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            "Kike!"Kike heard her name and rolled her eyes standing up from her bed at thesame time dropping her phone on that bed, she went over to the main door to open it and met it was her parents

"How was the trip to Lagos?"she asked with her throat soar. She's so angry at her parents for not taking her along, at least she's suppose to be there to witness a man kneeling down asking her sister out in marriage as the only siblings but her parents ditched her even after begging and crying her eyes out

"It went as planned"Mrs Rotimi replied and Kike nodded taking the bags her parents were holding

"Your sister and her fiance will be coming down home next week,you will get to meet them"her dad said and she rolled her, at least she only had the guts to do so because she was backing them

"Ok sir"she replied taking the bags inside her parents room. She hissed angrily after entering the room, seeing her sister and her fiancé wasn't her problem, all she wanted was to experience how her sister got to say yes to the man of her dream

"Yen! Yen yen yen! If he is coming what's my business"she said in a low voice inside her parents room, she dropped the bags and went back to the sitting room to meet her parents relaxing

"Uhmm! Mom what should I bring. I mean food"Kike asked

"Don't worry, we are not hungry yet"her mother said waving it off. She smiled happily almost running back to her room to continue the Korean movie she was watching, she's obsessed with Korean dramas and their male celebrities

"Ehen! Kike!"she heard her mom called and halted "take this money and go to the market, buy the ingredients we will be needing to prepare vegetable soup. That's what your dad wants to eat tonight"

"Yes mummy"she replied taking the money from her mom,she went back inside and took her phone before walking to the market

Rotimi Kikelomo Mary is the second child and the last child of Mr and Mrs Rotimi. She's a brown skinned slim girl, she's 5'5 and twenty years old. Been at home for the past four years after graduating from high school haven't been easy for her, she always wanted to be a nurse and her dream school is university of Lagos but she haven't been so lucky to gain admission to the school for past four years.

"Kike!"she heard her name and turned to see a girl in thesame street as hers waving at her

"Didi! What's up?"she asked

"I'm fine, did you hear unilag have started offering their candidate admission? I wanted to tell you so that you can go and check for yourself, I'm heading to the cafe to check mine right now"Didi said

"Thank you so much Didi, I appreciate"Kike said and Didi waved it off as of its nothing, Didi is only seventeen years old.

Kike sighed and took her phone from the jeans pocket she's wearing, she went through her contact list dialling a contact immediately

"Stick!"she heard her best friend said immediately he picked the call

"Sumonu!"Kike said chuckling "I have warned you severally to stop calling me stick, at least I'm not as skinny as I use to be in secondary school. I have got fats in the right places Favour" Kike said and Favour bursted into laughter

"I still prefer calling you stick, it's not like you're thick"Favour said

"But I am not that slim, I'm just normal"Kike said and Favour snorted

"Whatever makes you sleep at night"Favour said

"Favour!"Kike warned

"I'm sorry princess"Favour apologize

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