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The weekend came quickly and Kike was in her room going through her books when she heard a knock on the door

"Kike!" She heard Moreni's voice

"Yes!" She replied dropping her book thesame time the door to her room opened, she saw Moreni coming over. She sat on her bed

"There are some things I want to pick for my wedding,I want you to follow me"Moreni says

" Do I really have to?"Kike whined

" Of course you have to,my big day is coming soon"Moreni said and Kike nodded " I can't wait to finally get married to Jide and make babies you know. My first born looking exactly like Jide and the rest looking like me. Our honey moon too,I know it's going to be fantastic, Jide is that good"Moreni rambled but Kike pretended as if she didn't hear her. Hearing Moreni talk about the life she's going to live with Jide when they get married affects her than she will love to admit. She stood up from her bed and went over to her wardrobe getting dressed.

Moreni left awhile later leaving her to have privacy to herself,Kike stood in front of the standing mirror in front of her room watching her belly,she could see her baby bump slowly developing. She sighed and left the mirror going outside to meet Moreni. To her surprise she met Moreni cuddling Jide talking about what she don't know about,her eyes and Jide's met and she look away immediately trying to hide her jealousy

"Okay Kike,let's get going" Moreni said smiling mischievously,her plan is working as planned. She stood up entering the bathroom to freshen up,as soon as she was out of sight Jide stood up and went closer to Kike holding her hand,Kike redraw her hand immediately

"How are you feeling?" Jide asked

"Good" Kike replied looking elsewhere but Jide

" What's wrong with you?" Jide asked

"Nothing" Kike replied monotonously

" Are you angry?"

" No"

"Are you jealous?"

"No" Kike replied and Jide chuckled

" You know you are very beautiful,I love your eyes and lips. They look so perfect,you have the most amazing smile too"Jide said and Kike look away smiling " more like it,don't you ever get jealous of any woman you see with me cause non got my heart like you"Jide said and Kike look at him and smiled,she nodded when the bathroom door suddenly opened,Jide took a step away from her

"Okay! Let's get going" Moreni said and Kike followed her.

Jide smiled thinking about how Kike smiled when he told her she got his heart,he knows he is seriously whipped and couldn't care less about what everyone thinks. He knows they can't hide Kike's pregnancy forever but when it's time for people to know  about it he is going to stay beside her and support her all through,he wouldn't let anyone bully her about it not even Moreni.

His phone suddenly started ringing and he took his phone,he met his aunt calling him and sighed picking the call

"My dear,how are you?"

"I'm fine mummy,how are you too?" Jide asked

"I'm good, I'm good" His aunt replied "So Ryan did you think about it?"

"Mom! Give me time"Jide whined

" It's a week already and also you haven't send me the pictures of the girl carrying my grand baby"

" I will do that later,mom give me this month. Even if I say yes to this,I have a lot to sort out first"Jide replied

" Okay then,we will talk later. Take care of yourself sweetheart. You know I love you"

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