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"Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!"Jide kept on chanting while trying to loose his tie, he felt so tired and drained in less than five minutes he arrived at his house

"Babe!"he suddenly heard his girlfriend voice and sighed

"Where did you keep your phone?"Jide asked while removing his suit jacket

"I'm so sorry babe, I was busy in the office, so what's up?"his girlfriend asked

"There's something important I have to tell you, can you come home right now"Jide asked

"Can't it wait till later?"

"It can't please, Moreni"Jide said in a frustrated voice

"Okay I will be there in a few, it better worth it"Moreni said

"It will"Jide said ending the call "Yes!"he said doing a victory dance. He dialled another contact immediately

"What's up bro?"the other person said

"Raphael get ready! She will be here soon. I'm going to take my bath now, hope everything is as planned?"Jide asked and Raphael chuckled

"Calm down bro! I will be there soon"Raphael said

"Thank you!"Jide said ending the call. He took his suit and it's jacket running inside his room,he took his clothes off immediately running a shower.

He left the bathroom getting clad on a dark blue pant and a white button up shirt, he sprayed his perfume on his body looking at himself in the mirror.

He suddenly started feeling anxious when he heard a knock on the door. He went over to open it and it was Raphael followed by his immediate family and his girlfriend's parent

"Thank you so much"he greeted them and they all smiled


"What's that?!"Sola Moreni's best friend and co-worker asked

"My guy wants to see me urgently, I don't know why?"Moreni said

"You should get going, don't worry I will cover up for you"Sola said and Moreni gave her a grateful look

"You're such a life saver!"Moreni said and Sola chuckled

"Shoo! Shoo! Go after your man before a woman say hi to him"Sola said laughing

"Trust me! The woman will regret existing"Moreni said and Sola bursted into laughter. Moreni hugged her goodbye before she took her bag walking out of the office.

She took a cab that took her to Jide's apartment, she was trying to rush inside when her thought made her stop.

What if Jide is trying to breakup with me? She thought and shook her head, it doesn't make sense she thought again and went towards the door.

She knocked severally on the door but no one answered and she got scared, what if Jide was in an emergency and that's why he called her,she hates herself at that moment because her what if were getting too much, she knocked on the door again without any response and decided to open it and luckily enough the door wasn't locked which was surprising, Jide never leaves his door unlocked

She entered the sitting room and everywhere was dark, she thought maybe the power connection was down.

"Babe! Jide! Jide!"she called but got no response. She's so use to the house and found her way towards the switch, she wanted to be sure the light was off. She switched the switch and the light came blinding her momentarily. She closed her eyes and slowly open it to meet Jide kneeling on one knee on the floor with a ring on his right hand.

Moreni gasped, tears falling from her eyes rapidly,Jide haven't even given her any glimpse he was going to ask her to marry him anytime soon, she went toward him chuckling.

"Damn! You really pull my legs"Moreni said chuckling and Jide did thesame

"Miss Rotimi Morenikeji Agape will you make me the most happiest man on earth by being my wife?"Jide asked

"Yes! Yes! Yes baby! I will make you the happiest man on earth by being your wife"Moreni shouted happily showing her finger to Jide who slipped the engagement ring inside, standing up and giving her a deep but short kiss. Moreni suddenly heard clapping and to her surprise she saw her parents and Jide's immediate family coming from their hidings

"Oh my God! Daddy! Mummy! You guys are here!"Moreni shouted and went to hug her parents who chuckled patting her back slowly

"Congratulations my dear, you deserve to be happy"Mrs Rotimi said and Moreni nodded blinking the tears away

"I'm proud of you daughter"Mr Rotimi said and Moreni hug her dad once more

"Congratulations my babies"Victoria Jide's mom said hugging the both couple.

"Thank you so much mummy!"Moreni said looking at her beautiful ring

"Moreni!"Juliane called and Moreni turn to look at her, she's Jide's immediate sister "welcome to the family"

"Thank you Juliane, how's your baby?"Moreni asked

"Fine as ever!"Juliane said chuckling

"Sister Moreni!"Boluwatife, Jide's younger sister and their last born called

"Boluwatife! How's studies?"Moreni asked

"Studies is fine"Boluwatife answers and Moreni nodded her eyes landing on Jide. She felt her love for him growing ten times stronger and went over to hug him.

"Thank you so much! You did this in the best way I could ever imagine, thanks for inviting my mom and dad"Moreni said

"Don't!"Jide sealed her mouth with a kiss. "Just cheer to our new life that awaits us"

"I can't wait to live with you"Moreni said and Jide chuckled

"You know you can move in now, I always wanted this"Jide said and Moreni smirked

"Of course you will do, especially in the bed"Moreni said winking at him while Jide bursted into laughter.

He had never felt his life been so perfect, he felt like everything is finally falling into place but unknown to him, it just take a look at an unfamiliar face to distort his perfectly planned life.


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