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Kike smiled when she saw Rose coming over to meet her, they are about going for their first class this second semester

"Preggy look good on you,see the way you're getting fat quickly" Rose joked and Kike gave her the 'are you kidding me' look

" You shouldn't joke with something like that. This pregnancy just want to put me inside trouble,I only had sex twice in my life"Kike said and Rose held her hand

" Stop talking as if God have forsaken you, you don't know if this is the only child God have decided to bless you with"Rose said and Kike chuckled dryly

" You're talking as if I'm going to give birth to the baby" Kike replied

"What do you mean? Did Jide gave his consent?"Rose asked

" He said I should give him a week to think about a solution,either he brings a solution or not I can't keep this pregnancy"Kike said and Rose sighed. Rose wanted to talk but decided to let it be. They walk to their first class sitting down together.


"Yes mummy" Jide said after picking his ringing phone. His mom was calling him

"I need to see you,I talked to the event planner about some things and I don't understand what she's saying"Aunt Victoria said and Jide sighed. He knew there's no wedding happening anymore

"Just let the event planner be,I will come over right now. I'm about heading out of work"Jide says

" Okay then. I talked to your aunt today,the one that trained you in England. She's blabling about you coming over,she said she find a very nice work for you"Aunt Victoria said

" I met her missed calls,I will call her later"Jide said and ended the call. He thought about his aunt offer,she have been disturbing him for awhile to come back to England. The place he grew up and had his childhood but he is having a mixed feeling about that and now a child on its way too. He's not even sure on what to do.

He left his company and took his car heading over to his mom's place,there was a huge traffic and he had to wait. He saw a pregnant woman and her husband holding their other baby walking and talking together,he imagine himself and Kike in that position and smiled. He really wants to her to give birth to the baby and he wondered who the baby might look like,he had never felt so much joy for a long while. He knew the baby is all he wants to give him a complete life


"Jide listen to me!" His aunt in England shouted over the laptop. They are busy skyping

"Seriously mom! I can't just leave Nigeria and come back to England, I have a life here now"Jide says obviously tired of explaining himself for over thousands time already

"You deceived me Ryan! You said you were just coming to Nigeria to serve the damn country and come back to England!"his aunt shouted. His aunt named him Ryan and that's the name he goes by in England

"Oh come on mom! I met my mother and she wanted me to stay" Jide says

"I trained you Ryan,I took you right from when you were child. Please come back to mummy,I'm missing you here. It's over seven years you left England,I can't do this anymore without you"his aunt said giving him a puppy eyes

" I heard you,I will think about it but no promises"Jide said

" Your mom told me you're getting married,I don't know why you felt I shouldn't know about it. You're just twenty nine why the rush?"His aunt asked

" Don't mind mummy,I'm not getting married anymore. I got a girl pregnant and I want the girl and the baby"Jide says

" You got a girl pregnant! I feel like a proud mama right now,I was scared you will turn gay. Never saw you with a lady in England"his aunt said and Jide laughed

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