Pennywise x reader (part 6)

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You stood in the sewer, waiting for any sighn of life behind you. Walking, cloth movemt, breathing, anything. There was no sound yet you could tell there was a presence in the dark.
"Don't run away sweets..." The voice spoke again, begging you to not leave it. "Wh-who are you?" Was all you could stutter out through the fear. "Oh and the silly clown thought you could remember him..." You felt him move closer, the water splashed slightly under his feet. He was right behind you. "Oh but he remembers you so good...He couldn't even sleep because of you..." The clown said deeply as he grabbed you by your elbow, the suprisingly cold, gloved touch sending shivers down your spine once again. "That fear...So...Pure..." The creature growled as he breathed on your neck, most likely opening it's jaw like a snake. You were frozen. The fear was crawling on your legs, palms and hurting your stomach badly. You felt a gloved presence holding you down on your shoulder, and a slimy one on the other. The slimy noodle made it's way up to your neck, followed by something sharp. Like little needles...teeth. It's teeth. They gently sinked into your sloulder, making you bleed with fear and actual blood, making him growl in pleasure. You tried grabbing onto the thing behind you in any way but that has only resulted in you loosing your footing and him grabbing onto you more tightly.

You had about enough. You clenched your fist, done with this creatures shit you jammed him with your shoulder, most likely hitting him between his ribs. He quickly let go of all of you, tearing a little on your shoulder and letting out a...Strange sound...Like a giggle...But like a genuine one. "Toots! Ya can't...ya can't do thaT!" The clown said between his giggles as he hugged his chest dropping you to the ground, feeling woozy you wasted no time when getting up and running. You did look behind yourself at the creature. The look on him was just...So...hypnotizing. Fuck it! Run! He didn't seem to follow anymore...or he was giving you a chance to run at least. Thank god you found the exit and didn't get lost on your way out. You knew you had to make your way to the doctor straight away. You just got bit by...Uh...What even would you call it... You started thinking on your way to the city. The sun was already rising with some rain droplets starting to fall. You and Tom have eighter drank in so late or the time in the sewers was going much faster...The...thing...It killed Tom. But it let you go. Why on earth you? It was defenetly the thing that you saw in the sewers as a kid. How is it still so alive and young? Who the fuck knows. It's... He's...Not human. Defenetly. That what you saw is not possible by a human. It is odly impresive...and creepy... Eighter you are actualy going mad or it was a very smart and stupid prank.
Also what did the thing say about you? That it couldn't sleep...because of you? In other circumstances it would be adorible, even romantic but concidering that it just fucking bit you, licked your blood off and killed your friend...

You're seriously feeling bad. You bumped into a few lit lamp posts and wet houses on your way. You could feel your body slowly letting go of the fear and exchanging it for tiredness due to the blood loss. You rested on your side on yet another building, trying to find any strength to go on as rain fell on your already wet hair and clothes.
"My goodness...Are you okay dearie?" A gentle, raspy voice said from in front of you. You almost wanted to be rude and hiss at the voice to mind it's bussines, but when you looked up, you saw an eldery lady that had a grey bop on the lowee part of her head, little dead pink raincoat and the brightest blue eyes you've ever seen. "I..." You pushed some unknown words out as you uncovered your shoulder for the grandma to see. "Oh dear...You must come with me" the granny said, sounding worried as she grabbed onto your arm, letting you to have some support from her. "Doctr..." You muffled "They're closed at this hour dear..." The grandma replied, sounding as gentle as before. The aura that was coming from her was impresive. It was so calm and resty...It even put your tiredness and fear at bay.

"I'll take care of you... Don't you worry..." She said calmy as she opened a door to a large building with a sighn of "library" in beautiful italic letters. She led you in a warm cozy place who's walls were filled with books all the way to the top. She sat you on a dark green couch and walked off for a bit. She came back with a little red med-kit. "Don't you worry, I've been here for some time. I know what I'm doing." She said, sounding like the wisest person you've ever heard. "Tell me dear...If you may...what did this to you?" She asked as she walked behind the couch, with some bandages and other things you couldn't identify at the moment. "You wouldn't belive me miss..." You groaned in response. "Test me. I've been here long enough and I've seen some...things..." She chuckled slightly, stopping herself from the word "shit"
"You'd think I'm crazy..." You responded with a slight smile, re-thinking the situation. "Bah! Tell the curious old lady" she said jokingly as she put desification on the wound, it didn't even hurt from her...huh...

"I Uh...It was a..." you struggled to find words yourself. "I don't even know..." The granny seemed to get a little confused at that. "My friend went into the sewers and I...I didn't want to leave him alone so I went after him and we... We got attacked by... something down there..." You admited the true story, pulling your shirt down a little so she could bandage you. "Oh dearie... I am so sorry...It could have been a wild dog, maybe a wolverine...They sometimes wander down there" she said as she finished your bandaging. "You rest now...You can sleep here. When you wake up I'll make sure you eat and I can even walk you home" she smiled as she walked back to you, her bright, magical, blue eyes flashing in the fire that was warming up the room you were in. "Thank you...thank you miss..." You tried asking for a name. "O-oh where are my me Penny please" she gave you one of her famous smiles

"Thank you, Penny" you smiled back, before laying back on the sofa

1154 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now