Michael Myers x reader (part 2)

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Sounds. A lot of sounds. Creaking of floorboards, heavy steps, and door shutting. That's all you can make out of what's happening right now. Your eyes were glued shut and you couldn't open them as you haven't gained full control over your body yet. Your head was like on a rollercoaster and your ears were ringing loudly. Soon, you felt your body being laid down. You had slowly gained control over your fingers and some parts of your legs. Someone laid you down..on...Wood. it was wood. Maybe a wooden floor? The floor was very cold, and defenetly very dirty. 'Yuck...' you thought to yourself.

You could hear footsteps leaving you,  almost backing up from you. That must have been your kidnaper. You tried with all your might and pushed your eyelids up. They were heavy, it was like waking up in a classroom when you got only three hours of sleep at home. (Rather specific isn't it?) You were facing a wall. It had torn down, dirty and just genuenly ugly looking wallpaper. Porcelain flowers? Who even picks that...before you could coment on the ugly wall some more you felt eyes on your back. The kidnaper was still in the room with you.

You turned on your stomach, supporting yourself with your elbows and rather bravely looking behind yourself. There, near the stairs stood a massive man. You let out a quiet, almost unhearable whimper as you saw who got you. It was the freaky, loud breathing, six foot being, scary man from before. You started shaking uncontrolably, and had reposicioned yourself so you sat, you back towards the wall. Should you say something? No. That would be straight up death penalty. Your eyes were fixated on his white mask, as if in fear that if you look away, you'll die. The time seemed to go slow as you stared at him. It felt like several hours have passed, but in fact it was around five minutes. Your eyes started slowly drifting down his outfit, seeing the dirtied up blue, turning...Red...There was red color on his overalls. As you drifted down more and more you noticed a huge, butcher knife that he was holding. It was covered in blood and little tiny bits...meat? Hair?? Who knows.

As you figured, it must be the "Haddonfield boogeyman" as the news called him. He came to his neighborhood, you bumped into him, acted like he's a casual guy and most likely making him angry as hell by that. You scurried off to the wall and made yourself feel at least a bit more safe, supporting your back on the oh so ugly wall, your eyes still fixated on him. It tugged with you when he finnaly moved. It was a small move, but it defenetly made you loose your calm, you so hardly got back. He turned his head to the side, almost as if he was trying to find something on you...Something off maybe? God don't tell me this guy will want to rape you... You were a strong person but the thoughts of...that... weren't fun. They made you shake and slowly made you tear up a little. If he would want to kill you, he'd do it already. Maybe- Oh fuck. He moved again. This time more movement was included. He did a step to you, straightening his head. "W-what do you want..." You whimpered, a tear of pure terror and fear going down your cheek. He just stared. "...Please...Don't kill me..." You whispered closing your eyes and bowing your head down in plead.

You suddenly felt something warm on top of your head. The warm thing made you look up, succesfuly slaming your head againts the hard wall, earning a grunt of pain from you. It was the man's hand. He made you look at him. Some more tears of fear pushed through your eyes. His masked face was so close to yours, you heard his heavy breathing much clearer. He must have strugled to breathe under something like that. "Please I-" you were cut off by his other hand wrapping firmly around your neck. He was now very succesfuly choking you. His second hand joined soon to the fun. And the man lifted you up with ease. You were now in his eye level which was...pretty damn high.

You tried punching and scratching his bloody hands but it did absolutely no damage to him. He just absorbed anything you'd do. Your vision was now darkening you you felt yourself faint. Soon your body hit the hard, wooden floor. He defenetly wanted to put you out. Not kill you. But put you to sleep. It must be easier to work with a lifeless body instead of a fully woke one. Were you gonna get raped now? Is this it? Help??? You could feel him picking you up and draging you to another room, rather easily. As if you didn't weigh nothing. You fully lost contiousness after that.
*Time skip*
The entire time you were...asleep...You had horrid nightmares about dead animals and sharp stuff. Claws, knifes, needles, teeth. Anything. As you began to wake up and gain control over your body again you noticed you were laid on something much softer. A...a sofa. It was packed in those "movement sheets" or whatever it was. But still much better than a dirty floor. Soon, the sharp, metalicky smell of...blood entered the room. You opened your eyes quickly only to be met with a rather disgusting scene.
What was this man on?? He's defenetly not an animal lover. Peta would be angry to say at least. There was at least five dead crows on the floor and...One of them is on your lap, bloodying your (F/C) hoodie up with the dark red color. You quickly shook it off and it fell lifeless on the ground. You sat up to look at the scene a bit more. What the fuck. "This is fucking twisted..." You said to yourself very quietly, in a raspy tone. Most likely because you just got choked. Speaking of choking, the door of the room swung open to reveal the man again. Shivers were sent down your spine as you saw what he was holding in his bloody hands. Another crow. Where does he get theese damnit.

Mike's pov
'she woke up' I thought to myself. She's pretty feisty and doesn't stay down long. I liked it. A person. A person here. Did I miss it? I could have...She was obviously scared. I...kinda don't get why. I don't want her to. It's just. Blood. Dead animals.
I caught them for her. A..present. Yes. A present. Does she like them? I caught a new one for her. This one has...nice. Feathers. Feathers prettier than others. I made a few steps closer but she moved out if the way, on the other side of the sofa. She. Didn't like them? I tried Being. Nice. For once. I need. A person here.

Normal pov
You didn't like this one bit.

To be continued~
1196 words

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