Predator x reader (part 5)

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That picture looks really cool though 0.0

You walked downstairs, into the kitchen, with the big man following you. Sometimes a simple creak or a tree bump outside scared him and he completly disapeared. You soon learned that he had an invisibility device of some kind. Kinda neat. He had all sorts of gadgets on him. You probably hadn't even seen everything.

You made it into the kitchen in one piece. You motioned for him to sit, and he slowly obliged. He seemed to be a little hesitant about everything... like he was unfamiliar with all that was around him.
You took the chicken out of it's bag and tore some pieces off, for the monster to eat.

You set a plate with chicken pieces on the table and hid the rest into the fridge. The scaly man turned his head at the food, inspecting it with great intetest. You took a seat next to him, and watched his actions with your own interest. It looked partly cute. He looked like a very big child, getting to discover something new for themselves. Twas adorible...
"Now don't try to tell me you're vegetarian" You chuckled, resting your head on your fisted hand.
The man wiggled his head from side to side, as to answer your question. "Why don't you dig in?" You asked, once more motioning with your head towards the plate.
The creature breathed in.
Was he nervous or something?
He reached the sides of his mask and disconnected all the tubes. Those were air tubes as you noticed. So he probably can't breathe without his mask... or at least not for too long.
As soon as his mask was brang down, you were shocked a little. Defenetly not what you expected him to look like.

His forehead was long and bent back in an unnatural way. Unhuman was also his face. His eyes were small and bright orange with small tangerine spots in them. His mouth was probably the most noticable thing. It looked more like a spider's mandibles. They moved from time to time, opening and closing a little. It seemed like there was another mouth on the inner layer.

"What the hell are you..." You laid your hand down, whilst smirking and leaning foward to look at him better. The creature's appearance threw you off but it interested you.
The man looked down, as if ashamed of his own look.
"Hey, no, I didn't mean it like that" You laid your hand on his forearm, startling him a little and making him look at you.
"It's just... I've never seen anything like you. Who are you?" You quickly took your hand off.
The man looked down on his plate and took a smaller piece of the chicken.
"Yautja." He said with his thick but also raspy voice, pointing to himself.
"Human." He said, pointing to you
"Yautja... where are you from?" You asked again, sitting back in your chair.
The Yautja opened up his mandibles and tried the chicken piece. He seemed to like it as he gave off a few satisfied clicks.
He looked at you and pointed to the celing. It took you a moment to fully understand.
"So you're an alien??" You asked, resting your back on the chair.
The eating Yautja nodded.

An alien... right in your kitchen... eating your chicken.
"What the hell are you doing here? This place sucks. You didn't come here to kill us right..?" You panicked slightly. For what you know you could've been feeding a future alien slaver. But it turned out not. After a longer while of motinous explaining you managed to get that he had a crash accident. It calmed you down. So far he didn't seem like much of a threath.
Even though he said that his race was filled with armed hunters, he didn't seem like anything of the sorts.

"So... excuse me for asking again but, how are you planning to get out?" You asked the Yautja. He was just finnishing his meal, so he was in a better mood to converse than before. Besides, he liked the questions from you. He never got as much attention back at home.
He pointed to you, his black claw just barely touching your skin.
"Me? Do you like... need help?"
You asked in a bit of confusion. The Yautja took a while to understand your words but as soon as he decrypted them, he noded.
"But I know jack about building. Especialy when it comes to alien space ships" You said  sounding a little frustrated. The Yautja just swooped his hand over the matter. Looks like you're gonna be learning soon.

The Yautja rested his long head on his hand, looking down at his plate.
He picked up a smaller piece of chicken, looking at it, and then looking at you.
"What? You want more?" You smiled, noticing the Yautja's mandibles forming into something that could be descibed as a smirk.
He wiggled with his head for a no.
"Then what?" You chucked. You felt a little dumb and lightheaded. It's  probably just because it's a new person you just met.
The Yautja opened up his mouth motioning towards you with a slow nod.
You giggled a little, resting your back on your chair.
"No way. No, I'm not doing anything" You wiggled your head, trying to hide the dumb smile you had on your lips.
The Yautja made a couple of quiet clicks.
You sighed, seeing as there is no arguing with the alien.
You leaned foward and opened your mouth, defeated.
The Yautja gave you the food, closing your mouth with his middle finger.

"God it feels so dumb..."
You lowered your head, chuckling while eating the food.
Just now you relized how heated your cheeks were.
"Okay, we need to get you a place to sleep. Any bright ideas?"
You lift your head up, trying to brush off what just happened. The Yautja was already putting on his mask.
He himself felt a little lightheaded. And it was probably not just because of the air...
"Up." He said, connecting all the tubes to his mask.
"Well, I mean yeah, obviously. You're gonna be in my room. I'll go get the blankets, you try not to break anything. Feel free to walk around though" You said, getting up from the wooden chair, walking into the living room's closet. Loads of covers and blankets were stashed in there.

Predators pov
The Yautja got up and went to look around. He ended up in the upstairs hallway again. This time he was interested in the pictures on the walls. They were glassed in. There were pictures mostly of the family. The small mei'hswei (brother) the big mei'hswei (brother) and another, older jehdin (individual). He assumed it was the lou-dte kale (child maker). The "mom" as the small one reffered to her.
Speaking of the small one, there was a seperate picture of them way above the others. The Yautja looked at the stairs, to see if anyone was coming. Noone was. The Yautja grabbed the picture, looking at it.

Every single time he saw them, his stomach started tickling, and his body started to shake. He wished to make more contact with them, to get to know them more. Sure, this close interaction with a ooman (human) was already forbidden but he couldn't feel anything else than atractment to them.

Normal pov
"Hey big guy! I've got the blankets, let's go sleep! Or at least you... I'm gonna stay awake untill like four am again so..." You said, walking upstairs.

1284 words
Yeah I admit, the feeding part was cheesy but I can't write a good romance :/

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