Wishmaster x reader (part 2)

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(School is really making writing difficult. I have decided to start updating once a week instead of two. I simply can't make stuff faster :/ )

"Misha I sadly don't have any time for wazzaping, please tell me if you still work in the gem apraisal shop" You speedily hurled out.
"That I do. What's up? You sound super worried" Misha responded, sounding worried for you.
"Listen I... I think I could answer later. For now, just tell me, can gems talk??"
"Sister if this is a Steven universe joke..."
"Can they?" You asked again, shouting a little too much.
"Well... some bigger, slash better gems have the ability to echo what you say, but they defenetly can't talk on their own" Misha explained, soundingly eating something.
"Okay okay... when can I come over to the shop? I think I've got something real expensive on my hands..." You said, peeking out the door again.
"Well, basicaly you could come over as soon as this storm clears up. And I think that'll be soon" Misha responded, her mouth still full with whatever she was consuming.
"Okay... thanks. Oh and, don't choke" You said and before you hung up, chaotic coughing could be heard almost imidiately through her laughter.

You walked out of your room slowly. For some reason you feared that someone might be standing in the gem's place.
"So... rocks don't talk" You said rather loudly, so the red gem would hear you.
"Eighter I'm going crazy, or you're one of a kind..." You spoke quieter, now aproaching the kitchen.
"I'd rather describe this gem as a one of a kind my dear lady" The stone talked again, making you shake your head to the side a little.
"Eighter way, you're going to the gem apraisal shop. I don't want to hear any protests"
"Too bad, you will hear them" The rock refused.
"God you're annoying for a stone..."
"And you are displeased for a human..."
You two continued to talk back at each other until it actualy stopped raining.
"Alright that's it" You firmly said, grabbing your wallet and the gem and stuffing both of those into your jacket, which you promptly put on afterwards.
"You're going." You said, opening the door and walking down the metal stairs after locking it.
"Or am I?" The rock asked. Before you could answer, it jumped out of your pocket, but you managed to catch it before it shatered on the stone ground.
"You've caused me so much trouble already! My tooth is freaking chiped, I'm still wet from the rain and you try to shatter yourself!"
"You are no fun..."

The gem continued to talk to you about things that mostly didn't make sense. Or at least to you.
You were close to the gem shop when the talks from the gem were starting to get really tempting.
"What does your heart desire? Most out of the entire world..."
It asked you again.
"I... Shut up. Just shut up." You pushed back your curiosity for once.
"I mean... for starters we could fix that tooth of yours... right here, at the spot, painless" You could hear a smirk in the voice.
"...what's the catch?" You asked the gem. No thing this high goes without a price.
"You're smart... I like that..." The voice from the gem purred, making you smile at the light compliment.
"Blood, blood is the little catch... oh but don't worry, it doesn't have to be yours" The voice explained, making you slow down.
"You want me to kill someone??" You said, sounding horrified at the thought.
"Oh no no, you just sit tight while I do the job myself. Your only move is to shatter the gem..." The voice purred again, being satisfied with how you're coming along.
"Do... do you have anyone specific in your mind?" You asked quietly, actualy considering the horrible plan.
"Oh I'm not so picky for a starter... I just need a body to move around a little better..." The voice said.
"You see that alley to your left? Go in... and I'll show you what I can do..." The voice gently instructed.
Your head slowly turned to the alleyway it mentioned. You almost mechanicaly took the gem out of your pocket, holding it in your palm and walked into the shady alley.

On the ground you could see a homeless man, smoking a cigarette and murmuring some talk to himself.
"What is your heart's desire? What do you wish for?" The terrifying words came out of your own mouth. You freaked out, but your body didn't move an inch.
"Wha... mine?" The homeless man asked.
"Heh, I wish cigs would come easier" The old man laughed raspily, taking a puff from the cigarette he was holding. You felt the corners of your mouth curve into an evil grin.
"Your wish is my comand..." You- He- The voice coming from you said.
Soon, the old man started coughing. He punched his chest a couple of times before he reached into his mouth. He pulled out a... cigarette. Both of you turned your heads in confusion. The man started coughing again, pulling out more and more cigs, untill he couldn't make it anymore. He ended up choking on the horrible amount of cigarettes coming from his throat. As you watched this horror unfold in front of you, you wernen't allowed to move. You had to watch that happen in front of you.
"Drop the gem. Now." The voice from the rock instructed, making you carelessly let the gem fall down on the dirty concrete floor.

The shiny rock shattered into five big pieces, letting out thick red and pink smoke. There was a surprising amount of it in the rock. So much so, that something else, much darker started lifting up from the smoke. It looked like... a body, a man...
Eyes of red shined from the pink smoke. As soon as the smoke started settling, you were met with something quite odd.
A man... a monster..?
It was a man covered in smooth, almost scale-like skin and strange symbols on his chest and shoulers, with two smooth separated dreads going down from his head to his shoulders. He had a mischevious smirk on his black lips, as if he was proud of his dramatic arrival.
Down below, under his muscle-ly scaly chest, he had some kind of robe that covered the lower half of his body.
"Who the hell are you..."
He suddenly bent over, bowing down to you greatly.
"Wishmaster you can call me... at your service... my mistress"

1101 words

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