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    Kike look tired coming back from school, she quietly drag herself opening the door to the house,she met Jide holding his laptop and greeted him

"Good evening"she greeted dully and Jide noticed, he dropped his laptop on the centre table

"What's wrong with you?"Jide asked

"I'm fine"she replied "where's my sister?"

"Tell me..."Jide was cut short by the opening of the door,Moreni and Monica went inside. Jide smiled going closer to them,Kike took that as her escape and went inside her room

"Jide!"Monica called and Jide smiled

"Moni! How are you?"Jide said and went over to hug him. Moreni excused herself going inside the kitchen to prepare dinner

"I'm fine"Monica replied smiling obviously happy to see her cousin

"I'm so happy you could make it, you're still going back to Abuja tomorrow?"Jide asked 

"Yes, I needed to see you first"Monica said smiling "let me join our wife in the kitchen"Monica said standing up

"You shouldn't bother"Jide said but Monica waved him off going to the kitchen

Jide stood up immediately heading to Kike's room,he wasn't comfortable the way he saw her few minutes ago. He met Kike on the corridor coming out of her room, it looks obvious she just had her shower wearing a pyjamas short and shirt

"Kike"Jide said holding her hand, Kike's mind fled because she knew her sister is around

"Stop holding me when my sister is around what if she sees us!"Kike whisper yelled making Jide to chuckle

"She's in the kitchen with my cousin,now tell me what's wrong with you?"Jide asked but Kike rolled her eyes trying to walk away but Jide was stronger than her holding her down

"Leave me!"Kike whisper yelled

"We are best friends remember,and best friends get worried about eachother,so please tell me what's wrong with you"Jide said and a tear escaped her eyes,Jide wiped it off

"I did something I never did before, I .. I... I kind of insulted my course mate, she said I'm being judgemental and she's not wrong. I shouldn't have done that"Kike said hiccuping,Jide smiled at her innocence. Kike is unconsciously winning his heart over and over again

"It's okay. You will just try and apologize to her"Jide cooed

"What if she doesn't listen?"Kike asked looking at him

"She will, if she doesn't be persistent"Jide said with a dramatic pose making Kike to chuckle "Much better"Jide said wiping away her tears. He lean over kissing her and Kike wasted no time opening her mouth kissing him back.

Fifty seconds later Kike realised what she's doing,she had never kissed Jide that way before. She went stiff immediately,Jide noticed and stopped the kiss.

"I'm sorry"he said and peck her lips before taking a step back. Kike just watched him warily and smiled

"I wished we met in a different circumstances and you not being my sister's fiancé"Kike muttered

"What?"Jide asked

"Nothing"Kike replied walking away. Jide smiled sadly,he heard what Kike said but decided to pretend before being engulf with guilt.

"Uhmm! Jide"Jide turn seeing Monica, he smiled immediately "the rest room please"

"Oh come"Jide said leading her to the guest rest room.

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