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Moreni felt so determined to talk with Timothy, she left her working place immediately she closed heading over to the new apartment Timothy recently rented. She sighed when she stopped at the new apartment, hopefully everything goes as planned

She gently knocked on the door and head a faint come in,she pushed the door open and met it wasn't locked giving her the access she needs, she went inside the sitting room to meet Timothy clad only on a boxer and a remote controller on his right hand watching football match

"Good evening"she greeted. Timothy turned to look at her and smiled

"I'm sure you haven't eaten,I prepared something down for you"Timothy said his focus on the television. Moreni rolled her eyes and dropped her bag heading over to the kitchen,she met that Timothy had prepared her jollof rice with fried chicken and she's so hungry. Her devastating mood have left her not to take anything since the morning time.

She fetched enough for herself and went through his fridge to take an orange juice before heading back to the sitting room,she sat down and ate quietly while Timothy's focus was still on the football match he was watching.

Moreni rounded up her food thesame time the match came to an end,she took her plates to the kitchen and a started washing it,Timothy joined her in the kitchen watching her wash the plates

"I told you I need to talk to you"Moreni said turning over and also breaking the silence.

"Yeah I remembered"Timothy replied placing his head on the wall

"We need to stop this, I'm serious Timothy. You have to stop blackmailing me to sleep with you,I want to set my relationship right and get married to the person I truly love"Moreni said and Timothy chuckled dryly

"Can you at least be kind with your words?"Timothy asked with no humour

"I can't! Cause you're choking me. I'm getting tired and weaker every day,this is not the life I want to live!"Moreni shouted making Timothy to watch her warily before chuckling

"As if you're not thesame person that ruined my life!"Timothy retorted

"Will you ever grow pass this? Haven't you destroy me enough?!"Moreni shouted and Timothy walked out of the kitchen,Moreni dropped the plate she's holding following him "you don't walk away from me!"she shouted

"I just did"Timothy said chuckling

"I'm not joking"Moreni stated matter of fact.

"Can't we go back to the time you look at me with love. Before he came?"Timothy asked and Moreni sighed

"We are way over this"Moreni said and Timothy's jaw clenched

"We are not!"Timothy said and Moreni shakes her head taking her bag

"I don't care about how your feel or what you do anymore,I'm going back home and setting everything right" Moreni said trying to walk away but Timothy stopped her

"I'm sorry,okay?"Timothy said and Moreni sighed

"I should go"Moreni said this time her voice calm

"No,you can't go like this"Timothy said and Moreni look up to see him "You can go ahead and fix your relationship with him but at least give me this night. I want to feel alive with you again"

"Are you serious?!"Moreni asked and Timothy nodded. Moreni smiled and Timothy leaned over kissing her,he wrapped his hands around her neck drawing her closer,Moreni opened her mouth kissing him back with much energy, melting in his arms.


Kike shifted on the bed trying to adjust her sleeping position when she suddenly felt a muscular arms around her,her eyes opened immediately and she look around to see herself in an unfamiliar room,she turn to see Jide sleeping peacefully with his hands around her. She tried removing his hand but he didn't budged.

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