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Jide came down from the plane and look around,he was suddenly hit by nostalgia. He kinda missed the country,he chuckled at the thought and started heading out of the airport. He spot his aunt immediately who was waving at him,his smile grew wider and he increase his steps. He hugged her immediately he get closer to her

"Mom!" He said,he couldn't contain his excitement

"My baby! I have missed you so much. It's so great having you back" his aunt said and he nodded,he carried his loads putting them in the car booth,he entered the car with his aunt who ride him to the house he grew up in. On the ride he took his phone and went through Kike's photos he have on his phone and smiled,he hopes to see her again and maybe this time around she will accept him.


Several Months later

"I do" Rose said and everybody clapped

"You may kiss the bride" the pastor said and everyone started shouting and clapping for them,Rose was busy laughing while Raphael suddenly got all shy,Rose pull Raphael closer and kissed him, Raphael kissed her back. Everybody clapped for them

"That's so funny!" Lola who is a cousin sister to Jide and Raphael said,she lives in Abuja too and Kike got to know her,she's kind too and they hit it off immediately

"You can say that again" Monica said chuckling

"It's not funnier than your wedding,when you suddenly went into labour after saying I do"Julliane, Jide's younger sister said and Kike smiled. She haven't been feeling okay when she found out Julliane is Jide's younger sister, whenever she hears Jide's name she went all moody

"Big sisters!" They suddenly heard a voice and all turn to see who's that

" Boluwatife!"Monica said and hug her

"Yeye girl" Julliane said and they all laughed

"She's Jide's younger sister too. The last born" Lola said and Kike nodded feeling all hot. She stood up immediately

" I will be back"she said and left them,she suddenly feel someone grabs her hand

"Kike! Where to?" Rose asked

"I need to use the washroom"Kike said faking a smile. She left Rose increasing her steps,she didn't want to breakdown in front of anyone. She entered the washroom and sat on the floor silently crying,she misses Jide so much that it feels as if she's loosing her mind each passing day,she started hallucinating too and she doesn't like it at all.

"Go away!" She suddenly heard a voice and went all quiet without talking

"Akin!" She heard a small whinny voice,which she recognised immediately. That's Elizabeth's voice, Lola's baby girl

"I told you to go away" this time around she heard the boyish voice very well who she immediately recognized it's Daniel's voice. Monica's son

"You have been avoiding me" Elizabeth said and started crying

" You're clingy!"Daniel said

" I'm not,I only told you I like you. We are suppose to be friends and play together"Elizabeth said

" I don't want to play with you Eliza,go play with your twin brother" Daniel said and Elizabeth's cry got louder

"I hate you!" Elizabeth shouted

"What?" Daniel asked sounding shocked

"I hate you! You don't want to play with me" Elizabeth said and Kike heard Daniel sigh

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