Pyramid head x male!reader

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(It was specificaly requested that you go ahead and be a male in this story, but you can be a female as well, it doesn't really matter :3)

That damn road, that damn fog, those damn old houses. You remembered everything of it again. It's happening again. Your oh so favorite nightmare/dream/what the fuck is this is happening again. You opened up your eyes and saw the white fog floating above you again. You laid your hands down to push yourself up and you felt the asphalt under them again. It's as always. It started to annoy you at this point. It's been happening every second week for about two months already. Feels like you're going crazy...

You looked around, only seeing about one and a half meter in front of yourself due to the thicc fog. Your phone didn't make the strange staticky sounds yet so that's good...
Always when that happened it was the cue for you to get cold feet and run. It meant there was some kind of monster nearby. Yeah, in theese nightmares there were disgusting monsters walking around trying to find you and...murder you. Usualy in the most displeasing way possible.

You walked around and managed to bump on a sighn that said "Welcome to Silent hill!" So this must've been the towns've heard of the odd things that happen here, but you've never been how is it that ypur brain knows what it looks like? Strange indeed...
Static. Static. Your phone was doing tge static sounds. You began panicking as you looked around, trying to find some kind of creature, just so you could get the hell away from it. As fast as possible. You did see a silulette after a while you began running away from it yet you wrre sure that it eas actively following you. Hunting you down like a rabbit. You yelled out for help but you only recieved more stattic, meaning that you only dragged more monsters nearby.
You soon arrived ro a wall. The wall jad letters on it written in blood that was still dripping. "COME TO ME" the wall's writing yelled. You felt yourself get pushed to the wall by the unknown creature behind you. Your head was slammed into the said object and the monster laid on your back. You could feel tge cold temperature of it's body being on you.
The groans of the creature were muted. As if it had something on its face. A mask perhaps. The creature pushed you to the wall more, wanting you to squirm. Call out.

You woke up. Everything went back to the normal caffee you entered before.  God... such a horrible nightmare...maybe you should find out what's up with silent hill? Sit in your car and just drive there? It wasn't such a long way to go and you just had to stop the nightmares. They'd drive you nuts if you don't. Fine. You got up from the spot you sat at, and went to walk to your car. You thought a lot about the creature that you always saw there. It was always engulfed in the thick fog and so you couldn't see it clearly, but you could promise that it wasn't human. More like a mutant of some kind.
It was around two meters at least, having a very...strange head. And it always held something in its hand. Like a stick or a plank. It's about time you discover why and what's up with theese nightmares. You started up your car, with the thought of Silent Hill.

You rode for a longer time, still thinking about the town. As if it was cancer, taking over your brain, wanting you to give into it and keep it to yourself. You relized that you begam aproaching the town when the fog slowly started to come into place. You almost didn't see the big welcome sighn. You arrived into the nearest parking lot that was in front of the city and began looking at it. You felt uneasy. The town had a deaf vibe to it. As if every building, tree, pavement was just watching your every step without a word. You got out of the car. No sounds. No birds, no cars, no people laughing, crying or yelling. Just. Empty. You stood on place for a while until you decided to push yourself deeper into the fog. You could see the simple square-like silulletes of houses. One of those houses happened to be a gun shop. A gun shop? Right at the gates of the town? Not the shiniest first view...

Non than less you decided to walk in. Maybe you could ask some questions. What kind of questions anyway? Don't know...but it's always worth a try. You opened the door and a bell made a classic ring just above your head. 'Cute' You smiled to yourself as you walked closer to the counter. There were guns but the shop seemed empty. There were cobwebs on the walls and some even in the glass displays of shotguns. There was a silver bell on the counter. You waited a while before you awkwardly pressed the ring. It made a classic "ding!" That was slightly off tune. You got no response.
"Helloo?" The little sound that was happening suddenly dropped. Leaving everything compleetly silent. You could promise that you almost heard your heartbeat. And it was faster than it should be.

A quiet, mushy, gurguly sound came from the backroom. "Hello? Is evetything alright?" You lifted up the heavy plank that was keeping the counter conected and closed. You swiftly walked to the backroom and opened the door. It was not even locked...strange...
What you saw though...was even stranger. There was a...thing laying on the floor. It looked like a big mass of...meat. bloody meat the size of a human. What was somehow even weirder was moving. Like pulse, breathing moving around on little inches, everything! The mere look on it disgusted you, and you were soon disgusted even more when it started making sounds of some kind. It let out some sort of screech. Probably signifying that it had noticed you. It started rapidly standing up, growing in size. Soon, it looked almost human. Exept it had no arms and a longer torso. It's head seemed to be conected with it's shoulders too. It took a heavy step closer to you. You responded with taking a step back. It screeched at you and proceeded to lainch foward. You quickly dodged, landing on the floor. You wasted no time in getting up and running away. You quickly ran to the front and stopped to see if the thing still follows. It was. You looked at one of the handguns and quickly wrapped your arm in the fabric of your coat. You then broke the glass and took the gun. For unknown fan fic reason it was loaded. Fortunate you. You shot several holes into the meat mass untill it fell down to your feet. Only after that you had noticed the fading static sound. It was your this mad shit really wasn't just a nightmare...

1215 words (very rushed, sorry for spelling mistakes!)

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