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Moreni had never been so confused in her life like the way she is at the moment,she wasn't able to get Kike to talk to her the previous night about what happened between her and Jide. Jide didn't return home too and she have to leave the house heading to work in her confused state.

"... Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Stella asked

"I'm sorry,my mind is just preoccupied"Moreni replied

" What happened? What are you thinking about?"Stella asked

" Well... Something happened yesterday, I came back home yesterday to meet Kike crying and Jide angry,I asked Kike what happened but she haven't been able to say a word to me and Jide left the house,he didn't return back so I wasn't able to ask him what's going on"Moreni says

" Are they close?"Stella asked

" Not that I know of,I was shocked when I saw them interacting that way. I wasn't expecting something out of normal greeting between the two of them,I'm trying to think about what might be wrong but I can't,I can't even form a single thing"Moreni says

" You should wait,Jide will probably come back home today"Stella says

" Yes you're right"Moreni says.


"Are you not going back home?" Raphael asked and Jide turn to see Raphael

" No"Jide replied and heard Raphael sigh before coming closer to him

"you know you can't blame that girl for thinking about aborting the baby without your consent"

" My child? Raphael my child! She's so cruel!" Jide said and Raphael rubbed his temples

"What if it was you in that her position, think about it Jide. You're getting married to her sister and people finding out she's pregnant for you, how will that sound? I can't blame her and you shouldn't, you shouldn't have slept with her in the first place"Raphael said

" I love her"Jide protests

" Love is not enough! You should know that from day one and you also know she's someone you can't have, if you didn't sleep with her you would have saved us from all this drama"Raphael said and Jide snorted

" Are you blaming me for things we can't change instead of looking for solution?"Jide asked

" That makes me curious, how do you plan? How do you plan on solving this?"Raphael asked

" I don't know yet but I do know she's not aborting my baby no matter what" Jide replied

" You should think about the mother too, she's just in hundred level I think and she still have a lot before her"Raphael said

"Damn it! I'm confused I don't even know what to say or do" Jide said and Raphael went closer giving him a pat on the shoulder

"You know no matter what I'm always here with you" Raphael said and Jide gave him a grateful smile. They suddenly heard a knock on the door "come in!" Raphael says

"Sorry for disturbing you, breakfast is ready" Rose said and Raphael smiled

" Thanks babe, we will be out soon"Raphael replied

"Okay" Rose replied before leaving the room

"We should go and have breakfast, I got work to go to too"Raphael said and Jide nodded standing up. He followed Raphael out of the room.


Kike had cried herself to sleep, she had never been so scared in her life like the way she is since yesterday, her sister had let her be when she couldn't talk and now she knows she must demand an answer when she comes back. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and decided to get herself water, she's tasty and her throat is dry from all the crying she did. She left her room and her steps halted when she saw Jide coming. Jide look up to see her and ignored her going inside his room, she tried controlling her tears entering the kitchen to fetch herself the water she wanted. She was drinking water when Jide entered the kitchen too

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