Brahms Heelshire x reader (part 4)

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You heard it. I fucking promise. You heard it just like I did. A loud bump just happened upstairs. As if a big piece of furniture or a fat book had fallen down on the floor. You had to look what it was, curiosity wouldn't let you just stay in one room. And what if it was danger? You told little Brahms to stay put while you investigate. You swiftly but quietly tapped up the stairs and looked through the one way hallway. Noone here... better check Brahms' room. The closer you got to it, the more you could hear some shifting, moving and bumping. You listened like this for a while before putting your hand on the door, and knocking three slow times. Whatever was behind the door went dead quiet. Only after a while the three knocks came back, but they weren't knocked on the door, they were knocked on the floor. You laid down on the ground and looked under the door. You... did see shadows moving. But that was about it. The hole between the door itself and the floor was tiny and the person or creature were further away.
"(Y/n)?" It spoke. It fucking spoke. And not only that, it said your fucking name. It was a child voice. A voice of a little boy coming from Brahms' room. Did someone break in? No... the alarm system would yell out. And why would it be a fucking kid?
"...yes?" You tried to asnwer.
"(Y/n)..." The voice said again, this time much softer. Shifts could be heard behind the door, and the shadow had disapeared.
"Hey wait!" You quickly got up and opened the door, swinging it open all the way. "What the..." Noone was here anymore. You walked further into the room. In front of Brahms' bed, there were his toys laid out on the floor. They were in a shape of a heart. Kinda cute if you ask me... "aw..." You said very quietly. You aproached the toys to investigate. As soon as you did you heard a louder shift to your left. You quickly turned your head and starred at the painting of a nice sea landscape. You swore it was it. It must've moved. You got up from your squat and began aproaching the painting with crossed arms. You reached for the painting...
Loud bumps in the walls scared you, they cracked around, stomping downstairs, childish giggles going through as it did so. It was quiet afterwards.
Is this house fucking haunted? You guldped and began trotting down the stairs.

When you arrived at the bottom floor, loud music started booming through the entire house. It got you to cover your ears and stomp into the study room. There it was. The painting moved. It shifted back into place, as if it were moved to the side before. Exept... when you were here with Mrs Heelshire, the painting was just fine by your opinion. You quickly walked to the music player and stopped it. You've noticed Brahms doll sitting in a chair in front of it. "You're doing this?" You asked the doll, not knowing what to think anymore. "Listen, Brahms." A loud shift could be heard in a wall. You guessed you had the dolls attention. "Okay... You can listen to music, loud, but not so loud. My ears are gonna bust if you do" You explained to the doll, getting no responses. "We're gonna listen but after that you're gonna come outside with me. I need to clear out the traps" You smiled at the doll, setting the hand on the desk again, letting it play.

You and doll Brahms listened for quite a while, you imagined scenarios in your head to the music while listening. You even dragged over the hour you were supposed to do this for. "Alright Brahms, that's it for today" You smiled, setting the record hand off. "We gotta do some work" You grabbed little Brahms into your arms and carried him away. You dressed yourself and him up for outside, grabbed a garbage bag and went out.

"You know... you can tell me that you're a ghost kid" You tried to persuade the doll to movement as you emptied yet another mouse trap. Brahms didn't respond. As usual. It would be kinda scary if he would actualy respond to you, so you were satisfied with his silence. "Alright, we gotta go study, and if I get bored of the books quickly we can go ahead and listen to more music" You smiled on the doll, getting up from your squat and picking it up. As you walked towards the house, you stopped and dropped the bag. You saw a... a man. A man in the window. At first you thought it was a closet or a lamp or something, but it was another human being just like you. He slowly raised his hand and waved at you. You stood in place for a bit, hugging the doll before awkwardly waving back. Safe to say that the man didn't expect it, and just stared back at you for the rest of the time. He seemed very tall. We're talking you'd stare into his chest if he would be standing in front of you. He had dark short hair but that's all you could pretty much muster up from such distance. A car honk woke you up from your thoughts. A black van was driving through. It looked more like the people on the inside were studying the house rather than just driving by... you huged little Brahms boy and began braverly walking into the house. You had to study with the boy, and then clean up his toys. You couldn't leave him alone in a room and so you'd have to do it while being with him. I mean, what if the boy shifts away again. How could he do it the last time..? I guess it doesn't really matter. You undressed little Brahms from the cute raincoat and began undressing yourself. "Brahms, you wanna tell me something?" You started, defenetly getting his attention. "Who's been ramaging in my bags Brahms?" You asked, hanging your jacket on the wall. The wall seemed to shift uncomfortably. "I'm not mad, I just want to know"
Sounds of cups and cutlery was heard coming from the kitchen. "Brahms..." you murmured annoyed, taking the doll with you to the kitchen.

1075 words

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