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"Arghhhhhhh"Timothy grunt mixed up with a moan,he explodes inside Moreni and fell on top of the bed while Moreni tried controlling her breathe. She turn taking her purse and brought a pill out,she swallowed it with a water on top of the cupboard beside the bed.

Timothy smiled at her and drew her closer kissing her.

"Stop!"Moreni said frowning her face

"What is it? Don't you like it? Should we go on another round?"Timothy asked and Moreni had enough of it sitting up immediately

"Timothy I'm tired of all this! I'm getting married soon and I have a fiancé I shouldn't be cheating on!"Moreni said rubbing her hand on her face

"He will never find out"Timothy said cupping her breasts thesame time pinching her nipples

"My conscience is not okay with all of this. Can you just give this a break? Huh?"Moreni asked her eyes getting glassy. Timothy watched her warily getting another hard on. Moreni's body is the perfect doze he needs,an addiction he can't seem to get over anytime soon

"I will think about it"Timothy forced out and pushed her on the bed climbing on top of her

"I'm not in the mood anymore"Moreni said frowning while Timothy chuckled quietly before bending down to kiss her clit. Moreni's body jerked in response

"Are you still not in the mood?"Timothy asked having a smug look on his face

"Be done with it already!"Moreni said rolling her eyes. Timothy chuckled before bending down to kiss her belly button.


Kike look so tired on arriving from school,she lazily slump on one of the chairs too lazy to stand up, she closed her eyes falling asleep immediately.

Jide came down from his car going through his phone,he went to open the door and surprisingly it wasn't locked,he shrugged and went inside to meet Kike sprawled on one of the sofas sleeping. It looks obvious she is tired on her sleep,he knew Moreni wasn't around if not she would have woke her up to sleep on her room. She hates it when anyone sleeps on the sofa.

He went closer to her watching the bad sleeping position she was in,he helped her to lay down comfortably and thought about her going to be hungry when she wakes up. He went to the kitchen to boil water while he went back to his room to have a quick shower. He changed into a khaki short on a white t-shirt. He went back to the kitchen to meet the water boiling and per boiled rice.


An hour later Kike stirred on her sleep waking up immediately,she can't believe she fell asleep immediately after entering the house. She could perceive an aroma of food and thought about her sister been back from work. She went to the kitchen only to meet Jide wearing an apron and turning a pot full of rice like a pro. Jide noticed her presence and turned to see her giving her his one dollar smile. Kike smiled awkwardly and went further into the kitchen.

"Good evening"she greeted

"Evening! Sit down let me serve you some food,I'm sure you're hungry"Jide said with a smile and Kike sat down immediately obviously hungry

"You should have woke me up to do it"Kike said and Jide chuckled

"You shouldn't bother,I love cooking actually and when I entered the house, you look so tired in your sleep that I will be forever tormented if I wake you up"Jide said and Kike chuckled loudly

"But still...."Kike started but Jide cut her off

"You rather say thank you"Jide said and Kike nodded

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