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Kike wipe her tears with the back of her hand as she entered the bus taking her back to Lagos,she wondered how he life have turn upside down. She tried controlling her tears and place her head on top of her legs, she tried muffling the sound of her cries and slowly sleep took her.

Kike woke up to find herself back in Lagos,she stepped down from the bus and took her bags looking for cab. She successfully arrived back at the familiar house she lives in. She tried opening the door but it was locked,she checked the keys she have with her and opened the door entering inside the house. She went straight to her room and laid on the bed crying her eyes out. She felt fatigue all over and before she knew it sleep took her.

Kike woke up to the aroma of food,she stood up from the bed and head to the kitchen, surprisedly she met Jide in the kitchen preparing spaghetti,she wondered when he came back to the house.

"When did you came back?" Kike asked

"An hour ago,I met you sleeping and guessed you must be hungry when you wake up and decided to prepare dinner"Jide answered

" Dinner?!"Kike asked looking very surprised " I can't believe I slept throughout the day"

"You must be very tired"Jide said and focus back on the pot of spaghetti,he turn the spaghetti and switched off the gas cooker. He took two plates and served the spaghetti in the two plates offering Kike one of it

"Thank you" Kike said and started eating her dinner quietly

" I was surprised to see you at the house,what happened? I wasn't expecting you today"Jide said and Kike swallowed the spaghetti in her mouth before she started talking

"My dad didn't want to see me" she said and sniffed

"I'm sorry"Jide said his shoulders slumping

" It's fine,I will survive" Kike said and continue eating her spaghetti

" What do you plan on doing now? This can't go on like this" Jide asked

" I will visit my sister tomorrow then I don't know,I want to go somewhere far away from everyone"Kike replied and Jide dropped his fork turning to look at Kike

"I don't understand" Jide said and Kike chuckled silently

"I'm leaving Lagos Jide,I don't know how or where I'm going to stay but I can't stay here any longer"Kike said and Jide was short of words momentarily

" What about your school? You just can't leave Lagos"Jide said and Kike sniffed trying to fight back the tears threatening from her eyes

"I don't care about that,I'm leaving this place and all the memories behind"Kike said and Jide grabs Kike's hand immediately

" What about me? What about us?!" Jide asked his eyes stinging with tears

"There was never an us Jide,what ever happened is a mistake,a mistake that cause a lot of troubles,a mistake that end my sister in prison,that made my father to disown us and make me loose interest on schooling here"Kike said and Jide kneel on the floor holding Kike's hand

"Don't leave me please,I'm ready to stay with you. I'm ready to go through all this for you,I love you so much Kike please don't let me go"Jide said and Kike look elsewhere but Jide cried silently

" I can't Jide! The guilt is too much for me,I can't stay with you while my sister is in prison. I can't do that"Kike said and sniff " we have to end this now" Kike said and Jide slumped on the floor. He have never felt his heart so heartbroken like it is now

"I was planning on making it right with you"Jide said and Kike stood up kneeling beside him

" You can never make it right with me" Kike says

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