "Pretty pleeeease?" You asked on last time, getting a sigh from Brahms.
"Really?" His child voice said.
"Yes, really please!" You pleaded.
"Are you sure pretty (Y/n)?" He asked, his voice just a tad bit lower.
"Brahms. Do it. Please" You started to get annoyed. Brahms sighed and let his voice drop to a normal aldult-ish level. It was slightly broken but still enough to make you smile. The voice seemed to be around a 28 year old guy. It was deep but not crazy. Certainly from his fathers side. "Fine, I'll speak normaly... sometimes" He quietly murmured, recieving a kiss on the cheek, and a couple giggles of happines from you.

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