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   MORENI slowly open her eyes as she gain consciousness,she look around and saw herself in an unfamiliar place,she tried moving but her body was restricted,she look down to see her body tied down with a rope,she feels pain all over her body and her throat is dry and itchy. She tried talking but she was too weak to. Suddenly she heard someone's steps getting closer

She look up immediately to see Timothy coming over, she wasn't surprised at all because she knows there's no one who can pull out this beside him, he is obsessed with her and that itself is sickening

"My love" Timothy said and Moreni shot him a deadly look " I'm sorry for tying you down. You might escape and that will be very terrible"

" What's wrong with you Timothy?! Why can't you just let me be, you have already made me cheat on someone I love, you blackmail me into sleeping with you on different occasions, why can't you just give up and acknowledge the fact that I will never choose you. I don't want to be with you?! "Moreni shouted

" Shut up! Shut up! You fucking shut that trash up!" Timothy shouted dangerously frightening Moreni, Moreni kept quiet immediately whimpering a little

"Anyways we are living the country together. I gain promotion at my working place and I'm leaving Nigeria to South Africa, I told my manager I have a partner and all necessities have been put into place, we are leaving in four days time"Timothy said sitting on a chair close to him

" I don't understand" Moreni said

"You are not deaf, you perfectly heard what I said"Timothy replied

" And who told you I'm going anywhere with you?! I'm not leaving Nigeria with you. I don't care what you do but I'm not stepping out of this country with you"Moreni spat and Timothy bursted into laughter

" That's very funny, let's see what you're going to do"Timothy said in a deadly tone

" Let me see how you think I'm going to leave this country with you"Moreni retorted. Timothy turn immediately to see her, he gave her a warning glare

"If I don't have you, no one will have you Agape. Don't test my patience"Timothy warned honestly. Moreni's mouth shut up immediately her hear beating erratically, she can't believe what Timothy just said

"The boys will bring you food, I'm going to the mall, I will get you soap and sponge to use to bath. Be a good girl, you don't want them messing up with you"Timothy said before leaving the room. Moreni was too scared to talk and all she can do is stare at his retreating figure


Raphael had shouted the doctor's name as Rose fainted. He was so scared and the doctor had assured him nothing is wrong with her. Few minutes later,Rose woke up to see Raphael at her side

"I had a bad dream" she rumbled. "I have a dream you telling me Nnenna is dead, funny right?"Rose asked and Raphael's chest clenched,he take a hold of Rose hands kissing the both hands

"Tell me I'm dreaming please. I'm so scared" Rose said her eyes watering

" I'm sorry Rose"that's all Raphael could muster up to say. Rose understand immediately that she wasn't dreaming and bursted into tears. She fell on the floor crying her eyes out. Raphael knelt down beside her immediately

"This shouldn't have happened Raphael, Nnenna is a good girl she doesn't deserve this. She's just eighteen and have the right to have a good life. She's been battling for her life since she was born, she doesn't deserve this. All my efforts went futile"Rose said and Raphael held her close. She wrapped her hands around Raphael and continue crying


Almost an hour later when Rose couldn't cry anymore, Raphael informed her that Nnenna's body is in the mortuary and Kike is with the twins in his house. Rose had demanded to see Nnenna's body immediately, Raphael followed her to the mortuary.

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