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Moreni was sitting in the sitting room busy laughing at the call she was making, for the past two weeks she have been wearing this smile that never cease to leave her face, of course her dream is about to come true and finally she will have Jide to herself permanently

"Babe! You have to come and see the things I already bought. Jide is really ready to loose a lot of money"Moreni said to the other person in phone

Moreni halted when she saw the main door opening,she saw Kike coming back from school looking tired. She ended her call immediately

"You look tired. I was thinking if you can follow me to get some things"Moreni said

"I'm tired. I don't think I can go out, I just want to rest"Kike replied and Moreni nodded in understanding standing up taking her bag along

"I don't know when I will be back. There's a delivery man coming to drop some shoes, keep the shoes for me"Moreni said

"Okay big sister"Kike replied before Moreni walk out of the house.

Kike sighed sitting on the sofa, watching the movie her sister was watching before she left. Slowly sleep took her and she slept in the sofa


A knock jolted Kike back to reality. She stood up yawning and stretching her body before she went to get the door, she met the delivery man like her sister said. She collected the shoes and sign before going back inside. She gently kept them in her sister's room, she decided to have a bath first before she go back to sleep. She took of her clothes wearing a robe.

She was about stepping inside the bathroom when she heard the main door open, she thought about who was there and rushed out to check and to also locked the door properly before having her bath.

To her surprise she met Jide entering the house, Kike almost drool after seeing him on a jogger and grey shirt. She didn't see him in the morning and didn't know what he was wearing. She suddenly get herself together when Jide cracked his throat

"Where's Moreni?"Jide asked

"She went out"Kike replied. Jide nodded and tried to walk away.

Kike blocked his path ready to get him talking, she's not giving up without a fight

"What are you doing."Jide asked

"We need to talk"Kike said

"We are already talking"Jide deadpanned

"Why are you treating me like this?"Kike said heaving rapidly

"I'm just following what you want. I don't see any problem in that"Jide said

"Oh okay I'm sorry. I don't like the silent treatment at all"Kike said, Jide open his mouth to talk but his words died down when he saw one of Kike's breast is out of the robe. Kike traced his eye sight and saw what he was looking at, instead of her to cover herself up. She didn't budge

"I'm sorry for leading you on or whatever, after what you said that day. I realise what we are doing is wrong and we both know we can't end up together"Jide said trying to adjust her robe to cover her breast, but Kike placed his hand on her naked breast. He drew Jide closer kissing him

Jide didn't waste time kissing her back, he pushed her to wall wrapping her legs around his waist. Jide kissed her with so much energy. He slowly removed her robe gently dropping it on the floor. He suck on her neck with Kike busy moaning, he kissed her tit playing with them with one of his hand inside her hole playing with her. Kike helped Jide to remove his shirt, playing with his chest, kissing him both nipples. Jide tried stiffening a moan but it came out like he was groaning.

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